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Favourite Villager of each personality type

my current favorites are;

Peppy: Merry and Ruby
Normal: Etoile, Coco, and Marina
Sisterly/Uchi: Agnes
Snooty: Judy and Tipper
Cranky: Kabuki and Dobie
Jock: Rudy
Lazy: Stitches
Smug: Raymond and Pietro
Peppy: Bunnie (w/Rosie in close 2nd)
Normal: Lolly, Merengue, Skye.. there's too many great normals
Uchi: Ursala
Snooty: Purrl or Pecan maybe, it's hard to choose
Cranky: Dobie and Croque
Jock: Ribbot
Lazy: Punchy of course
Smug: Marshal, my bday twin
(you can tell more than one if you'd like)

you’re a lifesaver for this. this would’ve been torture otherwise — i have way too many favourites! 🤣

my list is not at all narrowed down lol, but i tried;

normal - i adore practically every single normal villager, but i think my #1 favourite has to be lolly. i had her in new leaf for a few years and she was,, the exact definition of perfect. she was my next-door neighbour (our houses were even aligned without me having to plot reset!) and seeing her first thing every day was so lovely. she was such a sweetheart to have around, and i’m ecstatic for the day that i’ll have her in new horizons as well. :’)
honourable mentions; fauna, goldie, kiki, margie, skye and maggie.

peppy - i like quite a few of the peppies, but my main favourites are audie, sprinkle and tangy! during my first few months with new horizons, audie was the one villager that i was desperate for but was still determined to find on my own. i just couldn’t get over how stunning she is, and i loved the meaning behind her name as well. i found her in my campsite on an early morning last year and she’s still one of my all time favourites. as for tangy, she was actually the very first villager that i met when i was first introduced to animal crossing, so she’s extra special to me because of that. but i also just adore her and her design, plus i have a running joke about her with a few friends of mine, which has made me love her even more. and sprinkle, well,, she’s sprinkle lol. what’s not to love about her?
honourable mentions; merry, carmen and ruby.

snooty - i’m torn between whitney, diana and friga. whitney has been on my island for several months now and i absolutely adore her, but i also love diana with all my heart and would love to have her someday as well! however, i’ve never had friga before (i would have, had i actually remembered to save after one of my island hopping sessions), but i’m in love with her design and think the world of her! all 3 of them are amazing. 💗
honourable mentions; freya, vivian and francine.

uchi/sisterly - i wasn’t expecting to have a hard time with narrowing down my favourite uchi/sisterly villagers lol, but my main favourites are agnes, katt, fuchsia, frita and cherry! this is mostly due to my past experiences with them and how much i love their designs, but frita is actually another villager that i’ve yet to have before! i didn’t use to care for her much, but she’s really grown on me this year and has easily become one of my favourite villagers! i’ve only had fuchsia in new horizons so far (and still have her!), but i’d love to have the others one day, too.
honourable mentions; deirdre and tammy.

lazy - my #1 favourite is and will always be beau. i’ve loved him since before new leaf even released in NA, and while i may not be as obsessed with him now as i was back then, he‘s still extremely special to me especially now that he can’t move out without telling me :/ and i love him a lot. <3
honourable mentions; moe, marty, zucker, lucky, stitches and raddle.

jock - rudy is the only jock that actually makes the personality bearable for me tbh LOL. don’t get me wrong, i do like some of the others, but rudy is definitely my #1. hearing @Dunquixote ’s thoughts on him has made me love him even more, but i’ve always thought he was adorable and i love him. ^^
honourable mentions; kid cat, bam and sly.

cranky - dobie!! i’m not sure why, but the thought of an elderly cranky wolf makes my heart warm, and i loved having him on my island! i’m even tempted to invite him back one day, despite my ‘only have a villager once’ rule. :’)
honourable mentions; bruce, octavian and lobo.

