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Nice things your teachers have done for you


Flick Fanboy 🦎💞
Jan 22, 2017
Yesterday was my birthday, so my legal studies teacher brought in a cake for me. It was awesome and it made me feel loved haha.

What are some nice things your teachers have done for you in the past?
Our class tutor for 1st - 3rd year of secondary school wrote each one of us a card and made little cupcakes for us on our last day of class, it was adorable
When I was in grade 5, my teacher told me to hand out the Library awards to each teacher of the students that won. So I went around to each class and successfully handed the teachers the envelopes. It got to one teacher who scared me so bad. He was my music teacher and was really scary so I was super nervous. I knocked on the classroom door and as soon as I entered the class, EVERY kid was staring at me. It was like a nightmare for me because I hate when everyone looks at me. So I shakily told him what I was doing and he took the envelope and then said to thank me for the trouble, he opened up a pack of Oero cookies and told me to take two. It was amazing! I thanked him and he smiled at me.

After that, I began to look at him in a new light.
one time my history teacher presented my project for me because i told him i had anxiety about presenting lol
When I was in my senior year of highschool, I had moved from the school I went to for 3 years to a new school, so I basically didn't care about any of the "senior" things like senior trip, or prom, or walking the stage, or getting a yearbook. I just wanted it to be over with because I didn't know anybody and only had half days everyday anyways.

One of the four classes I took was Digital Photography, and the teach was a new teacher, as in it was her first year teaching and so many students took advantage of it and just plain didn't give a crap about the class. I was really into photography and helped my teacher teach photoshop things I knew and certain photography things because I had taken a photography class before. She loved me. We had these drawing things because we'd answer questions in "Jeopardy" games and earn them and have little raffles at the end of the week, usually it was silly little things like candy and $1 shop stuff.

At the end of the year, as the photo teacher she was the head of the yearbook committee and was giving away two yearbooks. She had talked to me asking if I had gotten a yearbook or anything and I told her I didn't have the money or really care, but she kept saying that is was my senior year and how I needed one, so she said she hoped I won one of the yearbooks. But I didn't win, two other kids did and she was sad about it. Once the yearbooks came out the class got them early since she was the distributor and she was calling the named of the students in the class to go pick them up, then she called my name. I went up and told her I hadn't gotten a yearbook, and she said that she got it for me, cause I deserved one. I stayed after class to have her sign it and she told me that she loved having me in her class, that she loved all my help and I was her favorite student, so she bought me the book because I needed one for my senior year, I cried, she cried, it was really really cool, I mean it was a huge school and the yearbooks cost $80- so it meant a lot to me.
back in senior days in highschool, i had this homeroom teacher and his name was Trevor. He was kinda good looking so i got attracted to him. Anyway, he was extra nice to me. Usually i would take the car home but because of him, i took the bus home instead. We would walk together to the same bus stop which was like fifteen minutes walk away from our school and we walk talk about random things. He even asked about my days in school and asked if i was going through any troubles. If i did, he would listen to me on the way to the bus stop and when his bus came, he would purposely miss it and continue to listen to me. There was once i was down with a flu and he bought me medicines and also a cup of tea which was nice.
My favorite teacher gave me the history award at the end of year awards ceremony. I hated that school, but she was so nice and such a great teacher.
Omg these are all so cute! I have one too.

In senior high I had this nice biology and geography teacher who had a super cool classroom with lots of big plants and walls filled with biology and geography posters. Whenever she had a free period she'd tend the plants and talk to them. I once told her how much I loved the classroom and she started talking about all her stuff super excitedly, like, about how she'd found some rare plant seeds in Estonia and stuff. At the end of the class she offered me one of the saplings there and on another occasion when I went over to talk about the sapling, she gifted me a bunch of cuttings! It was so nice, I still have them!
My art teacher in high school was pretty awesome. He gave me my first paid "art job" commissioning me to make his family christmas card. I did that for him every year until I graduated. He was always really chill and interested in what I did, unlike a lot of the teachers in my school. I wish I talked to him more but I was kind of awkward so I usually just hung around in his classroom during lunch and sat by myself to draw :'D He's the only teacher I still keep in touch with from high school.

