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Paranormal experiences thread

I am NOT reading the past post right now (probably when day comes) cause it's already dark out there and I scare I can't sleep xD But I want to add one interesting story my mom told us when she back from her korea trip! Probably spooky too.

5 years ago, my mom went to Korea trip and she came back told us that most of Korea hotel is haunted! Although she didn't experience it herself it does happen to other tourists joining the same tour. Some of them heard the tap water running down, then went in the toilet and close it, and have it running down again until the husband have no patient and start cursing to make it stop. One room with only the mother and daughter witness white shadow floating around above their bed. While in my mom's hotel room, she said the whole day is tired so she slept well that night, only to found out the next day her hair was messed up, never happen before and this is awkwardly first time lol.

And recently, she went to Korea trip again with my dad, cause she said the first one is terrible horrible and not even fun so she would want to go again with the luxury tour package. Then she came back again with another story! This time is whole lots of different and a lot more spookier. Before she go to Korea, my mom called up the tour guide and remind her again and again that my mom doesn't want the "last room" in the hotel. Usually we don't like the first and last room because most of it........well haunted. And usually for the first night, they were tired and can sleep better but instead that first night, my mom said she can't sleep well at all. About 10-11pm, she heard someone knocking the door loud and even trying to open the door knob! It is so loud and my mom is a light sleeper so she shout and ask who was it? And walked all the way to the door and peek through the door hole.

To her horror, she said a lady, side face, look normal, pass by and enter the room beside (not opening door just walk through). At that time my mom wasn't suspecting alot thinking someone might be mistaken about it, adding she doesn't even know actually they were sleeping in the last room, there is no room at all next door. She then went back to bed and turn on the tv. My mom always get sleepy when the tv turn on lol so she end up turning it off and try sleeping again, but she can't. She said she heard a lot of noise on the right side of my dad. Usually hotel bed is in the middle and there is this walk way on the side. The next day, my mom looked and realized there is no room after theirs but is a door lead to the stair and another room behind but the room number is irrelevant. She complained to the tour guide for giving her the last room and also some tourist in the same group teach her the way to "cleanse" the room and she did it. The later two days stay in the hotel nothing odd happen again. She also told us that is the same hotel she lived in 5 years ago and is haunted. She now warned my cousin not to rent that particular hotel when travel to Korea.

My English might be off hopefully my story still understandable ><
You are not reading aren't you
Well, I have a few. Here's one when I was I believe 8 or 9 i would stay up till 3 am just to be able to watch anime on adult swim.I know, I know, an 8 year old watching adult swim, eh my parents didn't really care/ couldn't understand English and must have just figured all animated series are cartoons for kids.

So its pitch dark the only thing on in the entire mobile home is the TV and its 3am its in the middle of a commercial when I hear the door nob of my front door start to jiggle rapidly (it was a really noisy and loud door knob) I quickly snapped my head back and could clearly see the door knob moving. It must have lasted only like 10 or 20 seconds and just suddenly stopped, but i was frozen i couldn't believe i had just seen that...Needless to say I noped the heck out of the living room and back to my bedroom.

I've thought about it a lot since then, I should have been able to hear someone climbing up those stairs the stairs to get to the front door were really rickety and always made noise when someone climbed up them you could hear it even if the TV was on.Not to mention who the heck wiggles someones door knob at 3am for like 10 seconds and then just stops...Also if it was a person trying to break in they would have seen the light from the side window the window is right next to the stairs you climb up to get to the front door so you cant miss it.That would have surely let them know someone was inside.
I haven't had anything too weird happen. The only thing that happened to me was in my old house. I used to see these tall, shadowy figures moving through the hall and sometimes standing on the far side of the master bedroom, but I always just told myself it was my imagination. Then one time after we moved I mentioned it to my mom and she said she used to see the exact same thing. Oh, I'm also pretty sure I saw the ghost of my cat. He got hit by a car so we buried him behind the house, and afterward while I still lived in that house I'd swear I'd see my cat when she wasn't there, or I'd think my cat was in my room only to hear her scratching at my door to be let in a little while later (and I always kept my door shut). Sometimes while I was sleeping I'd also feel my cat jump up on my bed, but when I'd look she wouldn't be there. Neither one of those things has ever happened in my current house.

