Have you ever had a year that was difficult, but also good?

Probably 2016. Graduated high school & started college, but also fell into one of the deepest depressive/suicidal episodes of my life.
2016 was horrible for me. The beginning started with my second longest (now second longest, at the time longest) relationship ending, and I was left for someone else. I felt horrible. My grades slipped a lot, and I finished the year with straight Fs. I had to spend the entire summer doing credit recovery. I went into the year with a changed stance, and ended up meeting (and dating) my now best friend, who got me into Animal Crossing. We broke up in 2017, but he really helped me get back on my feet, and really helped me see the world in different colors. I don't know where I'd be if he didn't introduce himself to me at band camp in 2016. And he's still my very best friend today (and he actually has an account here! Hoping he'll get active.)

Of course, 2013/2014 were the years my parents divorced, and my abuse dad lost custody, but 2016 seemed worse in a way.
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pretty much every year it feels like you lose something and probably gain something back. life's a rollercoaster
2012 was my most difficult year for personal reasons, but 2018 comes very close.
Last year had its ups and downs but I suppose every year does. 2018 was most struggling with having to deal with the break up of a relationship that lasted for quite a while, yet it taught me a lot of things and has only made me a better person; I never thought I'd say that because I've always believed that people say that after a break up for the sake of saying it, when actually its true. Its only after that I realised that we learn a lot from people in different situations and while it's not pleasant to go through a break up, I think it's beneficial in terms of becoming a stronger being. I also moved places for the very first time and the whole process was very tough for me but it all worked out in the end as I welcomed new people into my life (people that I now call as close) and settled into a completely different environment. Last year was definitely the most hectic year I've had.

ffs its was okay and i made a lot of things and got into others but also went into many problems , broke friendships , got more lonely and stressed
This year and last. Homelessness, my first real relationship, my first job, starting college. Everything’s insane.
2018 was the worst year of my life.. I had many problems and difficulties with my family and social life in general and I barely made it to this year. Honestly, I went throigh quite some tough times and I'd never thought I'd make it out alive.
But that year was also the year I got really into Anime, got two new friends (one on here, one irl) and the year where I fell in love and finally confessed at the end, so even if there were many rough times and suicidal thoughts, there were moments where I felt content.
I feel relieved that I've made many good memories this year :)
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2018-2019 during the school year was really difficult when i tried dorming at my high school. i hated it. There were too many cliques and it was hard to get to know people when becoming a dorm student after being a day student for 2 years. Some of my dorm procters were also really rude for no reason and had pent up aggression towards me. I still think it was probably repressed homophobia. I also lost a lot of friends in 2019 which sucks but whenever I wish I was their friend again I just remember all the things they said to belittle and mock me while trying to cover it up as a joke. i really hope 2020 is better my goal is to stay out of drama and just focus on my art, driving, and getting a job
2009 my grandad died, but then later in the year I started dating the guy I'm still with today so ya that was a good and bad year
2017 which was my first year out of college. Not only was a career "expected" of me, but the person I was in a relationship with was also expecting more despite only being together for 6 months at the time. Pressure was very high for the first part out, but it also allowed me to appreciate how well fitted I was in handling things. Which as advent partygoer I never knew I was even capable of it. I finally got the job, and it's the same job I've had going on two years now. The partner that wanted more left me in the end, but I felt it was probably for the best any way.
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2006. Finished high school and I had trouble finding jobs and or what to study in college. Plus the passing of some of my relatives was also a factor. My mind was in the clouds for most of that year and most of the next year.
2014. Family members having heath issues, in and out of hospital visits took a tole on me until I could balance out everything.
2017. I had some health issues (visions changes, tinnitus,migraines) that I had to change diets and or maybe its just age related stuff since the doctors could not find anything. I had to get use to these symptoms until they stopped or got better over time.

These are probably the highlights I could remember. I know everyone else has their own battles
Probably 2015 for me. My mother died that year and I had to move away from my friends and home for a year and was bullied a lot in the new school I was in. But everything before May was great, I had a lot of friends and I was just on top of everything, school was so easy.
2012 - we had a cat that hated me so much, I got a terrible scratch from them and then they tried to convince everyone I broke their leg. Another time I was scolded becouse she saw herself in a mirror but apparently she was "hurt" so I had to sit somewhere becouse I have been "naughty". That cat also tried to give me infection by licking in a spot they should not have been.