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My data just corrupted


Apr 27, 2013
I was trying to find a dreamie of mine, Erik and then when I went to the home screen and went back in it said my data has corrupted - I started bawling. I have spent 400 hours on my town, I was preparing to give away hybrids (had tons) and all my bells, my furniture ... gone. I had Marshal, Lolly ... I just needed to rant. I'm sorry, I'm just a mess
Sorry to hear that. :( Was this on the cartridge, or a downloaded copy of the game?
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Cartridge :( I wanted to warn people as well. It's so weird, I'm always so careful with my game and I never thought this would ever happen
So sorry to hear that :(... Were you resetting for plots? I don't know how it would happen, but if you closed the game or went to
home screen too early while saving, it can destroy your town >-< If you would like, I can give you some orange hybrids~
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I'm so sorry to hear that happened. There was someone else on this site that had the exact same thing happen to them just a little while ago, I forgot what their name was. Though I'm sure they'll post here as soon as they see this.

If you don't mind me asking; how did you go to the home menu right before the corruption happened? Did you use the home menu button and close the game or did you use the power button, followed by the home button? I've read some stories about the power button being safer, though I wouldn't know why this would be or if it's even true.

In any case, I hope you feel better soon! It's a really sucky thing to have happen to you, especially with a game like AC that you put so many hours into. Hopefully you can bring up the motivation to start a new town again!
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Sorry to hear that :(

I've been getting so scared of this happening lately with all the stories, every time I reset for whatever reason (for example, today when I was going to play my mayor I accidentally clicked new save file- and without thinking I immediately hit the power button...and another time when I was going on but meant to change the date on the game and instead clicked "lets begin" or w/e and it said "saving....do not hit power button" but I did it anyways T_T)

It seems a little silly that you can't back the game up....I've put waaaay too much time into this game. I have a second town and most of the time don't even like playing it because I don't have all the stores etc, I could only imagine if I had to restart my main town from scratch. I would probably just stop playing honestly
So sorry to hear that :(... Were you resetting for plots? I don't know how it would happen, but if you closed the game or went to
home screen too early while saving, I can destroy your town >-< If you would like, I can give you some orange hybrids~

Thank you! That is so nice of you, I don't want to be a bother for anyone though! Yes, I just pressed the home button and quit the game. When I rebooted the game back up, it just came up that my file was corrupted and I tried many times - even waited for a few hours HOPING it was just some weird incident, but nope. :(

I'm so sorry to hear that happened. There was someone else on this site that had the exact same thing happen to them just a little while ago, I forgot what their name was. Though I'm sure they'll post here as soon as they see this.

If you don't mind me asking; how did you go to the home menu right before the corruption happened? Did you use the home menu button and close the game or did you use the power button, followed by the home button? I've ready some stories about the power button being safer, though I wouldn't know why this would be or if it's even true.

In any case, I hope you feel better soon! It's a really sucky thing to have happen to you, especially with a game like AC that you put so many hours into. Hopefully you can bring up the motivation to start a new town again!

I hope so too :( as stated I used the home button and closed the game, and suddenly my game was corrupted. I just couldn't interpret it

Sorry to hear that :(

I've been getting so scared of this happening lately with all the stories, every time I reset for whatever reason (for example, today when I was going to play my mayor I accidentally clicked new save file- and without thinking I immediately hit the power button...and another time when I was going on but meant to change the date on the game and instead clicked "lets begin" or w/e and it said "saving....do not hit power button" but I did it anyways T_T)

It seems a little silly that you can't back the game up....I've put waaaay too much time into this game. I have a second town and most of the time don't even like playing it because I don't have all the stores etc, I could only imagine if I had to restart my main town from scratch. I would probably just stop playing honestly

Yeah. It feels like the game is going against me. Honestly I feel like giving up after putting so much effort into my previous save file
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I'm very sorry to hear this. I've had many friends in the same position as you (card / digital) and I don't understand why this happens.
I hope you can stand back up as quickly as possible!
Oh. My. God.

