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Paranormal experiences thread

this kind of thing really freaks me out because when i was a kid i would hear stories from my family and relatives and my grandmother would tell me that it's hereditary like if your family has a history of seeing ghosts your family is just closer to the ghost world's door or something to that effect (it's hard to make a direct translation since it's like idioms and ****). and like it wasn't just the older generation like parents aunts and uncles it was stories from my siblings and cousins AT A VERY YOUNG AGE telling me that they were seeing ghosts while i was with them and it was ****ing terrifying. and i swear to ****ing god i have felt ghostly presence in my old room (i had to switch to another room because of fengshui issues) and it would keep me up at night as a child. but this room is so much better, but i'm terrified of a lot of things (like looking in the mirror at night or just the dark in general, window reflections etc)

I had to move rooms in the house I'm currently in as well, I always felt like I was being watched and even to this day it makes me uncomfortable. The day before I started 4th grade I was trying to go to sleep and I opened my eyes to see my closet door opening (and I could hear it), I froze in bed and when I got the courage ran like hell.
Thought you guys would like this. Im waiting for my dogs to come in and im standing in the back of the dining room. I am eating oreos (nom) and i look up and there is an lady in a white gown walking from my living room to my kitchen. Right when she turned into the walkway to the kitchen she was gone. .-.
Thought you guys would like this. Im waiting for my dogs to come in and im standing in the back of the dining room. I am eating oreos (nom) and i look up and there is an lady in a white gown walking from my living room to my kitchen. Right when she turned into the walkway to the kitchen she was gone. .-.

; - ;
At my ex-girlfriend's house a few years ago, we were getting ready to go to a party. She was in the bathroom at this point. Suddenly I hear this noise, like water running, but it was way too loud. I went to the kitchen, expecting to see her standing there doing something with the water. But she wasn't there, nor was there any water running. I kept moving, noticing the sound getting louder as I got to the living room. Turned out the radio had turned on and was transmitting static at full volume. The dial was still set to the same radio frequency (some top 40s radio), and the remote was right next to it.

The only logical explanation for that that I could think of is that it had a timer on it and somebody had set it to play a prank on us. If not, then I honestly have no idea.

Apart from that, ever since I experienced it the first time when I was 11 years old, I've been having a kind of deja vu. Deja vu is having a sensation that something you've experienced is happening again, and it's vague. I know what that's like. This is literally remembering the situation I'm in at that moment, along with everything everybody says and does, including myself. The first few times I wrote it off as coincidence, or something just happening twice. But when you meet a person for the very first time and remember all the words they're going to say to you, it's hard to still tell yourself that's the second time that exact situation has occurred.
Thought you guys would like this. Im waiting for my dogs to come in and im standing in the back of the dining room. I am eating oreos (nom) and i look up and there is an lady in a white gown walking from my living room to my kitchen. Right when she turned into the walkway to the kitchen she was gone. .-.

At my ex-girlfriend's house a few years ago, we were getting ready to go to a party. She was in the bathroom at this point. Suddenly I hear this noise, like water running, but it was way too loud. I went to the kitchen, expecting to see her standing there doing something with the water. But she wasn't there, nor was there any water running. I kept moving, noticing the sound getting louder as I got to the living room. Turned out the radio had turned on and was transmitting static at full volume. The dial was still set to the same radio frequency (some top 40s radio), and the remote was right next to it.

The only logical explanation for that that I could think of is that it had a timer on it and somebody had set it to play a prank on us. If not, then I honestly have no idea.

Apart from that, ever since I experienced it the first time when I was 11 years old, I've been having a kind of deja vu. Deja vu is having a sensation that something you've experienced is happening again, and it's vague. I know what that's like. This is literally remembering the situation I'm in at that moment, along with everything everybody says and does, including myself. The first few times I wrote it off as coincidence, or something just happening twice. But when you meet a person for the very first time and remember all the words they're going to say to you, it's hard to still tell yourself that's the second time that exact situation has occurred.

