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How do you handle loosing in a game?

Normally I usually get a little shot down, but I know that I can have the feeling of trying harder to get a much better result in the next match. After all, it's better to have everyone do their best in the game where the placement you get makes the game honestly, more fun and enticing. (But if you keep losing and can't improve, maybe the game isn't for you...)
I do have those times where I rage quit, which is the wrong way to play, however, it only seldom ever happens and I find another room that I feel more satisfied with. And it's not easy players to beat, because based on my skill level in MK8DX, it's impressive. So beating weak players where I'm the only strong one is plain wrong, it hurts both me and the other players. Hurts the other players because they don't stand a chance against me, and it also hurts me because of my refusal to play against others of my high skill level.

Another thing to mention is my gloat issue. I don't join rooms to show off my skills, I join to have a grand ol' time. Of course, sometimes the feelings of me saying (I win! You wish you had the skill levels to beat me, so why don't you git gud?) or (Oh come on now, that was supposed to be my win) slip out. I definitely try to not do this very often as (I hate to mention) I did during the Switch Stars event in 2020's TBT Fair.
I have improved in not doing this, so that's a good thing to come out of me.

TL;DR. Yes, I can handle losing in an online match.
It depends. I'm pretty chill usually but the other day I was confused that one of my Pokemon lost a Beauty Contest...I mean, how is a Dustox prettier than an Altaria? 😂 Sometimes you just gotta laugh it off!
I don’t really mind losing in games. To me it’s more about having fun than winning. The only thing I can’t stand is when people team up against me and I lose because of that.
Not very well, honestly. I used to smash my controllers on furniture or on my leg whenever I got angry about losing. And I may or may not have thrown one out of anger. 😅 Nowadays I'll just curse under my breath or something. I don't play many rage-inducing games anymore, and I wouldn't want to end up breaking my controller.
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I never understood the concept of "Winning" yes you won a game thats cool but a lot of times I seen people use it as like bragging rights. Just like in real life if you lost in a game of sports, you want to show that you're a "Good Sport" meaning that you congratulate the other team who lost. The point is loosing in a game is part of learning. You can find out what you did wrong and how you can improve on it.

The way I handle loosing is that I give this reaction of "Oh well at least I tried" mentally so I don't feel too bad. I was never a fan of winning something because it just seemed like something that I would not want to see myself doing. I know that may sound weird to some people, but I just don't feel comfortable when I have people around me cheering me on and it makes me feel drained as an introvert.
I never really get all that upset whenever I lose. I shrug my shoulders and either try again, or log off and try again later. The only time I get annoyed with games is when there is a bug that crashes my game in the same pace multiple times and I have to restart the entire area. But even then its more of an ughhh and I just put it down and return in a month or so.
i don't think i've ever gotten upset about losing in a game. it feels like such a waste of resources. basically the only thing that can rile me up in games is when other players are flaming and harrassing others. if someone is playing poorly, calling them names isn't gonna do anything for anybody's enjoyment of the game
Single player games are easier to deal with. Can't tell you how badly Cuphead wore me down at first, but I never had any rage outs or anything like that.

Online is a completely different story. In Splatoon, I'm only about an above average player so I die a lot...which I'm cool with....but when the same player splats you over and over again...and tops it off with a squidbagging...yeah I start to see red lol It'll throw me off (which taunting is supposed to do) to the point where I'll actively just try to seek out that one player for revenge.

Pokemon is the biggest offender when it comes to online rage quits. In Sw/Sh it's a little better than it used to be (only maybe 1/5 opponents will disconnect on me), but US/UM was FULL of poor sports...to the point where I'd estimate about 4/5 opponents would disconnect on me.
Breeding competitive Pokemon is all I used to do...so I think players who put all their stock in their mythicals/legendaries couldn't handle watching them lose to 'regular' Pokemon.

Smash (as with all fighting games) can feel a little personal, so it's easier to let your anger get the best of you. I can't remember who he was...but during the TBTWC, by first Smash opponent flat out told me before we played 'it's just a game, don't take the results personally' and I really appreciated that :)
I throw my controller across the room, start beating up the TV, then go out and drive over innocent bystanders.

