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Hiking Trip (Evergreen and The Poliwags Cabins)

dizzy bone

Dec 20, 2013
Perfect Apple
Perfect Cherry
Perfect Orange
Perfect Peach
Perfect Pear

Hiking is a unique experience for every individual. Some go to camp out under the stars, others go to track down elusive creatures such as the bigfoot (otherwise known as a hairy dude who is just good at social distancing). But what will you bring to survive in the great outdoors?

How to Play 🗻

  • Using Harvey's Photo Studio, create an outfit for your island rep/character that suits your idea of a hiking or camping trip. Next to your character, place 5 items that you would bring on your trip. In your submission post, explain your outfit and item choices in a few sentences. Your overall theme for your trip is up to you - whether you wish to go on a conventional hike or embark on specific activities - feel free to get creative!
  • You are NOT creating a full scene for this event - your submission should only contain your outfit + 5 items. However! Feel free to get as creative as you want in your description! Please look below for an example of an acceptable entry.
  • You may use a background and flooring that goes with your entry but you can also use a plain background if you wish! The important part is that the clothing and items and your description.
  • You do not need to list every single item of clothing you are wearing but you should describe certain clothing items that bring your idea together. You may use custom designs if you wish.
  • You do not need to name the specific item you are bringing but you must explain what everything is for. Eg. Instead of saying "homework set" you can call it research documents, instead of a "tourist telescope" you can call it binoculars etc. Make sure it is obvious if you are using certain items to represent different things.
  • Your screenshot/photo should be unedited or cropped. This includes in-game filters. If you are taking a photograph of a screenshot, please make sure all the sides are visible so the photo is not cropped.
  • Please submit one photo only.
  • Do not edit your entry after you have submitted it unless otherwise asked by the event host.
Please submit your entries to this thread by 6:59pm EDT on Sunday August 29th 2021. Late entries will not be accepted.

Example Entry:

View attachment 391928

I am going on a hiking trip to my favourite national park to go bug catching! I'm wearing my red mountain parka and cargo pants that are breezy but will also shield me from mosquito bites! I'm wearing a red bandana just to match my red outfit! On my trip I'm taking my mountain bike to ride to the location, a water cooler and some grapes in case I get thirsty or hungry, and a mosquito trap to keep away those pesky bloodsuckers! Last but not least, I have to bring my trusty net to catch the bugs.

How to Vote 🗻

The cabin favourites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the Like or Love reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

While you can react to any entry, favourites will be decided only by votes from members of the same cabin.

Prizes 🗻

15 Mountain Tokens and 15 cabin points for your accepted entry (you may enter once).

The top 3 cabin favourites will earn an additional 8 Mountain Tokens. The top 1 will also receive a Rainbow Jellyfish Collectible.

Submission checklist 🗻

Before submitting your entry to this thread, make sure that:

☑ You are not only showing your island rep in costume, but also your 5 items.
☑ You are submitting one photo only.
☑ You wrote a short description explaining your outfit and items.
☑ It is before 6:59pm EDT on Sunday August 29th 2021.

today I've chosen to go on a little hike to do some stargazing! I'm wearing a fleece to keep warm but still gotta stay comfy in my favourite jeans, rips or not. I'll be cycling to the bottom of the trail so i have my trusty mountain bike, but of course I have my lantern to help me get up to the ledge I'll be looking out from. My telescope will help me see beyond my poor eyesight, or if I just want to lie in peace I have my hammock I can tie between a few nearby trees. And of course, my big water bottle - gotta stay hydrated!
on my hiking trip I would like to become one with nature, so I'm bringing a few things just for that!

- I'm wearing a down jacket, keeps me cool in the sunny day and warm at night. also wearing a bandana to keep my head cool, and a nice high quality pair of hiking boots to get around!
- of course I have my trusty fishing rod, can't go camping without also fishing!
- who could forget the bug net? lotsa creepy crawlers in the wilderness 👀
- brought some bird seed to feed the birds and squirrels and whoever else I stumble upon during my journey.
- my panflute is there to provide some entertainment during downtime, or perhaps while I'm waiting to hook an arapaima!
- lastly, I brought my camping cot so I have somewhere cozy to sleep safe and sound with all the buggies.
When I think of camping, I think of Don't Starve. So, here I am, wearing what Wilson, the main character of that game, wears (I made the shirt and waistcoat myself!), along with a tam o'shanter to help keep me warm and sane. I've brought a tent to sleep in, an axe to cut firewood and possibly fight off a giant spider or two, a lantern so that I won't be in the deadly dark, and an icebox and crock pot so that I don't starve.

Here’s my submission:

Below you will see me taking my Hiking Trip all decked out in Poliwag Gear! The blue frog helmet really makes me feel the team spirit, along with the “A” shirt as we are the A-Team.