smug - i’m not a fan of the smug dialogue at all, but as far as designs and previous experiences go, my #1 favourite smug villager is zell! i love his design a lot, and loved having him in new leaf as well!
honourable mentions; marshal, lopez and chadder.
  • Pashmina (Uchi) - I love her looks, her house matches my island, and she has an energy I really appreciate.
  • Francine (Snooty) - I don't know why but I love the C&F sisters. She's snooty but seems so sweet at the same time
  • Chevre (Normal) - So cute! She's like a little sister and makes me smile
  • Chrissy & Chai (Peppy) - I LOVE Chai's design and again: C&F sisters. Also Chrissy is just a ray of sunshine.
  • Sherb (Lazy) - So cute. His look matches his personality and totally fits on my island.
  • Fang (Cranky) - not much to say here! Just good looks and exterior that matches my island
  • Pierce (Jock) - again not much to say, like above
  • Kidd or Julian (Smug) - Kidd reminds me of a rich kid who has that gentle side. And Julian seems like a Qweeng! (Queen & King)
Most of these villagers are cute, matching my island in terms of looks, and matching my island in terms of exterior.
I only love these villagers:

Cookie -Peppy
Chrissy -Peppy
Francine -Snooty
Judy -Snooty
Sprinkle -Peppy
Marcie -Normal
Skye -Normal
Sherb -Lazy
Gayle - Normal
Merengue - Normal

Peppy - Tabby! It’s and easy one, because of how much I love Tabby, but peppies are One of my favorite personalities, so I tend to like a lot of them.
honorable mentions: I also really love Bangle, Freckles, and Apple

Smug - Rodney, he’s the cutest, and he fits the personality so well without being obnoxious or creepy
Honorable mentions: Graham and Lopez

Normal - love this personality too, and I feel like I have both many favorites and like I have not yet found my Tabby/Rodney level fave. But gonna go with Maggie for now. She’s cute, pretty color scheme, and a pretty house. She’s so under
Honorable mentions: Flurry, Deena, Sydney, Kiki, Fauna, Bea, and probably more.

Cranky - Ike - he’s such a cute teddy bear, and I found the low voice bothered me not quite as much when it was him.
honorable mentions: Hamphrey, Kabuki, Cyd. Wish I liked this personality more, because I actually like a lot of the villager designs.

Snooty - Soleil. She’s just one of the prettiest villagers in my opinion, and I love her cute round little hamster body and big eyes.
honorable mentions; Judy, Timbra, Eloise

Lazy - Weber. At one point I was not sure if I liked this personality, because I feel like I tend to have a relatively easy time letting even my favorites move. But they have some of my favorite dialogue in the game. Love Weber’s grumpy face and feel like he’s been the lazy who ‘clicked’ for me the most. Seems like these guys might have the same issue as the normals - am I still looking for an ultimate fave or do I just love a whole bunch of them? I think my favorite will potentially keep changing.
honorable mentions: Rex, Clay, Paolo, Wade, Cole, Simon.

Jock - Hamlet. Originally my least favorite of the hamsters because I thought he was boring. But invited him of course when I found him while mystery island hopping and he complete won me over. He is the cutest little guy and I love his play hobby too.
honorable mentions: Flip, Mac, and Genji. actually have found I love a lot of the jock villagers.

Sisterly - Either Plucky or Deirdre. I cannot decide between them right now. To me, deirdre seems like the perfect uchi type. But on the other hand Plucky surprised me so much with how I liked her and she is a very sweet uchi! I like a lot of the uchi designs a lot, and they are all so different that it makes it hard to decide on a favorite.
Honorable mention: (so many) Agnes, Reneigh, Ursala…but fuchsia, Muffy, pashmina, and Shari are also great. One day I really hope to have Charlise and or Paula on my island and could see them becoming favorites too.
I have such a hard time picking favorites, there's so many good villagers. ;v; Here's my tentative list though!

