Do you think system only minigames should return?

King koopa

🎈 Balloons 🎈
Aug 16, 2020
Purple Balloon
Blue Balloon
Light Blue Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Purple Balloon
Andromeda Potion
Raven Wings Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
Rosewater Potion
Purple Bat Potion
Exactly what the title says, I'm curious about people's thoughts about the system only minigames! There are only two as of now, and they were only in New leaf welcome amiibo. By getting the system from the Timmy and Tommy's store, you could play one of two games: Desert island escape (only with the in games wiiu) and puzzle league (only with the in game 3ds). I personally think the idea with both games were pretty cool and it encourages the player to save up on play coins in order to get a chance of getting one or both. If not for new horizons, (if Nintendo isn't done with updates) but the next game, I would love it if in-game systems could have little mini games
Yes because this game (New Horizons) is the most lackluster online experience of all time. I seriously don't know why they didn't let mini games return in this game. Let me be clear this game is good but still it has the worst multiplayer of all time
I miss those! I really thought that the switch and switch lite were just not finished! I thought 2.0 would add some kind of minigames to them! It would have been so much fun!!!! They could have added the 3DS and Wii U back to and brought DIE and PL back!! UGH nintendo better make the next game atleast goo. NH never really did it for me so maybe aminal broakojgn02g W will be the best one! (I dont know about that name. and yes the next AC will ne aminal lol) What if they added like a Gamecube and DS and stuff! I just had an idea! What if Nintendo made you pay around 30 dollars for DLC. and you get sent a Gamecube, DS, Wii, and 3DS in your mailbox! Then whenever you click on them you get to play the OLD AC games!!! Gamecube and wild world you know? Also the items cannot be sold or thrown away so players wont lose them! JUST UWU THE POTENTIAL NINTENDO COULD HAVE DONE WITH NH :(
Before I read the OP, I almost forgot about the mini games. I would like to see them in ACNH, but I doubt we'll ever see them.
That could be cool, would be even better if it had multiplayer (I don't remember if it did in New Leaf). Man I really hope they bring back Tortimer's Island. Just update the graphics and bring it back. Nintendo pls
It still triggers me how they brought back Kapp'n yet they never brought back the minigames. I just went "Nintendo why do you have to be such a pain?" It is such a slap in the face how people waited this long for mini games to come back only for it to not happen at all and Nintendo says this is the "last major update"? I really hate to sound negative, but it just really makes you wonder what were they thinking.
It still triggers me how they brought back Kapp'n yet they never brought back the minigames. I just went "Nintendo why do you have to be such a pain?" It is such a slap in the face how people waited this long for mini games to come back only for it to not happen at all and Nintendo says this is the "last major update"? I really hate to sound negative, but it just really makes you wonder what were they thinking.
It was beyond their budget, I guess? 🤷‍♀️ I'm still holding out hope for Tort's island, my thinking is if they do just a remaster of it then it could maybe qualify as a minor update? Maaaayyybeee? Idk, I'm probably reaching here.

But system only minigames would be better than nothing, that's for sure.
It was beyond their budget, I guess? 🤷‍♀️ I'm still holding out hope for Tort's island, my thinking is if they do just a remaster of it then it could maybe qualify as a minor update? Maaaayyybeee? Idk, I'm probably reaching here.

But system only minigames would be better than nothing, that's for sure.
I love to stay postive! Thanks everyone in the AC community for staying like that it makes me happy :) but lets just be real besties nintendont anymore updates. Okay Mario maker 2 said no more major updates and we havent gotten a single new item for the game since then okee. Splatoon 2 said no more major updates and the most we get is bug fixes and the occasional +1 extra damage or -1 damage for a weapon. I doubt nintendo will do another update but if so then YAYAYAYAYYA UWU. But I highly doubt them. THey are probably working on splat 3 now and taking a break from AC. I hope that the GIVE US THE MINIGAMES PLS. :D
It was beyond their budget, I guess? 🤷‍♀️ I'm still holding out hope for Tort's island, my thinking is if they do just a remaster of it then it could maybe qualify as a minor update? Maaaayyybeee? Idk, I'm probably reaching here.

But system only minigames would be better than nothing, that's for sure.
I doubt thats the case. The game sold so well and it made them a lot of money. You would think by now they would put more time into this game and continue support it but it didn't. This is almost reminding me of Super Mario Maker 2 when they saw how well the game was doing but for whatever reason stop supported it and it died off.

For it being the 2nd best selling switch game you would expect their to be better online and multiplayer modes, but no it doesn't and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still number one seller on the switch. The reason is because its online is really great and it has a lot of modes. The point I'm saying is that New Horizons doesn't have all these great modes to it hence the reason why you don't see many popular streamers or creators playing it so often. I know that is a different topic, but it goes to show how this game died so fast from the beginning even before the 2.0 update.
I doubt thats the case. The game sold so well and it made them a lot of money. You would think by now they would put more time into this game and continue support it but it didn't. This is almost reminding me of Super Mario Maker 2 when they saw how well the game was doing but for whatever reason stop supported it and it died off.

