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Does you island representative looks like you?

Pretty much! I took some liberties, but in terms of my hair colour, my eye colour, and clothing style it's the same. So I'd say my character is 80% accurate to the real-life me.
Mine looks pretty much like me, but the eyes are too big. She dresses the way I would if I had lots of money. In irl, I always wear a tee shirt, blue jeans, and some comfy sneakers.
Mine looks similar to me. The hair is the same length as it was about two months ago and the eyes are way larger than mine. Her fashion style is more cute-sy than mine is, but I did buy a lot of business casual pieces for her, as I wear similar things for work. She owns way more clothing than I do in reality. XD
Mine did in the begining of the game- I chose the default choices that fit me best: brown eyes, paler skin, short reddish hair. As I unlocked more stuff though I see went a little crazy with accessories and hair colors I wouldn't be able to wear irl. My character's hair is now teal and messy and her skin is pinkish toned (closest I can get to unnatural skin tones)
Not really to be honest.
I do have fair skin and darkish brown hair, but that’s all that looks like me
I tried to make mine look like me as close as possible, probably doesn't even look like me tho rip, I'd say my villager looks more attractive
Yes most of the time. Sometimes I like to switch it up and then I end up playing with my friends and they’re questioning why it doesn’t look like me, so then I feel shamed into changing it back sadly..
Yes most of the time. Sometimes I like to switch it up and then I end up playing with my friends and they’re questioning why it doesn’t look like me, so then I feel shamed into changing it back sadly..
You shouldn't let your friends make you feel bad about your island rep looking unlike you. This is a game and you get to make your rep look however you want!

The game doesn't have my haircut, but I do keep the resemblance going by wearing glasses with all of my outfits and keeping the hair color brown (most of the time). I do like to change up my look when I can, so I'm sure if I had money for tons of clothes or getting my hair done professionally more often, I'd look a lot more like my island rep.
Definitely not haha. In New Leaf my character looked a lot like me though. I even did a custom pattern of one of the shirts I used to wear. My character would look like me in New Horizons if that’s what I was going for, but I decided to try out something different.

My Island Rep is named Usagi after Sailor Moon and I tried my best to make it look as much like the character as possible. I also have 4 other main characters from the series but I’ll stick to my Island Rep for this post.

Mine actually looks scarily similar to me for once. I'd say the only differences are that I'm super pale, and my hair is also a bit darker irl (unless I'm outside in the sun, in which case my hair goes very light brown). I do change up my hair colour occasionally in game, but even then I only change it to colours that I want to dye my hair irl at the time lol.
My character and I have similarities but he has more flare. My hair irl is blonde but in-game it's grey cause the blonde options look off to me.
pretty close with the skin-tone and hair color (i'm pretty tan-ish w/ pink hair), but no i don't look as cute as my rep, lol
Nah, my Resident Representative looks more like my OC. Even if I wanted them to look like me, there aren't any frizzy, curly hair styles in the game.
Kinda, but not really... I mean like the overall look I went with kinda looks like me but I don't have red hair nor green eyes in real life lol
To a point, yes. She's kinda like me in terms of hairstyle, hair color, eye color, nose shape, and definitely skin tone, but her eyes are the cute eyes with the eyelashes on the one side. I think someone said they were anime eyes? Not sure, but its cute looking, which is what I wanted my character to have this time around. Also, her smile is the kitty smile, which is almost similar to my own, but not quite, so it's different too. I just wanted my character to look cute and unique, just like me. ^-^

At the beginning, I chose some options that were similar to me in real life, and some options that I thought were cute. For example, I chose the skin tone that was most similar to mine, but I often switch up my hair to different colours that I've never tried in real life before.

I find that my clothing is the most different than in real life. In real life, I'm a pretty comfy, practical kind of person. In game, I like trying all sorts of styles! I find I dress more elaborately, and more feminine in the game than I do in real life.
Yes, he does. In fact, many of my friends that also play acnh told me we are practically the same. :LOL:
I tried to make mine look like me but I don't have any fringe and I have very long, completely straight hair. There are no hair options for that. Anyway, the general concept of my character is looking like me but not all that successfully. I tried my best. I think it's more fun just to go for a style you like (but wouldn't possibly go anywhere near irl) and create a character based on that. From time to time thats what I'll do instead.
Not particularly. The similarities are that we're both female, and both have bangs, and have the same skin tone, but that's about it.

I have dark blonde hair, while my character has pink.
I spend about half the time with my hair in a ponytail, but my character always has a bob.
I have green eyes; my character's eye are brown.
Our names both start with S, but are otherwise very different in terms of sound and length.

I almost never play characters who are similar to me. It's more fun for me to play someone different and more colorful and fashionable-looking!