Normal: Sylvana! She's adorable and a villager I think is seriously underrated. Her color scheme reminds me of a few sorts of sweets/desserts, and she's got really cute eyes. Her home in New Horizons is gorgeous too.
I also love Lily, Skye, Celia, Daisy, and Goldie... and a lot of the other normal villagers too. There's a lot of really good designs there.
Peppy: Merry has completely won me over as of late. She has some of the cutest expressions and I love her double chin. Other very good peppy villagers include Cookie, Bianca, and Felicity.
Sisterly: I love Deirdre! I think she's got a very cool look and I love her autumn-themed home decor. I also love Muffy for her gothic lolita aesthetic and Reneigh for rocking the half-shaved mane look.
Snooty: I think I have to go with Bree here! I think the green hair really works for her and her expressions range from really cute to downright funny. Mint and Willow are also some of my favorite snooty villagers.
Cranky: Dobie is definitely my favorite cranky—I love the more elderly-looking villagers, and Dobie's home interiors in both New Leaf and New Horizons are definitely pretty high on my list of favorites; he might even be turning into my favorite villager overall. I also get some detective vibes from him, which is cool. My other favorite cranky villagers would probably be Tom (who was one of my starting five in New Leaf, and grew on me far too much to ever get rid of him), and Murphy, who I think has a really cute design.
Jock: I'm really torn between Sterling and Rod for this one. I love knights and Sterling's got that going for him, but Rod is a super adorable pirate mouse, and I really like his default catchphrase. Dom is another really adorable jock, and his expressions are just the best.
Lazy: Deli! I think he's incredibly adorable and I love his color scheme. Other favorite lazy villagers of mine would be Erik, who is very cute as well and has a really cozy log cabin home in New Leaf, and Rodeo, who I love because he looks scary and intimidating but is actually just a (somewhat-weird) sweetie.
Smug: My favorite smug is without a doubt Leopold! He's a lion professor, what more can I say? Colton is another favorite of mine for his slightly-over-the-top fairy tale prince aesthetic (although instead of being on a white horse, he is one), and the ever-popular Raymond, who I think is just adorable. I love the business kitty. Also have to give shoutouts to Kyle and Shep, they seem like cool dudes; if I had more room they'd probably make the permanent villagers list.
Since this is the only AC game I’ve played I’m basing this off of the villagers that live or have lived on my island.

jock: definitely Tank. He was the most adorable little rhino and I miss him. At least I have his photo…
Peppy: I love both Bangle and Bianca I can’t choose
Normal: Melba hands down. She’s never leaving. Ever.
Snooty: Whitney
Smug: Henry he’s my frog prince
Although marshal is great too
Cranky: hopper
Sister/Uchi: Pheobe
Lazy: Drago for sure
Normal: There are a lot of normal villagers that I really like, mostly the one whose design is more 'natural' with their species, even if it makes them seem a little plain, such as Goldie and Molly, but my overall favourite is Fauna. She's my favourite villager in the series her design isn't unique or overly interesting compared to some other villagers but I've always found her a really sweet villager.

Lazy: This is a tie between Sherb and Erik, both are villagers that I think are really cute and have really enjoyed having in the game. I loved the look of Sherb when I'd first seen the new villagers for NH, especially with his pale blue colour scheme, and was really happy when I found him when island hopping and have had him on my island ever since. Erik became a firm favourite of mine when he was first introduced to the series, I like his natural looking design with his big antlers and the winter theme for his home, and I loved having him on my island. Unfortunately I thought I only wanted one permanent lazy villager and made the decision to let Erik go, something that I've since ended up regretting so I'll be bringing him back to my island to rejoin Sherb.

Snooty: Probably the hardest for me to narrow down, it's one of my favourite personalities and there are a lot of villagers that I really love with it but if I picked just one then I'd go for Diana, she always come across as an elegant villager and the mixture of white and lilac in her design works really well. Other favourites are Vivian, Freya, Whitney (I just really love the wolf villagers) and Portia, who often comes across as quite underrated but I love dalmatians and think she's really sweet.

Cranky: Wolfgang, the only villager that I've had to have as a permanent member of my town/island in every game I've played and my second favourite villager overall. As mentioned above I love all of the wolves but Wolfgang beats the other cranky ones as I really like his design with his dark blue and yellow colour scheme that looks great together, plus he was the first ever wolf villager that I had back in WW so was the start of my love for the species.

