Oblivious to the Super Bowl?

I knew it was today, but I've never really been into watching football. Plus, I don't even know the two teams, so there's no point. But a lot of my friends are super into it, and I guess I understand the sentiment.

(Also it's CNY so I've been eating all afternoon
I never remember when the superbowl is xD I hate sports (unless Ninja Warrior and Wipeout count in which case I love sports).
The only reason I knew was because everyone else talking about it, and because my work did like a giveaway or something. It's just like wow, how many things can we shove into the same month? Superbowl, Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Valentines Day. And I get to work every one of them... dumb people who celebrate things. *pout*
I checked ahead only so I could know what time period to not even bother going to the store or anything like that

not that I normally go on weekends anyways
I live in England and have 0 interest in sport unless it is the olympics or the World Cup.

Also it's just like the big American football (Rugby) tournament isn't it?
I knew it was yesterday, but that was only because I heard it talked about on the news when I was on break. Otherwise, I would have been oblivious. I went to sleep when it started, too. lol
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the only reason I really cared about the super bowl this year was because of the rumoured new civil war trailer that i stayed up until 1.30 this morning to watch lmao. American football seems pretty cool, actually, but it's probably a lot harder and more pointless to follow when you're in the uk.