Down with the Mole!


I need a username change.
Aug 30, 2017
Tasty Cake
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Jingle Christmas Doll
New Leaf Token
Tasty Cake
When someone says "Animal Crossing character", who do you think of? Tom Nook? The player? How about the one you see every time you reset your game without saving?
That's right. I'm talking about the King of Shut the **** Up Already himself, Reset T. Mole.

Now, I understand his purpose, which is to let players know that, "Hey, don't reset the game without saving, you'll lose all your progress." And that's fine. What ISN'T fine is how Nintendo goes about telling you. You know how it goes, don't reset, insult, scram. But if you have an unstable system/emulator, he acts like you intentionally reset your game. After a couple times, he just goes on and on and on, even making you say self-derogatory **** like "I am dirt" or "I'm so dumb." And if you make one little mistake, you have to do it again. If it happens often enough, he even makes it seem like he softlocks you by giving you a slider and nothing working until the 4th or 5th attempt!

This needs to stop. Granted, he can still be in the games, but not as the role he's known for. Put him in Brewsters every other Tuesday for all I care!

Now, my replacement? Simple. A bell penalty.

For the first few resets, you can get off with a warning. But the penalty slowly increases to the point of all of your bells per reset.
"But what about games like New Leaf, where it's bull**** easy to get bells," I hear you asking. Then have you forfeit a piece of furniture if it's getting too drastic.

Your thoughts? Do you have any ideas for replacements for Resetti in Switchimal Crossing? Let me know below.
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Well he isn't mandatory in New Leaf so they already fixed it. And even if you have him you could just say your batteries died. It does suck that you have an unstable emulator since he's worse in older games. I just don't think they should completely deny him of his role since he's not that bad anymore.
How about NO penalty, since 99% of the time my reason for resetting is the games fault.

All that could be avoided by a simple UNDO feature.
I think that New Leaf fixed him pretty good! Because you can turn him off. The character in risk I think is Harriet as more people enjoy the menu over her game of 20 questions. My solution to this is to have the menu but you need to go to Harriet for special haircuts. Like extensions or highlights, etc.
I think that New Leaf fixed him pretty good! Because you can turn him off. The character in risk I think is Harriet as more people enjoy the menu over her game of 20 questions. My solution to this is to have the menu but you need to go to Harriet for special haircuts. Like extensions or highlights, etc.

Turn him off?

Once the reset centre is built, we are stuck with him. :-/
I think that New Leaf fixed him pretty good! Because you can turn him off. The character in risk I think is Harriet as more people enjoy the menu over her game of 20 questions. My solution to this is to have the menu but you need to go to Harriet for special haircuts. Like extensions or highlights, etc.

Maybe you still have to go to Shampoodle but Harriet just hands you a sheet of paper with the styles on it? She could still make comments about which one you chose.