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How long did it take you you get the wisteria trellis?


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2014
I'm making a hybrid garden and I want the trellis in the center of it.

I plan on doing the wetsuit/no inventory trick. I was wondering how long it took the request to finally show up? Like are we talking 3-4 hours or longer?
I wanna say it took me like around 6 months without the trick. I was really happy when someone randomly pinged me for it.
In my first town Cherry suggested it a week after I was able to get PWP suggestions. I never bothered with the PWP tricks, but maybe you'd have luck if you tried it a few times and then tried to ping Uchi villagers.
Still waiting, but sadly I don't have an uchi villager in my town ):
Still hasn't happened for me and it's been quite a while. I did use the wetsuit trick semi-frequently.
2 yrs w out the trick

- - - Post Merge - - -

you can only get pinged like 3 or 4 times a day about PWPs so maybe a couple hours if u time travel :D
LOL man I thought I was the only one with the trouble getting it
I have every PWP unlocked in my main town and it was tTHE LAST DARN THING UNLOCKED
I'm currently doing the diving trick trying to get all the uchi PWPs. Just got the log bench and need the wood bench, picnic basket, and wisteria trellis left! OH JK I LITERALLY JUST GOT THE WISTERIA TRELLIS AS I WAS WRITING THIS POST LOL. Two more pwps left for me before I can move mira out! c:
How do you do the trick???

I believe each day, you can get one PWP request, and they all come from pings. So the best way for a chance of getting a PWP request is to have nothing, including bells(or full inventory of flowers, which I heard from a friend), because that removes the chances of pings being for item exchanges or buying one of their items), and going diving into the farthest possible area of the sea for ~5minutes to ensure that no villager sees you and you're still around in town (has to do with the ping mechanic)! once those 5 minutes are up, go back to town and look for all your villagers and you should get a ping. If it's not for the PWP, then you repeat. If it's the PWP, then you got your pwp request for the day! If you TT, then you can get a lot of PWPs unlocked, but if not then I think the limit is one new one per day!
took me about 8 months until it was finally requested. i was ecstatic because i wanted it since the start of the game and had already planned where I was gonna place it
In game, 6 months. Real life 2 weeks since I TT a lot. I wasn't trying to get it and I might not even use it, I was just doing the diving trick to get the bus stop (just request it phoebe!!!)