I also had a French teacher in high school who later became the coach for our soccer team. I was sooo bad in her class, almost failed it... she'd talk to me in French during soccer practice to get me to talk in French more haha. But she was really nice. One time me and my best friend at the time were out pretty late in this popular restaurant area and we decided to busk on the street for food money (he happened to have his guitar and he forced me to sing)... she happened to be out with her family that night and saw us making a fool out of ourselves. She gave us the equivalent of 30 bucks and bought us icecream lol! Yeah she was pretty sweet. But I still can't speak French very well -_-

All my college professors were really great. Some even helped me get jobs right out of school and I worked for one of them for a few years. I'm really grateful to a lot of my college profs.
When I was in my senior year of highschool, I had moved from the school I went to for 3 years to a new school, so I basically didn't care about any of the "senior" things like senior trip, or prom, or walking the stage, or getting a yearbook. I just wanted it to be over with because I didn't know anybody and only had half days everyday anyways.

One of the four classes I took was Digital Photography, and the teach was a new teacher, as in it was her first year teaching and so many students took advantage of it and just plain didn't give a crap about the class. I was really into photography and helped my teacher teach photoshop things I knew and certain photography things because I had taken a photography class before. She loved me. We had these drawing things because we'd answer questions in "Jeopardy" games and earn them and have little raffles at the end of the week, usually it was silly little things like candy and $1 shop stuff.

At the end of the year, as the photo teacher she was the head of the yearbook committee and was giving away two yearbooks. She had talked to me asking if I had gotten a yearbook or anything and I told her I didn't have the money or really care, but she kept saying that is was my senior year and how I needed one, so she said she hoped I won one of the yearbooks. But I didn't win, two other kids did and she was sad about it. Once the yearbooks came out the class got them early since she was the distributor and she was calling the named of the students in the class to go pick them up, then she called my name. I went up and told her I hadn't gotten a yearbook, and she said that she got it for me, cause I deserved one. I stayed after class to have her sign it and she told me that she loved having me in her class, that she loved all my help and I was her favorite student, so she bought me the book because I needed one for my senior year, I cried, she cried, it was really really cool, I mean it was a huge school and the yearbooks cost $80- so it meant a lot to me.

How nice. :')

Are you still in contact with her?
When I was in elementary school, I had this art teacher called Mr.D. he was really loud and kind of tough, so a lot of kids were scared of him. I was too at first, but I got to know him after having him as an art teacher for a couple of years and he was actually really cool. He could tell that I had a passion for art and that I really cared about it. It was so great as a kid to have that one class that was sort of like my safe haven. I didnt have a lot of friends but he believed in me and encouraged me to pursue art and it meant so much to me. When I moved on to middle school, I would come back and help him with his special education class. He sent me a birthday card a few years ago that he drew himself. It made me so happy that he even thought of me. I still have it :)
encouraged me and told me i wouldn't fail the test if i really tried. and i did, and he congratulated me that i could do a lot of things if i really tried, and i was talented enough to do so, i just had to use the talent. he really changed my life by telling me that, i started putting in more effort into everything and getting good grades.
let me skip a bunch of stuff n helped me pass even tho i was gone from school for over a month n stuff. especially my 9th grade swedish teacher and my german teacher this year were good at fixing stuff so i could still pass lmao

my 7th-9th grade swedish teacher was a rly nice person and she was just kinda nice ??? idk she seemed to care abt her students and stuff and rly tried to help me in school when i was in a Really Bad episode
several of my professors have made me realize my potential and i can't thank them enough for that.
My 10th grade English teacher gave me $100 for getting all A's since she said that she would give anyone who got Principal's List $100. She showed a lot of favoritism towards me, but then again she did say that I was one of the only students who put in any actual effort. She also gave me the English student of the year award.
in 7th grade our homeroom teacher gave us a talk about calling people gay since it was such a common 'curse word' at our school and i just remember that he went about it the best way possible and actually informed us instead of just telling us its a bad thing to say, because it wasnt. he is my favorite teacher ive ever had so far i miss middle school
I had a few teachers who supported me while I transitioned from junior year through senior year of high school. One of the teachers was a teacher I was a T.A. for her honors freshmen English class. After I told her my case, she called me Jay or Jayden from then on and by the end of the year she gave me a $50 Amazon card for being an excellent organizer/grader for the class.

The other teacher I never had her, but she was the one who announced my name as Jayden instead of my dead name at graduation.
Reading all these just makes my day. I don't understand why teenagers go off at teachers when the majority of them are just trying to teach students knowledge (one of the most important things in life).

Another nice thing one of my teachers did for me recently (yesterday, Friday) was letting me work on my assignment in the library. I love that teacher, he's one of my favourites in the entire school.
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