On my hiking trip, I’d bring a basketball to have fun with during the down time, a lantern to go on ghost hunts with, a picnic basket for sharing our plates, a hammock to relax on, and a tent to sleep in once the fun day is all over with. Looking forward to the hiking trip all week long!


For my trip I will be hiking the jungles of Borneo so that I might see some orangutans in their natural habitat. As you can see I am wearing a hat, some sunglasses, a camo top, a leaf, cargo shorts with their very roomy pockets, socks, and lace-up boots, along with an extra large backpack to carry all of my belongings. I am bringing a lantern so I can see at night if I hear a weird noise, a camping cot so that I can sleep above ground, a tent of course- to keep mosquitoes and the elements out - and a portable camp stove for when I want to cook things! Finally, I have brought with me some kleenex because I know my allergies are going to kick in during this trip.

What is my ideal Camping Trip? I don't have an ideal camping trip as I believe camping is one of the most horrid ideas ever to be invented. If anything, I am most likely to be lost within in the woods which would be the only time I ever camped. Therefore, I most likely would have things that I would hypothetically carry on me. As listed from left to right, a frying pan for self-defense, a scooter as a means of transportation, a lunch basket for food, my mug filled with coffee, and my stuff animal bear which I also carry for protection. Finaly, my outfit is simply casual wear that I was wearing before getting lost.
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After my first night camping, I am up bright and early, and I've changed into my wetsuit to do some kayaking. Along with my wetsuit, I've got my water shoes, and always sun safe, a chic broad brimmed hat and some Labelle sunglasses.

I've packed light, with a tent, a camp chair, and a cooler (with food of course). I've included a full size barbecue, which represents a smaller transportable barbecue or campfire stove (but not the super tiny sort). And of course, since the Nooklings don't sell watercraft, I've included a bottled ship to represent a kayak! 🏕🌊🚣‍♀️


For my trip, I’ll focus on sketching and painting the scenery. I’m wearing a cap with a robe-like coat, loose pants, and a matching color shoes for a comfortable yet dreamy look. The items I‘ll be bringing in my trip are cooler for storing my food, briefcase for my extra clothing, kettle for heating up my food on the campfire, tent for shelter. And last but not least, a painting set so I can capture the breathtaking wildlife and scenery of the meadows.
Minimalism isn’t about having less. It’s about making room for more of what matters. It’s about the journey, the sights we see along the way, and the adventure that awaits us.


I’ve gone with a simple look. You have more time to enjoy the scenery when you’re not scattering through your clothes worrying about what to wear. I’m wearing a light jacket with matching black pants, some running shoes, my backpack, and of course, my signature hat.

Firstly, I have my bike. Hearing the rustling of the leaves on the ground while you ride through the mountains is a sweet sound. Second, I have my mini radio. We all need a break sometime, and I’ll use mine to listen to hockey news. (Priorities!) Third, I have my sleeping bag. You’re not truly camping unless you lie in the grass. Speaking of lying in the grass, you need a telescope to gaze at the stars. Last but not least, I brought my Bones plush, because why not? We all need a friend, and mine is a stuffed puppy. If I get thirsty, I’ll have to settle for whatever I find I guess.

For my camping trip, I'm going back to the mountains my grandfather used to take me to when I was a kid to fish the South Fork of the Payette. Those childhood fishing/hiking/camping memories are some of my all time favorite, so I'll be heading there now to capture some of the magic of those days by hopefully catching a lot of trout! I always wore my Cardinals hat back then (always been a huge fan!) so I'll be wearing that again for the memories, as well as camo pants and wading boots to get in the water if I need to bring the fish in. A light colored plaid shirt just seems to tie it all together, right?

With me on this journey I'll be bringing:
  1. My trusty fishing pole to nab those fish with,
  2. My folding lawn chair to stay comfortable while I wait for the fish to bite,
  3. A radio to listen to some tunes while I fish,
  4. A camp fire kettle to cook the trout over the camp fire,
  5. And finally a sleeping bag so that I can watch the stars far away from light pollution.
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I'm not a camper by any means, but I do know what I need to bring so I'm a happy little me. I'm flat-footed so I know I need some good hiking boots, and I want to wear long, comfortable pants and a good jacket because it gets pretty cold at night (or so I've heard...). And of course, a hat to keep the sun out of my face, and a backpack to keep all of my water and snacks in. I'm going to bring along an RV camper to sleep and wash in (sorry, nature. I need a working bathroom!), and an outdoor generator to make sure I have some electricity on the road — you never know when you're going to need a little extra juice! I'm going to chill to my favorite music with my tape deck and eat my camper's curry (campfire cookware) just like my parents did on their class camping trips back in Korea! And once it gets dark outside, I'm going to bring out the good ol' telescope and look at Jupiter and the Moon!
Well, this is JUST great.... And here I thought wearing some of my nicest clothes on my camping trip was a good idea. WRONG. One moment I'm all dolled up, looking as fashionable as an oak tree in its best red coat, and the next thing I know my clothes are all in tatters, my hair's all messed up, and my face? I'm lucky to still HAVE one! I guess I can't complain too much. At least this frugal outfit is comfortable enough, and with my Traveler's Backpack I won't have to worry about running out of provisions anytime soon.

