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**** friends

its in my nature to be decisive and choose my friends wisely (mostly irl) so i can't recall having any *****y friends because i'm so careful about friendship
I have, she made me do things I didn't want to do saying that I had to show her that I cared for her
Like I had to always tell her that she is pretty, giving her gifts, etc
I wasn't really comfortable but meh
They come and they go
Virtually everyone I considered a friend eventually started ignoring me. Then the remaining people are split into people who really don't react at all, and others who are "bullies" I guess. But developing through the school years independently meant it didn't matter. I didn't have issues making the best out of it and just laughing at people who tried to offend me. I didn't really get bullied since they knew it wouldn't get to me/wasn't worth their time. Fun years =)
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Currently suffering from having a toxic friend.
He hasn't been there for me through my mum's cancer, my own illness even when I was hospitalised and when I've told him how much I've wanted to end my life he just ignored me.

Sadly being let down is just a staple of my so called friendship. Guess I'm just not meant to have friends.
On my undergraduate degree yes, I had one extremely toxic friend who everyone else was blind to - I no longer speak to her.

Now on my postgraduate degree I have 2 'friends'. They are both dating and both 27 years old. They act like brat children, one is extremely sexist, and the other is showing some homophobic true colours and I can't wait to graduate and have them out of my life. Until then, I have a show to put together with them and so far, it's going as smoothly as you could expect.
When I was in high school, I was friends with this girl I had known since I was eight years old. Pretty much as soon as we got to high school, she became insta-popular over night and started ditching me for her new "friends". From then on out, she would only hang out with me when she had no better to talk to and she refused to be seen with me in public. She encouraged to maintain abusive relationships with high school boyfriends and to lose my virginity at an early age because, according to her, "that's what a good girlfriend does". Her words not mine.

More recently, I reconnected with another friend from high school. This one was a guy. For a long time he was my only real friend. But after I moved away to be with my husband, he became toxic and tried multiple times to break up my relationship with my husband. I forgave him, though, because he explained to me that he felt as though I had abandoned him by moving away. After a while, though, we got into an argument because he entered into a romantic relationship with an underage teenager. We stopped talking for a long time because I said I was against the relationship. Then a few months ago, he messaged me on FB and we started texting again, but it was against his partner's wishes (his partner being the underage teenager I mentioned before). His partner bad mouthed me and tried telling him that he was not to see me, but he still visited my house anyway. But then one day, his partner started playing nice because he wanted to borrow one of my Bluray movies. Of course I said no way, so my friend flew off the handle and started going on about how I had never supported his relationship and blah blah blah. In the end, I blocked his phone number and his account on FB. I haven't heard from him since.

Honestly, I don't think I've ever had a friend who hasn't stabbed me in the back in one way or another.
Almost all of them, which is why I don't bother with people anymore
my old friend was overly obsessed with undertale it's all he would talk about I kinda hated it only kept being friends because he traded 3ds games
I've had quite a few people throughout my life that have acted like I owed them something and expected me to do things for them because they were suddenly my "best friend" These people would legit get mad when I told them no or told me I was a bad friend because I didn't want to do something. I didn't want to be that person so when I was younger sometimes they convinced me but I'm glad i grew out of it. I couldn't care less what anyone says about me or anyone that would stop being my friend because I refused to do something for them, I'm not doing anything I don't want to do.
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I have and still do have a toxic friend. She is never happy for my achievements, she spreads rumors and she uses me. I don't know why I haven't left her..
Yeah, I've had alot in the past so now I tend to avoid people in general. But generally if you're nice and we get along well most of the times I wouldn't mind.
A lot of my "friends" bully me and are just friends for the sake of being friends, not to talk to me and help me.

Same. Plus all they seem to be good at is continuing or starting drama for no reason.
I've had a couple friends that were difficult to deal w/. Never really officially broke off w/ them though. Kinda just drifted apart(possibly for the best? Idk).
I've actually only had two best friends in 5th grade. Thats it. (I work alone) One of them was toxic, (Ethan) and the other was super chill (Aidan). I managed to roast Ethan once SO HARD that he actually cried. No one even bothered helping him out, that was the funniest part XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have and still do have a toxic friend. She is never happy for my achievements, she spreads rumors and she uses me. I don't know why I haven't left her..

I feel bad for you. Idk if your in college, high school, whatevs, but you gotta ditch her. OR, you could convince her what a friend she is, and maybe she'll change. if not, stick to the first part.
I feel bad for you. Idk if your in college, high school, whatevs, but you gotta ditch her. OR, you could convince her what a friend she is, and maybe she'll change. if not, stick to the first part.

hmm, both of those ideas sound pretty good. i'll try them out. thanks!
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*deep breath*
hoo boy
a lot of the bigger ones i don't want to post for my own safety, but i knew a guy once. i don't want to say his real name, but let's call him ethan.
ethan, to put it simply, was a ****ing creep. dude was my friend for, like, a week, and then my ex broke up with me. he ended up getting a crush on me, and it immediately became sexual. he became extremely clingy, constantly posting pda about me including a post saying he wanted to make out with me against a wall. this made me extremely uncomfortable since i had no attraction to ethan and just got out of a complicated relationship. eventually he found out someone had a crush on me and he just lost it. he guilt tripped me for... someone just having a crush on me? and threatened to cut me off. i try my best to give everyone a second chance, and i convinced him not to leave.
a lot of **** happened afterwards that i don't feel like mentioning for post length's sake and also because it was just really creepy and repetitive, but it lead to him leaving me over making a joke about racist people and i told people about what he did and he flipped and called me a "sexual abuser" and said he was "just kidding about sex with you and trying to make me feel better" even though his sexual advances were... clearly serious (remember the making out against a wall thing), but thankfully nobody believed his **** except for like, one maybe two people.
tl;dr weird creepy guy says he wants to make out with me against a wall and then plays the joking card, throws a fit, and calls me his abuser
I never surround myself with negative people or people that bring me down. Having lots of friends is massively overrated, in my opinion. There's only one person in my life I speak to every day and feel like I could say anything to, and when you have a relationship like that, you feel like you could only ever have one friend.