🗓️ The Year 2054 🔮


Finding the joy in small things is not weakness.
Feb 28, 2020
White Hyacinth
Orange Hybrid Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
Throughout the last 100 years, people sometimes recorded the thoughts of random people's answers about what the world would be like in the year x. Or what kind of inventions they thought would be real, or even hopes they had for the future.
I thought it may be fun to do something similar. Though 2054 sounds far off to me, it isn't as far off as when I was little. 2054 is only 30 years from now (2024) but a lot can happen in 30 years. Alot can happen in just 10 years really.

• What do you predict will be real in the year 2054?
• What do you think the world will be like in 2054?
• Any hopes you have in the year or by the year 2054?
30 years from now...hmmm.....I'm not sure what will be happening, but here's some hopeful thoughts:

A plug-in jack directly to the brain, for all sorts of things. Going to play the new Animal Crossing: Celestial Creations ? Well, just take a comfy seat, plug into your brain, close your eyes, and live the adventure. You will feel like you are actually walking on your celestial world, feel the breeze, smell the flowers.
Have a long distance work meeting? Plug in, and you are right there in the meeting.

Wireless neuro link type thing. For the rich and upper class - no more unsightly plugin jacks like the peasants have. The rich can enter and exit the virtual world with merely a thought.

World work-togetherness. Not peace, exactly, but the top dogs will realize that in only a few billion years, our sun will go through the phases of star death and eventually croak, so we need backup options. The world govts will start working together to find/ build atmosphere around/ terraform/colonize other empty planets. The warmongers will support these efforts as the companies that make money from weapons can instead make even more money off of building space traveling and terraforming tech.

At home medical scanner for simple illnesses, like flu, infections... Imagine it. You plug in symptoms, provide the med scanner whatever samples it needs, it scans you, and then tells you what is wrong and gives you advice and prescriptions etc. Hospitals could be reserved for more complex issues.

In reality, it might not be much different. As much as things have changed from 1994 to 2024, some stuff just seems to stay the same. Will be interesting to see how music and entertainment changes, though, and what happens to video games.
Hopefully we haven't all killed each other by then, lol. And hopefully global warming has been REVERSED instead of having become worse.

But most of all, not really sure whether or not I'd want to be alive by then. Depends how things have changed. : ' )
I don't have great expectations for 2054 to be honest.. and I was gonna elaborate but it was too much of a downer.
So here are my 2054 hopes instead:

- I hope that the dodo will have been brought back from extinction by then, I'd like to see a real dodo
- I hope there's another wholesome worldwide event that brings people together like in Summer 2016 when Pokémon Go first came out
- Would be neat if we could find proof of intelligent alien life out there
- I hope they cure all cancers and that the cure is free for everyone, always, no matter what
- I'd like for them to cure aging like right now. give me the cure I am cool with staying 30 forever
- While we're curing things, please cure non-allergic rhinitis
- I hope all student loan debt is eliminated and college is made free, everywhere, for everyone, for all of time
- Invent tattoos that absolutely do not fade or bleed in the slightest
- The Bell Tree Forums is still around making collectibles and events for us
- Also the next however many Animal Crossing games are all great and exactly what everyone wanted, including the VR one
- Trains
I feel like we'd get to a point where the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is irreversible, honestly? I mean, corporations are making lots of promises yet I don't think they're fast enough.

Otherwise, I assume fashion will recycle like it did before :v Maybe we'll see some vintage 50s recipes with a dash of microplastics becoming mainstream? Hopefully strong A.I. regulations will be in place.

OOH advancements in astronomy are going to be so stellar!! And betelgeuse will have probably gone supernova by then
we might be living in ruins and rubble of the society that existed before us! ummm, idk. it's hard to look that far ahead. what i hope for is that we figure out some of our messes right now so that we have a future to look forward to.