Boy am I happy to see my tent is still intact after those rough winds last night! But why oh why won't the bugs just leave me alone? Good thing I remembered to pack plenty of medicine. With my trusty campfire cookware I have a hot meal to look forward to tonight, and my cooler box? Let's just say I can never leave home without it. And lastly, should I find myself hopelessly lost up in the mountains, I can rely on my emergency Fountain Firework to act as a makeshift flare and have the Rescue Service come save my mosquito-bitten butt. No one ever said camping was easy, but it's sure as heck more fun than staying indoors all day!

I have decided that my trip through the great outdoors will focus on fishing in the mountains. To that end, I've made sure to get suited up in some fishing waders and boots to stand in the river, with sunglasses and a hat (a Bolts hat, naturally, lol) to give me some protection from the sun and my handy tackle box on hand to help during the fishing. Since I'll be fishing, I of course need a handy fishing rod and some bait to help me catch those fish in the river! I've got a cooler on hand to store the fish in and to store some refreshing beverages, and a camp stove as well to cook the fish on. Since we'll be out here fishing for a couple of days, it's only appropriate to make sure we have a tent as well to spend the night in.

Somebody been stealing food from the camp, so I decided to embark on a trip to the nearest woods in order to catch the culprit red-handed! I dressed up all-camouflage in order to stay unnoticed, and I also got myself some night-vision goggles in order to...see better in the night.
Simple pile of leaves will become my hideout for the time being. It's probably cold and uncomfortable, but anything else would be too easy for the culprit to notice! I brought my Nintendo Switch in order to keep myself entertained while I'm hiding. My trusty net will help me with catching the culprit, but I also have my slingshot as an extreme measure of self-defense. And finally, I have some sweet snacks to lure the culprit right into my hands! I really hope I won't eat it myself tho...
Hiking Trip.jpg

I've decided to go on a nice, easygoing hiking trip to relax, unwind, and enjoy nature! I've got some comfy sneakers that are easy to walk long distances in, some sturdy jeans to protect my legs from bugs and thorns, and I'm also bringing my earphones along so I can listen to some music while I'm hiking! I want to have a comfortable trip, so I've packed with me a new book to read, a lantern to read it by after it gets dark, an adorable plushie to keep me company, a picnic set with some nice ready-made meals, and a walking stick! Oh dear, in my quest for comfort, I think I might've forgotten some essentials...

I'm taking a camping trip up north to study some marine life! I've a tent to protect me from the elements, my radio for tunes & communication, a camp stove to boil clean water & cook food, a pole set to catch different critters, & a book to record my findings. I've my bright red accessories so it's easy to see me on the ice. I've also some googles to protect my eyes from ice reflections. I'm dressed super warm, but it's always good to do morning stretches to get the blood flowing! 🔥

I don't know about you, but when I go hiking up into the mountains I make sure I'm sporting my best Bavarian hat and a sleek new set of lederhosen. You've also got to make sure you're wearing some thick, high socks (Tick bites are EVERYWHERE this year people, protect yourselves!).
What do I bring up there, you might ask? Well, for starters a blanket for everyone to sit on. Two picnic baskets so there's enough food for all. Finally, a stool for me to sit on while I belt out a rendition of Edelweiss while playing my guitar. Good times are had by all!

I'm keeping it simple this camping trip and bringing only the essentials. With my shovel in hand to dig a hole and some toilet paper for obvious reasons, I set off into the forest. I've got my good old green lederhosen on and my pack of wood strapped to my back. I'm such a rugged outdoorsman I don't even wear shoes. I made sure to pack all my outdoor survival books which allows me to double check which wild mushrooms and plants are edible. There's even a picnic kit with all the reusable kitchen utensils I could need. I also definitely can't forget the kettle to boil stream water cause you wouldn't want to get sick! I forgot the tent and sleeping bag though so it looks like I'm sleeping under the stars tonight..

Today, I decided to go on a hiking trip through the mountains. I'm wearing an explorer's hat, simple parka, school pants, lace-up boots, and a backpack. For this trip, I will be bringing my fishing pole to catch fish to eat, my axe to chop wood to make a campfire, a sleeping bag to sleep in, a camp stove to cook on, and a telescope to stargaze at night.