Peppy: I quite often change my mind on my favourite with this personality but currently it is Rosie, cats are some of my favourite animals in general and I like her design with her little white tips and pink cheeks which just make her look very cute to me. I have a soft spot for Peanut though as she was my original favourite villager when I first started playing AC and I also really like Bunnie too.

Smug: Even though I hadn't considered having him on my island when NH first released my favourite smug very quickly became Raymond. I found him very early on while island hopping and decided I'd try him out, presuming that he probably wouldn't stay long, but I quickly fell in love the sweet little cat. I like his business-like aesthetic, even if it probably does seem pretty boring to some, and love his colour scheme as it's very similar to one of my own cats.

Sisterly: Overall I'm actually not keen on many of the villager designs with this personality which unfortunately means I generally stay away from them as there aren't really any that I love enough compared to other villagers to have permanently on my island, I also don't think it helps that there are so few of them to choose from and really hope a lot more are introduced in the future. Out of the current ones we have then my top pick would be Pashmina, probably with Agnes and Muffy as second choices, as I like the design of the goat villager and love her aqua horns.

Jock: Another set of villagers that I generally avoid but this is more to do with their personality and their constant sport talking rather than the actual designs of many of them. Poncho is probably my favourite out of them, I'm often drawn to blue villagers as it's my favourite colour and the cubs overall are a really cute species. I don't currently have any jocks in NH but Poncho does live in my NL town and I enjoy seeing him around, as long as he's not feeling ultra competitive.
The bold represents my main favorite in each type. <3

Cranky: Apollo, Dobie, Cesar
Jock: Dom, Genji, Snake
Peppy: Cookie, Audie, Bunny
Snooty: Greta, Olivia, Tiffany
Smug: Marshal, Lionel, Henry
Lazy: Stitches, Bones, Bob, Drago
Sisterly: Fuchsia, Pashmina, Agnes, Reneigh
Normal: Lily, Nan, Chevre, Marina
Peppy: Carmen or Felicity
Normal: Lolly or Skye
Sisterly/Uchi: Ursala
Snooty: Tossup between Purrl and Queenie (though I do like Portia, she's on my island rn)
Cranky: Dobie or Chief
Jock: Antonio
Lazy: Punchy or Filbert
Smug: Raymond or Kidd
Here are my favourite villagers of each personality type

Lazy - Drago
Drago has always been my favourite lazy and he is my favourite overall villager. I had him in my old New Leaf town and will be a permanent dreamie on my new island. His design is based on a dragon, which in my opinion makes him the best. The lazy personality is also my favourite personality so there are many, many others that would overtake the other personalities if I made a top 10 list.

Normal - Merengue
I've never really been that interested in the normal/sweet personality. I've always found their conversations really boring. However if I had to choose it would be Merengue. Merengue is the most interesting when it come to design. She is a living dessert which is pretty creative. Everytime I thought aboit making a "food" villager set, Merengue was alwaus on the list.

Uchi/Sisterly - Phoebe
Phoebe, in my opinion, is the best sisterly design. Her design is based on the phoenix. Her home interior is one of the coolest in the game, magma wall and lava floor. She is currently one of the oldest residents on my island and was also in my NL town. The Sisterly personality is my favourite female personality. It has a lot more spunk and character and generally more interesting conversations.

Smug - Julian
Have you noticed yet that most of my favourites are based on fictional beings? Well, Julian is certainly the most fabulous. Julian is currently on my island and I love him (possibly a crush for my IG character). Smug personality is certainly interesting. I like how smugs try to be culturally hip. It really fits Julian so well.

Cranky - Rolf
Rolf is a white tiger. Yes, its pretty obvious but thats why I originally wanted him in my town. One of the Four Symbols in Chinese astrology is the White Tiger and so I wanted him repesenting that on my island. He's been awesome as a cranky and is pretty high up there in my personal overall villager ranking.

