My Thanksgiving Dinner


Nefarious did this.
Jun 11, 2005
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Well I went to my granny's house and I toke my Nintendo DS with me. When we arrived I noticed one of my cousins was there her name is anita. We I went in she was blasting loud music with swar words in it. I got her to stop and I got my DS while she checked the turkey. Then she came rushing back in wanting to play Nintendogs.After 20 mintues of her beging me. I let her play it for 5 minutes. Luckey after 7 minutes after it needed to be re-charged. That way she sould'nt play anymore until a while. Now for Dinner I found that I had to sit on a stoal for dinner.But I switched with my dad.Hehehe!

:p I could ramble all on about the dinner but I won't. Now after Dinner Anita started the nosic again. I got her to turn it off again... Now me and my granny put some come hawii music!

^_^ I got everyone to rate it! I'll tell you all the ratings later if anyone wants.

Now that was my Thanksgiving!