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how privileged are you

SAHSJKabdsbdadjbedjoqweif;/..sakj oh my Godddd white discrimination isn't even a real thing

That's a pretty dangerous thing to say.

Anyone, of any race/religion/sexual orientation/gender/etc. can absolutely be discriminated against and if you think otherwise then you are kind of a moron. Don't give me that "blah blah blah but white people hold all the power blah blah blah" bullcrap. If a white person has autism for example, they will likely be made fun of or judged at some point in their lives. That is discrimination. That is discrimination of a white person.

Honestly, acting like white people can't ever be discriminated against is racist. It is racism. There is no way getting around that.

And this whole privilege quiz thing is a joke. Does it even take in to account that you are using a computer to take it? (Not everyone has access to a computer or even know what a computer is. Check your privilege) And the fact that you obviously are literate enough to take the quiz in the first place? I honestly think it was made as a joke. Just like how this thread is a joke. I hate to be rude and I didn't want to comment on this but I just couldn't help myself anymore. I'm at least glad to see that The Bell Tree Forums isn't a total echo chamber like Tumblr is.
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That's a pretty dangerous thing to say.

Anyone, of any race/religion/sexual orientation/gender/etc. can absolutely be discriminated against and if you think otherwise then you are kind of a moron. Don't give me that "blah blah blah but white people hold all the power blah blah blah" bullcrap. If a white person has autism for example, they will likely be made fun of or judged at some point in their lives. That is discrimination. That is discrimination of a white person.

Honestly, acting like white people can't ever be discriminated against is racist. It is racism. There is no way getting around that.

And this whole privilege quiz thing is a joke. Does it even take in to account that you are using a computer to take it? (Not everyone has access to a computer or even know what a computer is. Check your privilege) And the fact that you obviously are literate enough to take the quiz in the first place? I honestly think it was made as a joke. Just like how this thread is a joke. I hate to be rude and I didn't want to comment on this but I just couldn't help myself anymore. I'm at least glad to see that The Bell Tree Forums isn't a total echo chamber like Tumblr is.
You can be racist towards white people, but that doesn't make white people oppressed. Statistics show that black and latino minors are more likely to be tried as adults and receive harsher sentences, and police brutality is obviously an issue. Whites also don't have to deal with institutionalized poverty like minorities and housing/workplace discrimination, and are therefore privileged. I'm not saying white people can't be discriminated against, I'm just saying it doesn't happen.

Being privileged isn't a bad thing if you read the rest of my post.
You can be racist towards white people, but that doesn't make white people oppressed. Statistics show that black and latino minors are more likely to be tried as adults and receive harsher sentences, and police brutality is obviously an issue. Whites also don't have to deal with institutionalized poverty like minorities and housing/workplace discrimination, and are therefore privileged. I'm not saying white people can't be discriminated against, I'm just saying it doesn't happen.

Being privileged isn't a bad thing if you read the rest of my post.

I would think it depends on the majority, if the majority of a country in non-white and white people are not in position of authority or don't have any money, I guess they would be on the oppressed side. But it's not common, because even in non-white countries they privilege those with a lighter shade of skin. White people would be most likely being oppressed and discriminate for another reason like religion or language.
I would think it depends on the majority, if the majority of a country in non-white and white people are not in position of authority or don't have any money, I guess they would be on the oppressed side. But it's not common, because even in non-white countries they privilege those with a lighter shade of skin. White people would be most likely being oppressed and discriminate for another reason like religion or language.
I'm talking about the US
You know, I'm starting to think that a lot of what makes privilege privilege is how you work with what you have. Obviously, there are certain things that might make your life harder (I.E., being in a minority class, being LGBT, etc...) but a positive attitude and realistic expectations can take a person very, VERY far. Apparently I'm -500 privileged (lol, wut), but honestly, I'm doing okay. Really okay. Better than a lot of "privileged" people I know. In fact, I'm doing a lot better than I was back when I myself would have been considered more privileged. (Back in those weird days where I had more money, looked whiter, and thought I was straight...)
In the test they also mention how beautiful people were more privileged than others and even if I think it's partly true, I'm not sure if in general they have it more easy than average people. They might get a better service in some places but in workplaces and schools they face jealousy and harassment, especially women. Where I worked, the boss had told us not to hire beautiful people because it was intimidating for the customer. I worked in a photography studio and unfortunately he was right, I used to have a co-worker who was really beautiful, she looked like a model and was really nice and friendly. Customers were so nasty with her, they were impolite, called her *****, men sexually harassed her all the time, she resigned after just 3 months. However our hot guy had less problems, just a few psycho following him everywhere. Well at that place, being average or below-average was a good thing.
In the test they also mention how beautiful people were more privileged than others and even if I think it's partly true, I'm not sure if in general they have it more easy than average people. They might get a better service in some places but in workplaces and schools they face jealousy and harassment, especially women. Where I worked, the boss had told us not to hire beautiful people because it was intimidating for the customer. I worked in a photography studio and unfortunately he was right, I used to have a co-worker who was really beautiful, she looked like a model and was really nice and friendly. Customers were so nasty with her, they were impolite, called her *****, men sexually harassed her all the time, she resigned after just 3 months. However our hot guy had less problems, just a few psycho following him everywhere. Well at that place, being average or below-average was a good thing.