Snooty - Ankha
In my New Leaf town, Ankha was my one and only snooty. She deserved it though. She is literally based on an Egyptian queen. I love cat villagers too so I had to include at least one on this list, otherwise it would mostly be cat villagers...

Jock - Sparro / Kid Cat
Sparro and Kid Cat are tied. I couldn't choose just one over the other because each one is important to me in different ways. Kid Cat design wise is my favourite. Superhero cat is best superhero. He was on my island and enjoyed having him. In fact, I may re-invite him again in the future. Sparro was my first jock ever. I had him in NL and he got me through some really hard times. Sparro was a buddy when I felt I had no buddies to support me.

Peppy - Flora
Flora was my first peppy. She was also the first to give me a favour in an AC game. Her task was to find her a wharf roach so now I always associate wharf roaches to Flora. It was really funny at the time. If I ever invite her, I may just give her one out of nostalgia.
Uchi/sisterly: Katt. She is the only cat uchi but I like her cuz she’s so rock n roll.

Normal: Lolly. She is such a little cutie patootie peachy pie 😽😻

Smug: Raymond. He is the only smug cat but that’s okay with me cuz he’s a fine looking gent

Lazy: Punchy. It was hard to choose between Punchy and Bob on my island but I am happy with Punchy cuz he’s a chill dude but Bob looks intense.

Jock: Rudy and I don’t have his or Kid Cat’s amiibo so I am probs going jockless for the time being

Cranky: Tom. He is like my grandfather who is a mechanic like Tom seems to be. Badass even though he’s older.

Snooty: Olivia. She has close competition from Kitty but Olivia won today. Both are stunners.

Peppy: NO IT’S TOO HARD HOW CAN I PICK BETWEEN ROSIE MERRY AND FELICITY ARE YOU CRAZY??????? I just want to love them and then break their hearts and make them cry and then make it up to them again. Tabby is tougher maybe I met my match in Tabby.
Uchi/sisterly: Katt. She is the only cat uchi but I like her cuz she’s so rock n roll.

Normal: Lolly. She is such a little cutie patootie peachy pie 😽😻

Smug: Raymond. He is the only smug cat but that’s okay with me cuz he’s a fine looking gent

Lazy: Punchy. It was hard to choose between Punchy and Bob on my island but I am happy with Punchy cuz he’s a chill dude but Bob looks intense.

Jock: Rudy and I don’t have his or Kid Cat’s amiibo so I am probs going jockless for the time being

Cranky: Tom. He is like my grandfather who is a mechanic like Tom seems to be. Badass even though he’s older.

Snooty: Olivia. She has close competition from Kitty but Olivia won today. Both are stunners.

Peppy: NO IT’S TOO HARD HOW CAN I PICK BETWEEN ROSIE MERRY AND FELICITY ARE YOU CRAZY??????? I just want to love them and then break their hearts and make them cry and then make it up to them again. Tabby is tougher maybe I met my match in Tabby.
I get the feeling you REALLY like cats in this game XD
Lazy: Wade. I’m married to him.
Jock: Roald.
Peppy: Agent S. Love her superhero theme.
Normal: Ellie.
Smug: Quillson.
Snooty: Robin.
Sisterly: Renee
Cranky: None. I hate them all.
Normal: Fauna! I've had her since I was little on new leaf so im very emotionally attached
Uchi/Sisterly: Cherry :) i love her style/ vibe and she has my fav design of the uchi's
Jock: not the biggest fan of them, but would have to go with roald. hes kind of an icon
Smug: shep. he reminds me of frank gallagher in the best way
peppy: pippy or tangy
cranky: dobie omg hes such a cute little old man
snooty: dont have a fav but julia and ankha look the coolest
Normal: Kiki, since she has the same name as a character from one of my favorite movies, Kiki's Delivery Service.
Peppy: Audie.
Snooty: Monique.
Sisterly: Cherry.
Cranky: Chief.
Jock: Roald.
Lazy: Hopkins.
Smug: Phil.