Lately I've been getting deja vu all the time, I know it's quite common but now I get it a minimum of 5(ish) times a day. It's freaking me out.
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Because you don't see it doesn't mean other people don't. Mine was linked to the medicine I take {causes you to see things}, insomnia, an overactive imagination, and my fear of the dark. Soo yeah.
Dude, I'm afraid in dark (when alone) last time I went to the haunted house at mall I cried and scream like loud I can't calm down that time :rolleyes:
Waffles... You liar...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Bc they're afraid of you : ( : )

Probably you were at the back of me and they ran away you dawg. :(:
Because you don't see it doesn't mean other people don't. Mine was linked to the medicine I take {causes you to see things}, insomnia, an overactive imagination, and my fear of the dark. Soo yeah.

So it's not paranormal then.
It doesn't matter if it's all real or not, :p Let people believe what they want, but in the end, it's all for a little scare. c:
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Ok my scary true story time.

A few weeks ago during the night I heard a bang from downstairs. It was around midnight, it was just my sister and I at home (parents abroad). I checked she was asleep and she was. Armed myself and went downstairs, carefully clearing every room like I was taught to. Got to the furthest room which was the kitchen, and saw the bin had been knocked over. Hmm. Checked the doors and windows, all locked with no sign of a breakin. All the rooms were cleared. Strange. Went back to my room, safe'd my weapon and played some dota and then went to sleep.

Forgot all about it the next day until my sister screamed. I ran over to her and she said she saw a black cat dart out of her room and downstairs. We ran after it, but couldn't find it, but the bin had been knocked over again. And this time I realised the cat was after the KFC bones in the bin. With the cat well and truly spooked, it was going to be difficult to find it so I decided to let it relax for an hour. When I later went to the study and slowly opened the door, there it was, sitting on the couch staring at me.

So mystery solved. My sister wasn't hallucinating and there wasn't a ghost knocking over my bins.
Lately I've been getting deja vu all the time, I know it's quite common but now I get it a minimum of 5(ish) times a day. It's freaking me out.
Deja vu is a weird feeling. Getting this (precognition?) makes you really afraid, though. The implications are depressing, and I honestly wish I didn't have it.

Nice imagination guys so tell me why didn't I experience this crap?
Some people are better at some things? There's always skeptics for a reason. If everybody believed everything the world would be even stupider than it already is.

I'm of a rational and therefore skeptical mind, so if something weird happens I try to rationalize it, figure out what actually transpired. That's why my (recurring) experiences make such an impression, because I can't think of an explanation. It's something that should be impossible, but obviously is not.

Anyway, I have one more.

This other thing that happened to me was that one night I woke up and there was a flying saucer hanging outside my window. I couldn't move and I felt terrified. While I did actually wake up, I didn't see an actual flying saucer. It just kept hovering there until I (somehow) fell back asleep a minute or two later.
That was the first night terror I ever had. It led to me not sleeping for three days and eventually experiencing night terrors every few nights over the following month. While it's a terrifying experience, it's all in your mind. You're just dreaming while awake.
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Time to share my story them

Last year... Hmm... After taking shower I found my old mirror and try to fix it, the reflection thing is like a while lady thing to I hid my mirror somewhere and adjust the mirror so my sister scream and said that she saw a white lady in the CR she told my parents about it and its really funny.

4 years ago (when I was Grade 6) me and my friends keep passing through the CR and some broken table and chairs (abandon place) in school so see if there is a ghost or something there is a rumor that a student died because he keep passing through that place whatever it is and also there is that time a college student saw a white lady at night errr... whatever it is. So I got tired then a few mins later the bin keeps shaking and they're all panicked except me , my some friends scared and ran away one of them said that they saw a black lady jumped in the trash bin. I just saw a black cat jumped ran away.

So there you have it guys nice imagination.
I don't have any interesting stories. But a psychic went to my house and says there is a supernatural presence there. We did some religious activities to get rid off it - and it takes a month to do that. Yeah, I never really saw one though. Maybe dopplegangers, but not legit ghosts.