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opinion on political correctness?

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happy go lucky
Mar 20, 2016
i think it rad but comedy can be a bit dodgy

edit: this has escalated into a debate
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It's a very horrible thing meant to defend only those who are easily offended.

Just because one person or group can't do some thing (i.e. disability, forbidden) or doesn't do something doesn't mean nobody should be allowed to even talk about it.
Just because not everybody follows your lifestyle doesn't mean nobody should be allowed to do it or talk about it.

Plus, it became a tool for oppression of specific groups rather than to minimize offensiveness.

Political Correctness is ridiculous. I should tell PC Principal from South Park that.
It's over the top and people can't take a joke anymore it seems.

I hope it dies.
I'm not a fan of it. I think there's something to be said about people who choose to try to be as politically correct as possible, and I do think it's something we can tell people is polite to follow and good manners, but I don't like the culture of shoving it down everyone's throat and labeling people with -ist/-phobic. I think the current culture around it only serves to divide people.

Teach, don't force. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar after all.
I try to be politically correct in my daily and professional life. But keep it out of my jokes and entertainment. People take it too far nowadays and everyone is so sensitive. No one can make a joke without someone saying it's offensive.. But sometimes the funniest jokes are offensive...
I don't like it at all. I believe that, at least, the modern definition of being "PC" is a limit of one's own free speech in a way. Like Soda Fox said, it divides more people than anything.(Much like a lot of other movements that are meant to stop hate yet are a cause of just more hate). I believe you can joke about anything in the right context, and I believe that everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Just...Don't be a jerk. That's literally all you need to do. Not limit your own opinions and beliefs because some oversensitive entitled brat wants you to be someone you aren't. I mean then it starts asking the question of who and who doesn't deserve respect, etc, it's overcomplicated, just basically don't be a jerk. End of story.
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Warning: this may damage/wound some fragile egos:

****s like to use the word politically correct in a negative light because they want to be able to say messed up/offensive things (i.e. ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) but not be called out on the fact that they are saying these things. So, they use politically correct in a negative way and call everyone else sensitive. When in reality, they're the sensitive ones because they can't handle being called an ableist **** when they are saying ableist ****.
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Warning: this may damage/wound some fragile egos:

A**holes like to use the word politically correct in a negative light because they want to be able to say messed up/offensive things (i.e. ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) but not be called out on the fact that they are saying these things. So, they use politically correct in a negative way and call everyone else sensitive. When in reality, they're the sensitive ones because they can't handle being called an ableist a**hole when they are saying ableist s**t.

While that is the case for some people, that is seriously quite a generalisation. See, I enjoy myself a good sexist joke, even a joke that uses racial stereotypes (even towards my own culture/nationality). Does that mean I'm a sexist? Or a racist? No, it doesn't. What we find funny does not usually indicate what kind of people we are. Just like liking violent movies does not mean that we like violence in real life. What truly indicates whether one is a jerk is their treatment of others. So calling someone the N word, or using derogatory terms when describing an LGBTQ person is vastly different from just laughing/making a sexist joke about a woman belonging in a kitchen or whatever.
While that is the case for some people, that is seriously quite a generalisation. See, I enjoy myself a good sexist joke, even a joke that uses racial stereotypes (even towards my own culture/nationality). Does that mean I'm a sexist? Or a racist? No, it doesn't. What we find funny does not usually indicate what kind of people we are. Just like liking violent movies does not mean that we like violence in real life. What truly indicates whether one is a jerk is their treatment of others. So calling someone the N word, or using derogatory terms when describing an LGBTQ person is vastly different from just laughing/making a sexist joke about a woman belonging in a kitchen or whatever.

I disagree. I think partaking in and enjoying these types of jokes when you are not a member of the group/class, being made fun of or whom the joke is being made at the expense of is a racist/sexist act, and when you do that, you are being racist/sexist. It's very different when you are poking fun at your own culture vs making a joke at the expense of another.
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Warning: this may damage/wound some fragile egos:

A**holes like to use the word politically correct in a negative light because they want to be able to say messed up/offensive things (i.e. ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) but not be called out on the fact that they are saying these things. So, they use politically correct in a negative way and call everyone else sensitive. When in reality, they're the sensitive ones because they can't handle being called an ableist a**hole when they are saying ableist s**t.

tbh I see it mainly being used by really sensitive people in order to make others bow down before them and kiss their ass, more than the example you're making. Not saying your point is wrong as it does happen, just saying that I personally do not see that happening very often.

I personally hate when people who are generally dicks, act like a dick and then use the "it's my opinion!!" as an excuse.
Warning: this may damage/wound some fragile egos:

A**holes like to use the word politically correct in a negative light because they want to be able to say messed up/offensive things (i.e. ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) but not be called out on the fact that they are saying these things. So, they use politically correct in a negative way and call everyone else sensitive. When in reality, they're the sensitive ones because they can't handle being called an ableist a**hole when they are saying ableist s**t.

you sound the most sensitive here though lol

Not everybody who makes a joke like that is racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, ect. If they don't say it with intent to cause harm, it is not something-ist. I make fun of myself with offensive jokes, but I'm not sexist, homophobic or have a prejudice against people with mental health problems.
political correctness is such a hated thing lmao but really what most ppl seem to mean when they say that they hate that pc crap is that thry want to b allowed to be disrespectful and mean 2 people like ??
you sound the most sensitive here though lol

Not everybody who makes a joke like that is racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, ect. If they don't say it with intent to cause harm, it is not something-ist. I make fun of myself with offensive jokes, but I'm not sexist, homophobic or have a prejudice against people with mental health problems.

Forestyne, it's not about being sensitive. It's about respect. Please refer to earlier post about calling people sensitive when they're calling you out on disrespectful ****.
political correctness is such a hated thing lmao but really what most ppl seem to mean when they say that they hate that pc crap is that thry want to b allowed to be disrespectful and mean 2 people like ??

The world would be a really boring place if everyone was always civil and polite. A little nasty every now and then spices things up.
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Political correctness has gone over the top.
People who are offended by every little thing they don't agree with and the people who are offensive for the sake of being offensive are just two types of the same problem.
The world would be a really boring place if everyone was always civil and polite. A little nasty every now and then spices things up.

For sure. As long as no one is getting hurt or killed over it, a little joke every now and again doesn't hurt anyone.
The world would be a really boring place if everyone was always civil and polite. A little nasty every now and then spices things up.

The world will never be perfect. Sensitivity to a simple joke will kill us all.

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Forestyne, it's not about being sensitive. It's about respect. Please refer to earlier post about calling people sensitive when they're calling you out on disrespectful s**t.

But not everyone who makes a racist/homophobic/ableist/transphobic/HURTFUL LABEL joke is NOT that label.

It does not mean that they don't respect that race, gender or sexual orientation.
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the fact that "people should be treated with respect" is apparently a thing up for debate showcases a complete failure of American society

I mean, alongside like probably a billion other things as well
The world will never be perfect. Sensitivity to a simple joke will kill us all.

- - - Post Merge - - -

But not everyone who makes a racist/homophobic/ableist/transphobic/HURTFUL LABEL joke is NOT that label.

It does not mean that they don't respect that race, gender or sexual orientation.

That's exactly what that means, though. It's different when you're not part of the group.

"Omg I'm not racist/homophobic/ableist for saying a racist/homophobic/ableist joke as a white, straight, able lady! I have black/gay/disabled friends!"

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