Happy Thanksgiving!!! Any traditions?


🩵#1 Filbert Fan🩵
Sep 3, 2013
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Pink Love Letter
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Zodiac Snake Figurine
White Love Letter
Valentine's Rose
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Blue Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Pink Star Fragment
Heart Glow Wand
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Happy Thanksgiving all! I hope everybody has a wonderful day and eats a ton!!!

Normally our Thanksgiving tradition is we pack up the boys and head to my moms on wed and do a very traditional Thanksgiving dinner at her house and then everybody watches the games throughout the day and the parade and then before my dad got sick, My mom and I would always do the whole black Friday thing and it was super fun for us. This is the first year that will be celebrating Thanksgiving without my dad, my mom decided we weren’t going to do a traditional Thanksgiving this year, so we will actually be going to a game. We will be heading out in about an hour.

Any fun traditions u guys wanna tell me about?
When I was in college my mom and I would go on vacation during the week of Thanksgiving, it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. Now that I am working it's hard to go on vacation during holiday weeks which is fine I guess... though I do really miss our trips some things must come to an end. We now go to the movies on Thanksgiving and then make dinner and hang out around the house.. a very relaxing night.
Thanksgiving was over a month ago for me (because I live in Canada), but my paternal grandparents usually host a Thanksgiving lunch.
Happy Thanksgiving! We always pick a restaurant that serves turkey and other traditional Thanksgiving food. There's lots of good ones to choose from so it's never the same experience twice in a row. Then the rest of the day is just relaxing.
So my mom, my boys and I headed to Dallas to the TG game and they got to see their boys win! I got to meet 2 grinches and got pics with both of them so that was awesome.