• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Animal Crossing Hide & Seek sessions from The Bell Tree World Championship are coming back -- check out the new TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek thread here for details! Look out for an Among Us session here too.

Have an idea for your town flag yet?

I don't typically do/care about own flags but I decided I wanted to try to make a pattern for one in new leaf. I'm gonna make mine a TARDIS as my town will have a slight doctor who reference/theme in it. Nothing all-out, just a few things here and there =)
I want something that captures the essence of the town while also having something that shows my tastes and favorite colors.
my town will be named shigure which means autumn rain so im going to do something with autumn leaves and rain XD
I suck with making designs. I'm a little better with the DS because of the stylus, but still awful. So unless I find a really cool design from another town, I probably won't change it. I still don't know what I'm calling my town.
mine is gonna be doctor who related. probably the T.A.R.D.I.S.
i'm also *really* hoping i can change the color of the phone booth to blue :)
Probably some form of the U.S. flag! Maybe original colonial flag! Not sure yet! :)

Oh, I like that idea, David!!

When my town was named PB&J (WHY, I do not know... LOL) I made a flag with a piece of bread smothered in peanut butter and grape jelly :D
I'm going to do the emblem from House Targaryan from Game of Thrones, or rather I'm going to try to. It seems like I'll have to do it a bit "dumbed down" if I want it to come out alright. I may chose another house emblem from GoT. :D
Since my town will be named "Kismet" after my Dog, I will have a little curled up Shiba Inu dog or a smiley faced Shiba Inu. Background will be Pink, Purple, Blue after the bisexual pride flag. If I can I will make a little caption that says "Live and let live" or something along the lines of no judgement.
Unless I think of anything else, my flag will probably be the cover of Coldplay's X&Y album.
Im going to make a pattern with the G symbol for the GameCube. Made it in the GameCube version and I cant use it for any flags (besides the island which I dont see that much)
I have no idea really. I usually left my flag blank in the other games just because I've never been much of a pattern maker. Although, this time around I can just use a QR code from our Patterns board! :p
Chances are I'm going to make my flag either the American Flag, the Irish Flag, the Swiss Flag, or the Christian Flag.