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Is it normal...


*~Rude intolerance here~*
May 26, 2014
...to feel attracted to someone, even if you're already in a committed relationship? I would never leave my significant other, not for anything. But I really feel bad about being attracted to someone else. I just want to know if this is normal or not.

You'll have to forgive my niavetee, (don't mind my spelling), in this situation, I just haven't had too good of relationships before, and I really love my current partner. He's everything I could have wished for. I just don't know if this is something normal or not.
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Idk, i've never once thought about some else that way while i was with any of my partners :/ I would think that's some mild form of emotional cheating.
(but i'm ace what do i know lol)
Uhm... how is your current relationship going? What is it that you're interested in the other person for? I think if you think about it more in-depth rather than "is it normal" you'll get a better answer out of yourself than by asking other people. There's a reason you're attracted to this other person and it may be because you're somewhat unhappy with your partner, or you could be slightly polyamorous, or a number of different things. You have to ask yourself that though.
I honestly can't tell you from personal experience, but I'm sure it's normal in some relationships for someone to have feelings of attraction toward someone else. Now if you act on those feelings toward the other person then there would be an issue.
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See, I would never leave my partner. Not for anything. He's absolutely perfect, in every way. I think this is just attraction. Because the other person, well, I don't know anything about them. They just seem interesting, and that's attractive to me. But nothing would ever come of that, especially because I feel that it's a passing thing. I feel like I'll get to know the person, and they might turn out to be a good friend. I love my partner, and he is my whole world. I just felt really...really bad. But it has to be normal, doesn't it? When you're in love for a long time, (and I mean years), sometimes other people will look attractive. But the grass is no more greener with this third party, and I know that. I just sort of watch and think: oh, that person is cute, but mine is better. I don't know. I don't know if this is making sense.
It kind of sounds like you're just trying to justify it to yourself honestly lol
I would talk to your partner about it. If you think it's passing, there's nothing to worry about. But I do think that they should know that you're having a little trouble with it.
Yes, I think it's normal. I see it as no different than being in a relationship and finding some celebrity really attractive. It's just that the person is real. No big deal, unless you act on it, which you wouldn't. Don't feel bad. The same thing would probably happen to me if I didn't find humanity repugnant.
I think it's natural for that to happen, and as long as you don't want to act on it then it's fine.
I'd say it depends on the level of attraction, but it's a slippery slope. I think it's normal to feel physically attracted to other people, but emotionally and mentally... no.
Treat infatuation as what it is: A meaningless and extremely stupid emotion. You will be much happier in the long run.
Probably bored with your current relationship. I mean, it's okay to even find someone else attractive(pretty, handesome, cute, etc), but you said you find this individual "interesting", which can go in some many ways. Like interesting/or attractive in wanting to be friends or more? Depends. If you're questioning about it, then it's probably more.
I would say it's normal.

Being in a relationship doesn't suddenly 'turn off' your attraction to other people. It's pretty much what you let or don't let come of it that really matters.

I was in a long term relationship for 6 years but that didn't stop me from finding other girls attractive but I never actually wanted to act on that and didn't/wouldn't have let anything come of it at the time simply because I didn't have the desire to actually let that happen.
Treat infatuation as what it is: A meaningless and extremely stupid emotion. You will be much happier in the long run.

Thank you. You all gave me a lot of answers that sort of made this make sense. I sort of agree with this. I think it's just a passing infatuation. I've been with my partner for a long time, and this sort of thing was bound to happen eventually. It isn't like I'm emotionally attached to the third party in question. It was just sort of: oh, this person is interesting.

All of you were very honest and calm about this. Thank you.
See, I would never leave my partner. Not for anything. He's absolutely perfect, in every way. I think this is just attraction. Because the other person, well, I don't know anything about them. They just seem interesting, and that's attractive to me. But nothing would ever come of that, especially because I feel that it's a passing thing. I feel like I'll get to know the person, and they might turn out to be a good friend. I love my partner, and he is my whole world. I just felt really...really bad. But it has to be normal, doesn't it? When you're in love for a long time, (and I mean years), sometimes other people will look attractive. But the grass is no more greener with this third party, and I know that. I just sort of watch and think: oh, that person is cute, but mine is better. I don't know. I don't know if this is making sense.

No, that's totally normal. It's okay to find other people good-looking or attractive. Just because you might have a partner, doesn't mean that other people suddenly stop being attractive. You're not going to act on it, but it's okay to just acknowledge someones aesthetic beauty, after all. Plus, I can understand why you might feel attracted to them - I've sometimes felt the same way about people, like they just seem cool or interesting, and I want to just get to know them more, but it's not like I want to be romantically involved with them or anything. ^^ Of course if you did feel romantically attracted to them then that's a different interest, but I don't see anything wrong in it, really.
No, that's totally normal. It's okay to find other people good-looking or attractive. Just because you might have a partner, doesn't mean that other people suddenly stop being attractive. You're not going to act on it, but it's okay to just acknowledge someones aesthetic beauty, after all. Plus, I can understand why you might feel attracted to them - I've sometimes felt the same way about people, like they just seem cool or interesting, and I want to just get to know them more, but it's not like I want to be romantically involved with them or anything. ^^ Of course if you did feel romantically attracted to them then that's a different interest, but I don't see anything wrong in it, really.

This made me feel so much better. I feel like I could cry. I've been thinking this, but I wondered if maybe it was just me that thought this way. Michael, my partner, has given me so much love and I love him so very much. I just felt so bad, because I haven't been attracted to someone else in a while, and I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. My anxiety often blows up these things into bigger problems then they actually are.

Anxiety is awful.
Normal is different things for different people. For me, normal is wearing vegetables as clothing. For you, normal could be something totally different.
I would say it is completely normal. I'm still attracted to other people at times, and I know my boyfriend is too. We are honest and open about it, not like we are keeping anything from each other. As long as you don't act on it and it doesn't become a strain on your relationship, I see no harm.
Don't get upset over it. Both me and my boyfriend have talked about this and it's pretty natural to get infatuated with other people once you're in a committed relationship.

But like. That infatuation can't even measure up to how much I love my boyfriend. So I kinda let it be and don't worry about it. Don't let anyone tell you that just because you find someone attractive that you're "cheating" or any of that ****. Go punch them in the face or something.
...to feel attracted to someone, even if you're already in a committed relationship? I would never leave my significant other, not for anything. But I really feel bad about being attracted to someone else. I just want to know if this is normal or not.

It's human nature to be attracted to people. Loving someone doesn't automatically shut off your feelings and desires. It's whether or not you act upon those feelings that would be bad, and you already said you wouldn't leave your significant other. You sound like a good person to me. :)
Don't worry. It's perfectly normal.
My girlfriend has a huge crush on Crixus from Spartacus.