For it being the 2nd best selling switch game you would expect their to be better online and multiplayer modes, but no it doesn't and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still number one seller on the switch. The reason is because its online is really great and it has a lot of modes. The point I'm saying is that New Horizons doesn't have all these great modes to it hence the reason why you don't see many popular streamers or creators playing it so often. I know that is a different topic, but it goes to show how this game died so fast from the beginning even before the 2.0 update.
Sad but true 😞
I doubt thats the case. The game sold so well and it made them a lot of money. You would think by now they would put more time into this game and continue support it but it didn't. This is almost reminding me of Super Mario Maker 2 when they saw how well the game was doing but for whatever reason stop supported it and it died off.

For it being the 2nd best selling switch game you would expect their to be better online and multiplayer modes, but no it doesn't and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still number one seller on the switch. The reason is because its online is really great and it has a lot of modes. The point I'm saying is that New Horizons doesn't have all these great modes to it hence the reason why you don't see many popular streamers or creators playing it so often. I know that is a different topic, but it goes to show how this game died so fast from the beginning even before the 2.0 update.
While that's true, the game making a lot of money doesn't necessarily mean that that money would then be put back in to the game. I don't know how the business of game development works but I would imagine that they have a set budget, regardless of how much money the game makes. (I could be super wrong about that though!)
Point is, Nintendo probably being greedy
I love them! I remember having so much fun playing Desert Island Escape on the Wii U and trying out different strategies. And as for Puzzle League, it's just as fun. Breaking my own high scores on hard difficulty felt so satisfying. I think you'd be rewarded some furniture from those respective minigames depending on how well you did!

While I personally don't have Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, I have seen some game footage that you can play NES games, though I think it requires some additional accessories to get them in the first place. I think it was e cards if I recall correctly? Basically, they function almost like amiibo cards except you swipe them through a reader.

It's definitely a missed opportunity to make the Switch consoles have a minigame inside a game, though. Would definitely contribute quite a fair amount of playtime if it did.
I love them! I remember having so much fun playing Desert Island Escape on the Wii U and trying out different strategies. And as for Puzzle League, it's just as fun. Breaking my own high scores on hard difficulty felt so satisfying. I think you'd be rewarded some furniture from those respective minigames depending on how well you did!

While I personally don't have Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, I have seen some game footage that you can play NES games, though I think it requires some additional accessories to get them in the first place. I think it was e cards if I recall correctly? Basically, they function almost like amiibo cards except you swipe them through a reader.

It's definitely a missed opportunity to make the Switch consoles have a minigame inside a game, though. Would definitely contribute quite a fair amount of playtime if it did.
If im not mistaken I think some were E reader cards but some were not? You just needed an extra block of memory on your card to play them! It was fun! but if you have NSO we kind of have it?? But not as charming and cute :(
If im not mistaken I think some were E reader cards but some were not? You just needed an extra block of memory on your card to play them! It was fun! but if you have NSO we kind of have it?? But not as charming and cute :(
And lets not forget back in the original AC GameCube there was a password system that you can send gifts to your friends and you didn't need an internet connection to do that. You just go into the Nook shop, Talk to Tom Nook, and select send gift. There you can enter the password for your friends town and send it. It was pretty simple back then. Its too bad in New Horizons you need to actually have a NSO membership just to send letters to your friends.
If im not mistaken I think some were E reader cards but some were not? You just needed an extra block of memory on your card to play them! It was fun! but if you have NSO we kind of have it?? But not as charming and cute :(
Are you talking about the e cards or the memory cards? Sorry, I don't know which one you were talking about. 😅 There's something charming about playing games within a game. To me, it feels like the devs went out of their way to add stuff that genuinely feels something meaningful. I got New Leaf in 2015, two years after it was released in North America at least. So getting a significant free update the next year pleasantly caught me by surprise as it's very unusual for Nintendo to do something like this.

And lets not forget back in the original AC GameCube there was a password system that you can send gifts to your friends and you didn't need an internet connection to do that. You just go into the Nook shop, Talk to Tom Nook, and select send gift. There you can enter the password for your friends town and send it. It was pretty simple back then. Its too bad in New Horizons you need to actually have a NSO membership just to send letters to your friends.
My main gripes with the gaming industry in general are how games are centred around online, with some even having it as a requirement to get the full enjoyment of the game. To go to the extreme, there are a few where you'd be only able to access and save your game progress if you have internet. If you don't, well, too bad. It definitely sucks for people who don't have internet at all and the burden shouldn't have to be placed on the consumers buying the games requiring internet.
I totally forgot about the mini-games. After seeing the title, I admittedly thought this was a thread about those systems on the Gamecube version that you could play old Nintendo games on. I had so much fun with those. I think the mini-games you mentioned are good. I’d be okay with those returning. I can’t say I’d personally play them, but if others can have fun with them, I’ll support it.
Minigames were the main thing I wanted with 2.0.

I enjoyed Island Escape when I rented Amiibo Festival and was the main part of Welcome Amiibo that I did. I was really hoping for something like the island tours again to enjoy with friends. I like having different things to mix it up
I loved having an in game console to play on like the NES games in the original... I would love if they added it again,, even if it maybe even just linked to the Nintendo and super nintendo apps on your switch theres something super cozy about gaming inside of a game. Like watching videos inside VR chat is cozy too. Its like an extra cozy blanket of escapism.
i never got to experience the minigames in new leaf since i stopped playing before the welcome amiibo update dropped, but i definitely wouldn’t be opposed to them coming back! they sound like a lot of fun. :)