• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Genshin Impact

A new Dendro character is coming out soon with the release of Genshin Impact 3.0. Check this video out if you haven't already.


I won't be wishing on this banner. I used up all my wishes and funds to get Yoimiya C6, plus I'm just not interested in Tighnari as a character. I suppose if I ever do want him I can just obtain him from the permanent banner once he joins the roster there.

Anyway, good luck to those wishing on this banner and I hope you get the character(s) you want.

Update: My current primogem count is very low and not worth mentioning after going for Yoimiya C6. Thankfully I'll have more time to build up primogems as 3.0 releases, which will help me in future banners.


Check out these links down below too:

The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2 | Genshin Impact
The Version 3.0 "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings" Preview page is here!
Go Go, Forest Rangers! -- The web event for Genshin Impact's new character: Tighnari is now available
Sumeru Adventure Journal Vol. 1: Dendro Element
Sumeru Adventure Journal Vol. 2: Fantastic Creatures Are Found Here
Sumeru Adventure Journal Vol. 3: "Puzzles" in the Forest

A new Electro character is coming soon to Genshin Impact along with the release of version 3.1. Check this video out if you haven't already.


I will be wishing on this banner. Cyno is pretty strong and is a good character to go for. He's basically an upgraded Razor. Plus I am getting close to having every character in the game with the rerun of Albedo coming soon.

Anyway, good luck to those wishing on this banner and I hope you get the character(s) you want.

Update: My current primogem count is currently 3,621 primogems after having completed all of the current events. I will get a boost from the second anniversary rewards, as well as the initial top-up bonus reset, which should make it easy for me to get Cyno.


Check out these links down below too:

Version 3.1 "King Deshret and the Three Magi" Trailer | Genshin Impact
GENSHIN CONCERT 2022 - Melodies of an Endless Journey (Teaser)
Genshin Impact - Initial Top-Up Bonus Reset
"Luminous Glimmer" Commemorative Trailer | Genshin Impact
"Trial of the Scorching Sands" Web Event for Cyno Now Available! Participate to obtain Primogems and other rewards, and enter the desert together with Cyno
Genshin Impact Creator Program "Endless Journey - Streaming Event" on Twitch

A new Electro character is coming soon to Genshin Impact along with the release of version 3.1. Check this video out if you haven't already.


I will be wishing on this banner. Cyno is pretty strong and is a good character to go for. He's basically an upgraded Razor. Plus I am getting close to having every character in the game with the rerun of Albedo coming soon.

Anyway, good luck to those wishing on this banner and I hope you get the character(s) you want.

Update: My current primogem count is currently 3,621 primogems after having completed all of the current events. I will get a boost from the second anniversary rewards, as well as the initial top-up bonus reset, which should make it easy for me to get Cyno.


Check out these links down below too:

Version 3.1 "King Deshret and the Three Magi" Trailer | Genshin Impact
GENSHIN CONCERT 2022 - Melodies of an Endless Journey (Teaser)
Genshin Impact - Initial Top-Up Bonus Reset
"Luminous Glimmer" Commemorative Trailer | Genshin Impact
"Trial of the Scorching Sands" Web Event for Cyno Now Available! Participate to obtain Primogems and other rewards, and enter the desert together with Cyno
Genshin Impact Creator Program "Endless Journey - Streaming Event" on Twitch
I really want Cyno. He's just very much my type of character.

A new Dendro character is coming to Genshin Impact soon. Check this video out if you haven't already.


I will be wishing on this banner, and on Layla's as well. I have every character in the game, and in order to continue to do so I must continue to acquire each new character that comes out, otherwise I'll have to wait for their reruns.

Anyway, good luck to those wishing on this banner and I hope you get the character(s) you want.

Update: My current primogem count is currently around 2,800 primogems after having racked up primos from the daily Blessing of the Welkin Moon. The log-in bonus rewards that had seven days of rewards helped as well. Having these Intertwined Fates and Primogems, and also being able to whale should make it easy to get Nahida for me.