As a woman who isn't attractive, let me tell you that a lot of those problems are problems that women of any level of attractiveness will have. I've been turned down for a LOT of opportunities because I'm not 'pretty' enough. I've also dealt with a metric ****ton of sexual harassment from guys who thought I should've been kissing their boots for being interested in someone as plain/ugly/overweight as I was. I have people constantly tell me to smile, to dress a certain way, to diet more, to exercise more, to put on more makeup/less makeup, cut my hair a certain way, etc...And almost every woman I know faces something similar.

I'm sure men face a different subset of problems too, but I'm not a man, so I wouldn't know.
lmao on the first one i got "Your privilege level is Extremely Oppressed with a score of -490"
i'd guess it was autism and trans and maybe uh asexual and sex that made me Extremely Oppressed™ but idk ?

on the second one i got "Somewhat Privileged" and 63% and i think that's more accurate because i think that while im Extremely Oppressed™ in some ways im still white, have no financial problems, live in sweden as a swedish person, most people in my family have gone to university and stuff like that ssso lllike . idk.

i think it's stupid to compare or compete in how oppressed u are. but privilege is a real thing even though how ppl say or use the privilege card often is Uh Bad .,.
i think it is important to remember that your view or experience isnt the same as everyone elses . sometimes you have it easier and sometimes you have it harder. that doesnt make you a better or worse person but it's important to understand other ppls perspective and understand that your experience isnt the unversal experience and that you can be ignorant due to ur privilege
You can be racist towards white people, but that doesn't make white people oppressed. Statistics show that black and latino minors are more likely to be tried as adults and receive harsher sentences, and police brutality is obviously an issue. Whites also don't have to deal with institutionalized poverty like minorities and housing/workplace discrimination, and are therefore privileged. I'm not saying white people can't be discriminated against, I'm just saying it doesn't happen.

Being privileged isn't a bad thing if you read the rest of my post.

Okay, but white people can and are oppressed, and are discriminated against.

Do I need to remind you that same-sex marriage only just became legal in the United States of America like two years ago? Gay people still face a lot of discrimination here in America, and those who identify as trans have to fight over their right to choose which bathroom they want to be able to go in.

Many other countries don't even have same-sex marriage legalized, such as Australia - a country that has a 75% white population. So those gay white people in Australia are effectively being oppressed right now.

In other worse off countries, I, as an atheist, could be executed for not believing in their religion. As a woman, I would not be allowed to drive or vote, I would have to wear what they tell me to wear, speak when spoken to, etc. While those countries are not dominated in population by white people, if I were to go there, I would be an oppressed white person.

Going back to America - one could argue that Affirmative Action is discrimination and oppression - based solely on race. Whites and Asians are often overlooked when it comes to being accepted in to college in favor of Blacks, Latinos, and other minorities; whether they have better grades/scores or not.

So yeah. It does happen.
Those are completely valid points.

But notice how people aren't discriminated because they're white, but because they're not heterosexual, or male, or follow the predominant faith. A white disabled person doesn't experience oppression because they're white, but because they're disabled.
There aren't standards in place that target white people. But there may be laws, policy, and mindsets that are against other identities a white person may have.

That's why it would be wrong to say white people are oppressed, but valid to say there are white people who experience oppression.
Okay, but white people can and are oppressed, and are discriminated against.

Do I need to remind you that same-sex marriage only just became legal in the United States of America like two years ago? Gay people still face a lot of discrimination here in America, and those who identify as trans have to fight over their right to choose which bathroom they want to be able to go in.

Many other countries don't even have same-sex marriage legalized, such as Australia - a country that has a 75% white population. So those gay white people in Australia are effectively being oppressed right now.

In other worse off countries, I, as an atheist, could be executed for not believing in their religion. As a woman, I would not be allowed to drive or vote, I would have to wear what they tell me to wear, speak when spoken to, etc. While those countries are not dominated in population by white people, if I were to go there, I would be an oppressed white person.

Going back to America - one could argue that Affirmative Action is discrimination and oppression - based solely on race. Whites and Asians are often overlooked when it comes to being accepted in to college in favor of Blacks, Latinos, and other minorities; whether they have better grades/scores or not.

So yeah. It does happen.
Christ you're argument is so bad

They're not being discriminated against because they're white they're being discriminated against because they're gay. It's not like the have "Gay marriage: minorities only".
Your privilege level is Extremely Oppressed with a score of -560"

my white ass is laughing

the other quiz gave me about a 50% which i guess is more legitimate, probably

- - - Post Merge - - -

all in all, privilege is extremely complex and circumstantial, you cant measure it through a quiz like this. i suppose quizzes can give you a general sense and introduction, but they shouldnt be taken too literally

- - - Post Merge - - -

i feel like being a white classically pretty norwegian is the one thing keeping me in a comfortable position
Apparently Extremely Oppressed -710. I feel like my life's great though! This test is so stupiddddd
As a woman who isn't attractive, let me tell you that a lot of those problems are problems that women of any level of attractiveness will have. I've been turned down for a LOT of opportunities because I'm not 'pretty' enough. I've also dealt with a metric ****ton of sexual harassment from guys who thought I should've been kissing their boots for being interested in someone as plain/ugly/overweight as I was. I have people constantly tell me to smile, to dress a certain way, to diet more, to exercise more, to put on more makeup/less makeup, cut my hair a certain way, etc...And almost every woman I know faces something similar.