My file could've corrupted today.. I spent half an hour trying to get Carmen to move to a specific place that wasn't on my paths.
Ugh. I'm gonna throw up.
I'm so scared of my file corrupting. I guess from now on I'm just gonna let people move wherever and deal with that. :(

I'm so sorry. If you need anything, just drop a PM in my inbox. I'm online most of the day and night anyways. ^_^
I wonder if there really rests some curse on that home button + close method, since I do remember that's how it went for the other person, too. Obviously way too early for a statement like that, but I can't help but wonder.

Anyway, it's completely understandable that you currently don't feel like starting all over again. Give yourself some time, play other games, and who knows; after a while you may find yourself really being in the mood to start with a fresh town again. :)
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So sorry this happened! I know I'd freak if this happened to me... ;v;

Hearing all these stories makes me really scared... I suppose the best thing to do is leave plenty of time for the game to save, and wait for the little animal crossing logo to appear? Seriously sucks that this game does that, I more often hear about save file corruptions for AC than I do for most games.
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This happened to Tsuna the other week. :c
Exact same thing, she exited out to the home menu without saving.

I've had my buggy Japanese ACNL corrupt a few times, but not from the home menu as I didn't reset for villagers in those towns, and lost some towns to that. Starting over is difficult, especially when you have gained so much in your town.

If you need any fruit, tools, or anything else, please let me know!
This is disheartening, given that the user manual says the proper way to close a program is to hit the Home button then close the software. :( I'd previously thought most people having corrupt data were people using the downloaded version with bad SD cards, but if you are using the cartridge version that's kind of scary. Maybe there are only so many times you can save the game to the SD card before it starts to corrupt or something. :(

I personally don't do resets either, not sure if that might corrupt things too, but I'm trying to be as safe as possible. I also give it a few seconds after I hit Home to let the little Animal Crossing logo do its thing before I close the game
Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I have a spare silver slingshot, if this helps in any way? And I have some of every fruit. Apart from that, I don't have much at all. I am absolutely TERRIFIED of my SD card tripping up and removing my data. I would cry for hours. I'm so sorry. It seems you've been really positive about it though and kept your head up, I have a lot of respect for you.
That's super sad. I'd be distraught. I'm really sorry to hear that... Good luck getting everything back :(
I have already started a new town, it feels weird, but I guess it's a new beginning. Thank you guys for your offer, that is so nice of you! <3 people here is so kind-hearted - that was why I wanted to do my hybrid giveaway, one day when I get my blue roses back ill breed a lot for the community until then ill just have to resist the villager cycling trick :(
I have already started a new town, it feels weird, but I guess it's a new beginning. Thank you guys for your offer, that is so nice of you! <3 people here is so kind-hearted - that was why I wanted to do my hybrid giveaway, one day when I get my blue roses back ill breed a lot for the community until then ill just have to resist the villager cycling trick :(

Good luck. Not sure if I'd ever end up resetting my town after a corruption, so you're pretty strong. ^_^
omg that is so sad and after youve spent all that time on your game :( if theres anything I can do let me know :)
How many times have I seen stuff like this? Well, twice, from what I know. The stuff I've said in a previous thread applies here, and I know that bugging Nintendo about it is a bit selfish, as there's more serious issues around, but if it starts to affect a large amount of people, and there's no way to protect your data from it, then we are within our rights to call them out on it!

I know I go on, and on, and on about it, but something needs to change.

Oh yeah, if there's anything you need, please let me know, and I can arrange it for you.
How many times have I seen stuff like this? Well, twice, from what I know. The stuff I've said in a previous thread applies here, and I know that bugging Nintendo about it is a bit selfish, as there's more serious issues around, but if it starts to affect a large amount of people, and there's no way to protect your data from it, then we are within our rights to call them out on it!

Isn't it caused by resetting your game though?