Check out these links down below too:

Version 3.2 "Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises" Trailer | Genshin Impact
"Songs of the Forest" - The Web Event for Genshin Impact's Sumeru OST Album Is Now Available
Version 3.2 Update to the Serenitea Pot: "Replication" Feature
Genshin Impact Version 3.2 Preview
It's been awhile since I posted here. I'm currently AR 58 and working my way towards AR 60. Reaching AR 60 is one of my goals for the game, so I won't give up until it becomes reality.


Here's my current team stats. This team is pretty solid and has a lot of reaction opportunities. I do need to work on their talents a bit more, but other than that they're good. I have Yoimiya, Hu Tao, and Diluc all triple crowned, so I'll probably put together another team focused around one of them soon. The Lantern Rite minigames were really fun this time around!




















I really should Ascend and at least reach AR50 but I'm chilling at AR45 just cuz I want to ascend my characters to at least 80 before then 💦 (well at least my mains to level 80)...


My main team usually consists of Childe, Zhongli, Raiden, and the 4th person I would swap depending on what the quest would need...right now I have Alhaitham cuz I'm trying to work on him, but before that it was Tighnari in that spot, and if it's not dendro characters, I would use Diluc (Pyro) or Jean (healing)


If anyone would like to co-op with me to grind ascension materials that'd be great xD
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Just got Alhaitham C3 early on guaranteed, and then won three 50/50s in a row to get him to C6... which is perfect since I plan on using him long-term. 🥳

I love Genshin Impact, all you guys seem to have really high leveled characters but I think my highest level character is 50? I don't want to up my world level which is why I am still at AR35 I think. I don't want to make the game really hard for myself because there have been parts where I really struggled and I'm so bad at getting upgraded weapons and going to the trials of whatever it is to get them. I have also found that I am so bad at characters that have bows as their weapons, I'm all about the claymore and the sword... but I really love the personalities of all the characters I have.

I don't play it everyday like I want to....
Managed to triple crown Raiden Shogun not too long ago... which is great because she's one of the best supports in the game, supplying energy recharge to the rest of the team to fuel their bursts as well as being pretty powerful herself. Having her be this powerful will be a huge boon to my second team come Spiral Abyss time.

I am also more than halfway to AR 59 now, so getting closer to my goal of reaching AR 60 in the game.


I recently started this game and I'm enjoying it so far. It gives me Craftopia vibes. I'm at the part where I was trying to get my gliding license.
I like the story ice dude best so far
I started playing at the beginning of 1.1 and played pretty consistently up until sumeru. took a break for a few months and have since been playing sporadically. I do want to hop back on to play through the windblume event (can't wait to see albedo and klee again!!) and will probably do a lot of sumeru exploration to have the primos to roll for shenhe next week. I wanted to go for her during her initial run back in 2.4 but had already made plans to roll for xiao 😭

I'm a super low spender, only occasionally getting welkins when an upcoming character peaks my interest. I'm able to pretty consistently 33-36* spiral abyss with childe/benny/xiangling/kazuha and hu tao/xingqiu/zhongli/albedo (occasionally pulling out an ayaka or ganyu freeze team when needed). I did pull for nahida and enjoy using her in the overworld but have yet to really understand the new dendro mechanics and meta.

