List of ACNL guides

Red Cat

On-and-off member
Jan 24, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Tin Robot
Boo Halloweaster Egg
Oarfish Head
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Tail
Jingle Christmas Doll
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Yellow Candy
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
I don't think this has been done here yet, so I think it would be helpful to people to be able to find most of the good ACNL guides in one place. I'll list the guides by category so people can find what they are looking for. Please post links for any good guides from this site or any other site that you know of in this thread and I'll add them to this post.

Note: Many of these guides were written before the Welcome Amiibo update, so the information in some of the guides may be outdated. I'd appreciate help in finding updated guides.

Welcome Amiibo:

Getting villagers to move out:

Preventing villagers from moving out:

Villager cycling:

Plot resetting: (Choosing where your villagers put their houses)


Tree / Bush Growth:

Perfect Town:



Sea creatures:

Public works projects:

Main Street shop unlocks / upgrades:

Special Visitors and Events:

Making Bells:

Happy Home Academy:

Item Lists:

Character Appearance:


Suggestion / Idea Guides: (These don't cover the way the game itself works, but help you with villager choice, house and town design, QR codes, etc.)

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I'm going to bump this because it got no replies and I'm wondering if there is no interest or if I just posted at a bad time.
thanks for posting! I was interested in the moving out article and someone I didn't see it on tumblr!
Why don't you put mine in the other category?
Which is about ideas for town
The post say
The Idea book
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alright heres the rest that I have bookmarked. Obviously you don't have to add any of these in lol, just suggestions.

^ my go to in the beginning when i was breeding hybrids. very very useful.

Plot resetting:

Not a category but maybe can add it in somewhere/ or in the other?
Managing your void/street list:
alright heres the rest that I have bookmarked. Obviously you don't have to add any of these in lol, just suggestions.

^ my go to in the beginning when i was breeding hybrids. very very useful.

Plot resetting:

Not a category but maybe can add it in somewhere/ or in the other?
Managing your void/street list:

Thank for listing those. I've added them.
this is a good idea! should the villager popularity list (the newer one) be included? it's technically not a guide but it's still helpful for people, except it's already pretty popular. i don't really know if it fits...

Toy Day Gift Guide:
Halloween Guide: (this is especially helpful with finding out what your villagers are afraid of)

you can add those if you want!
this is a good idea! should the villager popularity list (the newer one) be included? it's technically not a guide but it's still helpful for people, except it's already pretty popular. i don't really know if it fits...

Toy Day Gift Guide:
Halloween Guide: (this is especially helpful with finding out what your villagers are afraid of)

you can add those if you want!

I'm still deciding if I want to include things like the villager popularity list and other suggestion "guides". If people have opinions on whether I should include them or not, let me know.

Edit: I think I'll just put them under a category for people's suggestions which don't deal with game mechanics.
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This is very helpful, especially for a newbie like me! Thanks so much for making this thread :D
I'll link to a bunch from tumblr & GameFAQs that's been super helpful!

- customnewleaf: This tumblr shows how furniture looks when customized.
- Clothes Masterlist Tutorial by acnlapparel
- How To Customize Villagers' Homes by boysleaf
- How To Exploit Lazy Campers for Bells & Furniture by Valtero
- PWP/House/Building Placement Guide by angiestown
- How To Make Purses/Bags by astrumia
- Visual Bushes, Trees, & Stumps Guide by oakcrossing

- Halloween Guide by mischacrossing
- Dream Address Changes Guide by mayor-frozen
- Grass Wear Guide by ricepuddingcrossing
- How To Cut a Tree & Get a Rare Stump by smol-mayor
- How To Get Villager Pictures by mayor-saddie
- Fossil Guide by millie-crossing
- Pond & Rock Placement Guide

- acnl-homes: It recently became inactive now but it categorizes homes by interiors and exteriors, types of rooms, and furniture sets.
- acnlpaths: It's categorized by path type, season, and also features HHD paths.
- animalcrossingcloset: QR codes of clothes.
- dreamingofacnl: I manage this tumblr that helps categorize dream towns by type, theme, season, etc.
- newleaf-mensfashion: Features qr codes of mens' fashion.
- QR Codes Masterlist by helpfulcrossing
- villagerhomes: Shows pictures of what each villager's home looks like originally and it also features how people customize their villagers' homes.
- acnltutorials: Has every type of tutorial including the majority of these I listed.

You don't have to include any of these but I thought it would be helpful. :3
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^ holy jeez thats a lot. very useful

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh and I just noticed the end where you put the suggestion guides. I think thats perfect! Will try to remember to keep bumping this. XD
I'll link to a bunch from tumblr & GameFAQs that's been super helpful!

- customnewleaf: This tumblr shows how furniture looks when customized.
- Clothes Masterlist Tutorial by acnlapparel
- How To Customize Villagers' Homes by boysleaf
- How To Exploit Lazy Campers for Bells & Furniture by Valtero
- PWP/House/Building Placement Guide by angiestown
- How To Make Purses/Bags by astrumia
- Visual Bushes, Trees, & Stumps Guide by oakcrossing

- Halloween Guide by mischacrossing
- Dream Address Changes Guide by mayor-frozen
- Grass Wear Guide by ricepuddingcrossing
- How To Cut a Tree & Get a Rare Stump by smol-mayor
- How To Get Villager Pictures by mayor-saddie
- Fossil Guide by millie-crossing
- Pond & Rock Placement Guide

- acnl-homes: It recently became inactive now but it categorizes homes by interiors and exteriors, types of rooms, and furniture sets.
- acnlpaths: It's categorized by path type, season, and also features HHD paths.
- animalcrossingcloset: QR codes of clothes.
- dreamingofacnl: I manage this tumblr that helps categorize dream towns by type, theme, season, etc.
- newleaf-mensfashion: Features qr codes of mens' fashion.
- QR Codes Masterlist by helpfulcrossing
- villagerhomes: Shows pictures of what each villager's home looks like originally and it also features how people customize their villagers' homes.
- acnltutorials: Has every type of tutorial including the majority of these I listed.

You don't have to include any of these but I thought it would be helpful. :3

I've added all of those. Thank you for listing those guides. :)

If anyone else knows of any good ACNL guides, feel free to post them here. Also, I'd appreciate any feedback on the way this list is organized or if there is anything I can do to make it easier for people to find the guides they're looking for. One more thing: If anyone thinks that one of the guides I've listed in the first post has numerous inaccuracies or is not very good, then let me know. I don't want to have bad guides on the list.
I think the OP looks perfectly fine. The only thing is maybe take each section (getting villagers to move out/preventing, villager plotting, etc etc) and make it stand out from the original text. Even just an increase in text size, bold, or color. If you wanna get real fancy you could make simple headers in Photoshop but thats obviously not necessary lol.
I think the OP looks perfectly fine. The only thing is maybe take each section (getting villagers to move out/preventing, villager plotting, etc etc) and make it stand out from the original text. Even just an increase in text size, bold, or color. If you wanna get real fancy you could make simple headers in Photoshop but thats obviously not necessary lol.

Thanks for the advice. I'll work on it.