My dad's girlfriend, however, has told us lots of stories. My dad never used to believe in stuff like that until he moved in with her either. Once my dad's girlfriend saw an old lady standing in the hallway only to find out that an old lady died in that house. My dad has also heard children laughing and running around in the middle of the night when there were no children in the house and all the TVs were off. Once he woke up in the middle of the night because he heard a glass fall over and water trickling next to his head, but when he turned the light on nothing was there. There was also a time where he and his girlfriend were standing in the kitchen, and suddenly the phone fell onto the floor from the middle of the table (they were the only ones home, too). The scariest thing though was when she was with her ex boyfriend or husband or whatever about 20-25 years ago. He'd frequently have dreams where these hooded figures would try to kill him. Then one time my dad's girlfriend took a picture of her oldest daughter in front of a TV that was turned off, but when they developed the picture you could clearly see three hooded figures reflected in it, which were apparently the same ones the guy had dreams about. I don't even like being near that picture let alone thinking about it, but they all carry it around with them and sleep next to it and stuff.
My Mom's:

One time, before the huge earthquake here. My mom and her family was supposed to check in a 5-star hotel which collapsed during the said earthquake. The hotel did not have enough rooms so they had to split, some will stay in the hotel and the others will stay in another hotel. My mom went to the other hotel. They know that they are one of the few who are checked in. At night, my mom could hear constant footsteps at the stairs and basketball dribbling in the court. She could also hear people's voices. The next day, they checked the back of the hotel and saw a cemetery.


I'm a really big Apple fan and would wake up early every time they would launch a product despite having school the next day. Once, it was the launch of the iPhone 5 I believe, I did what I usually do, wake up early and look at the live blogging. When I was going back to sleep later on, I felt something heavy sitting on me. I thought it was just my brother, and suddenly thought, why would my brother sit on me this early in the morning and he was on his bed sleeping. So I just prayed and fell asleep. And the next day, I woke up like I normally do everyday.

Personally as a Christian, we do not believe that what we see/experience are the souls of the dead, but we believe that what we see/experience are evil spirits trying to scare us and shake our faith.
Wow I really love reading all these paranormal events. My friend has quite a few experiences herself too bad she isn't on the thread and I don't want to try sharing one incase I mix up something important. I don't have any experiences myself and the closest thing I can think of is on my birthday I was having a party and my mum came around to my window with a Halloween mask on. No one noticed for a while and when I turned I saw her there and banged on the window (to tell her to go away, I recognised the mask so it didn't really work) but one of my friends fell off my bed from the jump scare haha. Not sure about the rest of their reactions I think they just jumped slightly :p If I remember I'll ask my friend to type out one of her experiences and possibly copy and paste in on here~
So last summer, I was at my best friend's birthday party (she lives near my own house and we are close to a cemetery)(we were 4 girls) and I don't know why but we started talking about ghosts, spirits and stuff. And there was one girl who really believe into spirits things and she is really scared about them. My best friend said that she had heard from her parents that in their house, there were very old spirits. And then, another girl said that since my bf lived near a cemetery, there was a high probability that there were a lot of them. Then we decided that it was time to eat so we put the pizza in the oven and put an alarm to know when we have to put it out. So we continued talking about spirits in the meantime and SUDDENLY. "DRIIING DRIIIING DRING". We all started to scream and when one stopped, another one started again so the others too.

Then, we realized it was the alarm for the pizza.

(very scary, huh? xD)
i felt the same hand on my chest last night as i was falling asleep last night, as i did about a month ago. I didn't freak out this time because it felt comforting. :p