I'm sure men face a different subset of problems too, but I'm not a man, so I wouldn't know.

I'm not a man either according to my ID.

I'm not attractive at all and have it pretty easy in general because people don't expect anything good from me anyway. It's sure that if I go to the bank or in a bar the service is less good (they don't offer me coffee or freebies) but people usually let me alone. I'm just invisible. I don't get sexually harassed at all, people ignore me, which is pretty good for me since I'm not social. About the hair, make-up, clothes, my mom is nagging me a lot but other people don't say anything, whatever I wear I still look the same, or most likely look like a bad drag queen so...(it's better not to show off ) They let me get away with anything. Plus my boss hired me because of that face, he said "I don't hire people more beautiful than me and you look pretty much inoffensive" LOL Some would take it as an insult but I found it rather funny (strange sense of humour perhaps) Also when I was photographing for a newspaper and some bands, people didn't notice me at all and didn't feel stressed out by my presence which was a quality.

But my beautiful friends have it harder than me, plenty of people want to be their friends and they feel like they can't refuse them. One of my friends is always surrounded by several men whenever she gets out, if she turns them down nicely they don't get it and stick like glue, if she tries to be firmer, they insult her. If she speaks to our male childhood friends their girlfriends get jealous and mad at her. If she get out without make-up, people think she's sick or tired. If she gains weight, everybody tell her to be careful. She can't go out in baggy clothes to fetch the mail without people commenting on her appearance. When she applied to be in the police, they told her not to waste her pretty face, people don't take her seriously.
Really I don't have those problems, I just put the trash out in a hoody covered with paint and one boot and nobody said a single thing. Men are usually scared of me, if I compliment them on their parfume or look they flee for their life. XD

I wouldn't change my face for a pretty one, I like it that way and I feel freeeeeeeeeeee!!! Not oppressed at all, but if I want service at the bank I drag my cute brother along.

My cute brother is also surrounded by a bunch of ladies fighting for his attention. And when I say "fighting" it's not figuratively. He lost some of his friends because their girlfriends were too flirty with him. When we are going to parties, people mob him while I can quietly reach the bar without being bothered, our relatives are all over him, wanting to know everything, ladies are sticking to him like flies, he attracts lot of superficial people. People also expect a lot from him, he's not allowed to fail, or to be mean, or mad. They put a lot of pressure on him. If I tell people to get lost, they just avoid me. If my brother says it, it's way more dramatic, it's not him, not after all they did for him...blablabla.. It's sure that he gets more freebies and stuff but he somehow have to pay for them.

sexual harassment from guys who thought I should've been kissing their boots for being interested in someone as plain/ugly/overweight as I was.

Yeah I heard of those people, how laughable.....No need for them to suffer, they worth more than that, you wouldn't want to ruin their life :p LOL
Apparently I'm extremely oppressed with a score of -270 lmao

I'm also somewhat privileged with like 51% privileged, which seems pretty accurate I guess??
Those are completely valid points.

But notice how people aren't discriminated because they're white, but because they're not heterosexual, or male, or follow the predominant faith. A white disabled person doesn't experience oppression because they're white, but because they're disabled.
There aren't standards in place that target white people. But there may be laws, policy, and mindsets that are against other identities a white person may have.

That's why it would be wrong to say white people are oppressed, but valid to say there are white people who experience oppression.

This. I absolutely agree with this.

As a woman with a severe (though invisible to an untrained eye) physical disability, statistically in my country I am much more likely to experience adverse outcomes across the board than other white people. Luckily for me, I am also young, educated, city-dwelling (suburbs, but close enough), and articulate.

My ability to communicate effectively and my reasonable understanding of both my disorders and of how our medical system works means that I am at a significant advantage to someone who lacks either the skills or the knowledge. I am lucky that my mental faculties are only rarely peripherally affected. Even when when things were at there worst, I was still able to articulate my symptoms and concerns - a luxury many people I know have not had. Through hard work, trial and error, and a lot of luck, my medical team and I have found a medication regimen that controls my condition as much as possible. Statistically, I have done phenomenally well - and this is due to a combination of factors that are simply not *only* because of my own efforts.

Recognising that I benefitted - and continue to benefit - from systemic and cultural privileges in no way undercuts my achievements as an individual. I have worked extremely hard both personally and professionally to get where I am today. I also work to improve my country's society to remove those systemic and cultural barriers which limit the opportunities of others. Recognising the privileges I experience allows me to be a better, kinder, more empathetic human being *to everyone I come into contact with*.
-490 apparantly? just because I'm gay and agender
52% and somewhat privileged, I think this seems more accurate