for all the (deserved) gripes people have with gacha and microtransaction models in general, I do think genshin otherwise stands its ground as a genuinely good game. the cast is massive, well-designed, well-voice acted, and relatively fleshed out, the combat is simple but still feels fresh and fun, the music and environments are gorgeous, and the sheer amount of cultural/historical reference that permeates all of these things make it, in my opinion, stand out from its counterparts. my one complaint about it would be that the openworld exploration feels lackluster compared to something like botw (I know, I know, sorry to make the comparison), with most puzzles some shallow variation of 'hit/light up/step on x in the right order'. I feel like, especially with the whole elemental system, they could design much more mechanically interesting puzzles and also better integrate them into the environments.
Been playing Genshin since it came out, it's still got me hooked till this day ^^'
Totes a Kokomi main, c6 her on her first banner drop, if anyone needs active genshin friends, pm me and I'll add you!
Love to help others~
I randomly got Bennett when rolling on the last banner thing. I don't know much about the characters yet, I still need to look more into them and make a casual goal list.
I thought I missed my log in yesterday, but I still had time this morning to get it. The game is still holding my attention as a casual player to chill on. I'm pretty far behind the people I am playing with because I got a late start. But its a nice chill game.
I randomly got Bennett when rolling on the last banner thing. I don't know much about the characters yet, I still need to look more into them and make a casual goal list.
I thought I missed my log in yesterday, but I still had time this morning to get it. The game is still holding my attention as a casual player to chill on. I'm pretty far behind the people I am playing with because I got a late start. But its a nice chill game.
Welcome to the game! I didn't start right away either, its such a fun game to play and I also play it casually. Bennett is one of my favorite characters to play.
I’ve been playing for almost a year, so I’m not an expert, but it’s definitely a game I put tons of time into.

I pulled Ayaka and her sword in 40 pulls this banner, which never happens for me lol.

My team right now is Ayaka, Kokomi, Kazuha, and Diona.

I’m always looking for friends so feel free to send me your code!
I started getting really into building things in the Serenitea Pot last year. Currently I’ve almost made something for all of the outside areas in the Sumeru realm. I’m happy with how they’ve turned
out.~ Indoors is another story. :LOL:

This weekend I’m planning to get my favourite character, Fischl, triple-crowned or close to it. I don’t have any five star bow for her so I’ll try saving in hope of pulling one.
They did a special thing on Twitch today and handed out universal redemption codes. the codes expire 12 am UTcC-4. I missed the first one but did get the rest written down. There were a total of 3 I believe in the event. I don't know what they redeem in the game yet. Didn't know if anyone happened to get the first one?
3.6 Redemption Codes for y'all!

Thanks so much! 💕
On another note, I did find some other universal codes that still work while trying to find the first one from today's Twitch Event. I am not sure when they expire.

Hello all! Here's a new code I believe works? You can get 60x Primogems and 5x Adventurer's Experience for redeeming!

Oh! And ANOTHER CODE, but a Primo-less one. It includes x10,000 Mora, x10 Adventurer's Experience, x5 Fine Enhancement Ore, x5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles and x5 Jueyun Chili Chicken!


Anyways, here are some Genshin updates for my account~ that nobody asked for...

With Shenhe's rerun, and it being her FIRST RERUN BANNER, I had to go all out. Don't ask about the lengths it took to get her as many constellations as I did.
Here's my C3 queen.​


Ever since I missed Shenhe's initial banner, I knew I had to make it up to her somehow.. >w> She's my favorite character in the game. Playstyle wise, and her overall design. Her voice actor and the work put into Shenhe's voice is just wonderful! ;w;

I have to work on her boss materials right now, but I'm very close to getting her completely ascended. I focused on her artifacts a little bit more instead of leveling her up to 90. I used a 4pc Noblesse Oblige set for her specifically! I'm aiming to get the full 5 piece set, but the Goblet RNG hates me. For each artifact piece, this is the main stat I'm trying to get.

Goblet: ATK%
Sands: Energy Recharge (since her weapon already gives her an insane amount of damage, which I have fully levelled to 90), either that or I'll give up eventually and keep my ATK% piece I have for her currently.
Circlet: ATK%

These are the current artifacts I have on her.





Some of these pieces could have rolled into better substats, but I'm content with them at the moment until I can try for something REALLY GOOD for her! :3 She only deserves the best. I can't wait to use her in my dream Cryo Team :3​