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Let's talk about dusting events

Do you like the dusting event format?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 76.6%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • It needs some changes

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • Other (explain please)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


(⨀🞃 ⨀ )◄
Poyo Puffs
Apr 7, 2020
Pink Heart Balloon
Yellow Heart Balloon
Green Heart Balloon
Cyan Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Pink Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Do you like the format? Do you hate it?
What would you like changed?

Do you want it be a staple event?

Should it be called something other dust?
I love these "dusting" events. They encourage more activity on the forum, which leads to people creating new topics, which makes it easier to earn more TBT. I'm bad at art and don't have much else to offer in exchange for TBT, so any excuse to post more is welcome.

I'm always glad to see these events and I hope they continue to be a mainstay moving forward. It's good for the forum's health and economy.

I will say, though, that I wish the cooldowns weren't so long. I realize that some form of cooldown is probably necessary to minimize spam and to keep moderation of the forums manageable, but I feel like we could safely lower the cooldowns at least a bit.
i really love the dusting events, it gives me a bigger motivation to post and interact with the forums even if i already do it daily. idk, there's always more threads made during these events and i really, REALLY love general discussion threads.

echoing the sentiment above with the cooldowns, even just a tad bit reduced i think would be nice. doesn't have to be drastic, but a wee bit 🥺
I think the combination of the cooldowns with the cap is actually helpful. I mean, some of us are racing to that cap as soon as possible (because those balloons are just too darn cute!!), but I think it’s also nice for people who maybe start the event late, they don’t have to worry that they missed too much because there’s a cap anyway. I like that the new thread cooldown got spaced out because I am no good at thinking of topics for threads, but like responding to the conversation in other threads, and I think encouraging participation and conversation is really the goal here anyway. I think they could reduce the cooldown slightly, if they keep the cap. That might make most users happy, both the super active ones and the less active.
I like it! The forum has never been so active and it's so nice to see everyone in such great moods all having fun together. :)
i like how it is now. it discourages spam and allows/encourages people to take breaks and touch grass. we have an entire week left in the event, we will absolutely make the silver cap lol.
How was it before? Was there not an actual cool-down?
Honestly now that the thread cooldown is increased and there seems to be an additional conversational one, I think it's pretty good.

I would maybe make an adjustment to the VM aspect slightly, not sure how, maybe making stuff like PMs count as the direct communication too? So if you are coordinating privately for another part of the event, you can get a benefit.
I like the dusting events and I like how they are now. Interactions seem a lot more genuine with the cooldowns, rather than just getting into a spam posting groove. I can't imagine a time where I went to someone's profile and stopped seeing some comment about dust on it, it's like a permanent reminder of past events <3
Indifferent; is fun overall but I just see it as a woohoo time to get balloons thing. I do like seeing the unhinged threads that are coming about from it, though. HAHA
These dust events are the sole reason this forum can become active and I love it. The hype for AC:NH has been dead since 2022, and every other day there isn’t a dust activity, everyone is in the basement and I find the basement boring as heck. The fact that you need to create new threads everywhere and post on it to earn dust is a great way for the forums to be booming in activity. And it isn’t just dust activities as well, bell boom helps too.
I enjoy them as i interact with people who i would maybe never talk to from
The forum, its good chance to mingle and make friends ✨🧹✨
Do you like the format?

Yes, it is fine.

Do you hate it?

No, why would I hate it? These events are really good for those that don't do the art events well...like me.

What would you like changed?

Only cooldowns. Let people dust at their own pace. If someone wants to dust like crazy, let them. I think that the max collected (e.g. 600 Streetpass Silver) like in this event should be further implemented though. Fast dusters don't dust more than ones who take their time. Everyone wins.

Do you want it be a staple event?

Yes, for those that are not gifted in art or just don't have a lot of time to do the other events, I think the dusting events are good for busy people.

Should it be called something other dust?

No. I like it.
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I like the dusting events fair enough. It's cool to have a currency/collectible to work towards that doesn't involve you participating in the larger more involved events. i think cooldowns could be adapted but not exactly sure what would it make it fairest...

the other biggest perk of these events is seen the forum come to life :)
I feel like @Snek said it all on the post above. I love the community events where we all work for a common goal, but the cool downs I feel are particularly brutal to those that only have a limited time to do all their activity on the forum in a lump sum of time. It's hard to monitor when you can earn points again, but I guess this is to prevent it from being earned too easily? I don't know... I'm just not that great at earning TBT to begin with, so sometimes the dusting events to earn that type of currency is challenging as well. But yeah, I overall like the format. Just a little ease on those cool downs would be fantastic!

(& any event not requiring artistic talent is a win in my book, since I'm completely lacking in that department! 😑 I still have not started the Picture Perfect event for that very reason.)
I think they’re pretty fun, but I wish the cooldown was like every 6 hours instead of 12.
I much prefer the bell boom side of it than the dust side of it. I dunno if I'll be trying as hard at the next one if they don't also give out extra bells honestly. I do like all the extra forum activity that comes from it though, even some of the questionable thread topics 😅
I really like them when we do them as a community. I don't like it in competitions tho. The cooldown is really okay because we have so much time to get all 600 silver anyway!
I'm just indifferent. That's the option that aligns most with how I feel about it. The extra activity it brings to the forums is also nice.