If you could travel into your fav fictional world, which one would you go to?


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2015
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Does anyone else ever wish they could go visit their favorite fictional worlds? Sometimes I get so bored, and I wish I could jump into my favorite book/movie/tv show/game/ect and just hang out and have fun with my favorite characters.

If you could visit your favorite fictional worlds, which ones would you go to?
I'd love to visit some worlds in the Sonic universe. Grew up with the franchise a kid and have loved it since. Plenty of amazing places to see and characters to talk to.
to be honest there are many places I would LOVE to go to in real life before thinking about fictional places but if I had to choose atm I'd love to visit planet Mira from Xenoblade Chronicles X, each continent has something unique and interesting to offer; the visuals, the multiple alien races who can all instantly understand each other despite speaking different languages, that technology that allows us to have those awesome Skells, those gigantic plants and beasts..I especially would love to visit Sylvalum because it's without a doubt the most unique area in the game.
Ooh the world of monster high! I love the series and would have fun meeting all the characters,,,except the humans Jackson is the only good human tbh. All the others are so rude.
tbh the animal crossing world as you're so free to do nothing and live forever
I would definitely like to travel to the Tipton and my town in Animal Crossing. Both places seem friendly, fun and relaxing. :)
My AC town, tbh. I could go at my own pace and have millions of bells. Plus, talking animal friends?? Sign me up.

The wizarding world would also be really cool. Post Voldemort, of course.
Maybe Avatar: The Last Airbender. That would be pretty cool.
when i was in 2nd grade i actually wrote a 2 page comic on how i was a kougra living in neopia... i still want to :D

i also want to live in the pokemon world, tv show logic ofc i wouldnt last 10 minutes if it was logical lol. i'd probably live somewhere in kalos but frequently visit other regions on the back of my mantine!
Pokemon or Animal Crossing. Both seem fun and not very dangerous compared to a lot of worlds out there.
Omg when I was little my friend and my brother and I would draw the Chalk Zone portal on this little mini chalkboard we had and we would pretend we could go inside lol we always wished that were true
this is so easy. I'd travel to the world makoto is in then ill make him mine. Makoto tachibana from free
id go to the black butler world and stalk claude and sebby, after that id go to the animal crossing world and chill with bones and pietro.

also i forgot pokemon, of course pokemon
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Equestria ;o; I want to be a unicorn who can cast super cool magical spells. I mean who wouldn't??!
I honestly think about this way more than I should! Some fictional places I'd love to visit include;

- The Zelda universe. I can't think of any specific world. Maybe Twilight Princess or Wind Waker? Both of those places would be amazing to explore in person!

- Gravity Falls. It's such a quirky town in the woods. I'd love to be able to see all kinds of fantastic creatures and objects, not to mention meet the characters!

- Steven Universe. Beach City is such a beautiful and relaxing town with great characters, not to mention witnessing all the gem action!

- Kingdom Hearts. The Kh specific worlds and characters are amazing, plus you get worlds and characters from Final Fantasy and Disney, too!
Pokemon or Animal Crossing. Both seem fun and not very dangerous compared to a lot of worlds out there.

Pokemon? Not dangerous? It's a world of 10 year olds running around without adult supervision, sometimes in control of universe destroying pokemon. :p

But for real, Animal Crossing for sure. Live out the rest of my days in an idyllic world with quirky animal people.
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