I don't really get how people can actually get this mad over a game. I mean, I get being mad, but why are you destroying your own property over a video game? Chill out 😂. I can get mad when I lose a game but doing something like this is kind of stupid. I used to do it but I was way less mature then.
I don't really care too much. I might just stop playing out of discouragement, or not if I was still having fun. When it comes to multiplayer I either don't care and keep playing or have so little self esteem that I don't even want to play in the first place. The last games like that I actually remember playing were Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Kirby's Dream Buffet. In Kirby's case I was slowly unlocking new content so whether or not I won was not extremely important. In Mario Kart's case I don't really care unless I start getting last or near last place multiple times in a row, which just unmotivates me from playing.
Anger? I don't have that here. It's always baffled me that other people get so easily angry over games since I seemingly don't have the same kinds of feelings. I would also never dare touch one of those online competitive games that has chatting because people are generally terrifying and toxic from what I can tell.
Also since I didn't bring it up yet, I don't play Splatoon online. I tried to but I noticed my anxiety goes up and I just don't really enjoy it. I have so far played online exactly ONCE in Splatoon 3. Yes, only once. The multiplayer isn't the part I care about.
If it's a game that I'm playing by myself then I don't really care (of course if I'm struggling on something I can get frustrated, but for the most part I don't stress about it)

But when it comes to games with online multiplayer, I can get unintentionally competitive and sucked in lol
If I lose once or twice in a row I can just shrug it off and keep playing, but if I'm consistently losing I can start to feel the frustration a bit. Usually it's kind of just a hopelessness, like I'll expect to lose or be defeated and maybe start to lose motivation. If it gets really bad I just take a break and get some air for a minute and chill out, then maybe come back. I don't like to walk away cause it feels like I'm giving up and that frustrates me more lol

In general though, I usually don't play a lot of online multiplayer-focused games, it's really only like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 🤣
I don't really care, lol.

The reality is that PvP in games brings out the worst in people sometimes. But it can also bring out the best. Do you know how many times I've lost to my best friend in SSBU before I finally got better at the game? Dude straight up murdered me with Joker countless times. But after playing for awhile I've been able to take a few from him, just from adjustments I've made and whatnot.

To me it's like this. If I didn't win then I wasn't meant to win, and there's some pretty good reasons for it. And if I want to adjust and improve I got to figure out what those reasons are.

But all in all I don't take competitive in video games that seriously anymore. I think I'm just unfazed now after all the MMORPGs I played in the past, lmao.

As for losing in single-player games, I care even less, cause I can just try again.
I would say with grace and quickly moving on, but this Geometry Dash level I just played says otherwise lmao. It does feel sucky when you lose your ranks in a multiplayer game because your teammates were fooling around, though, but it is what it is and it hurts to waste energy on that.

I've been trying to manage recent anger stuff and you'd think losing would make them worse, but it just hands out more consistent opportunities to practice brushing it off. "Oh well, there will be better rounds :')"
Really it depends. Fromsoft games usually do give me some anger after losing 50 times to the same boss. Malenia looking at you 👀 but honestly it's not that bad. Sometimes also trophy hunting and let me say: Otometal my life 900 points karaoke is the most cursed thing ever. i may or may not threw my controller a few times but honestly that's about it. I am a chill gamer most of the time!
I'm not a terribly competitive person, so in multiplayer I don't find myself getting angry at losses or anything like that. The only time it really bothers me is when the other party is cheating, griefing, etc. etc. Even then, I'm more likely to just roll my eyes and quit the game than actually get angry.

Single player, however, is where you can expect the four-letter words.
Loss is just an opportunity to improve. As a semi-competitive smash player I take it as something to be reviewed and improved upon. ^ - ^
i'm a very sore loser, just not outwardly. like outward ill be like "haha, good job :)" and then inside my head im screaming and chewing on drywall

unless it's like a single player game then idrc
I'm so used to losing, honestly, so I don't really care.
I think it's very easy for me to lose, depending on what game I play.

Sometimes, I'll even lose a game so much, due to its difficulty that I never completely finish it on purpose, for that very reason.