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Do you have a common name? How do you feel about it?

May 28, 2021
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You obviously don't have to share what it is. Also whatever you feel comfortable going by.

My name falls into the biblical category. (Aka that means it's common).

It's not...super common to where I'm always meeting other people with my name. I actually had a friend who said she had almost never met anybody with my name.

However I'm completely indifferent towards my own name and when I meet others who share my name it doesn't feel unique. I would unfortunately say that my own name isn't something I would pick.
My real name is not toooo common, I rarely meet people my own age with the same name, but it became more popular like 5ish years after I was born, which honestly just makes me hate the name even more 😂
I’ve always gone by a nickname. It’s more common than my real name, but at least it feels like me, if that makes any sense. But still, it’s not like I’m regularly meeting people with that name either. It’s not common enough to bother me.
Yes and I'm happy about it. I purposely picked a common name when I legally changed it a few years ago.

I was born with an annoying name - it was even messed up on my birth certificate. I spent too many years of my life having to correct people on spelling and punctuation. 🤦‍♂️
I have a common name, well, historically I suppose. It’s really really dwindled in popularity though. I typically don’t like it because of self loathing and also so many people seem to dislike it.
My name is super rare, as in you'll probably never meet another person with it. Idk what my parents were thinking when they named me, but I wish it wasn't my name. I don't hate it, I just don't like it on me.
My deadname is very common. I don’t feel comfortable saying what it is right now. My chosen name, however, isn’t too common. It’s unisex and a lot less common for women, although it still works. That’s something I really like about it.
My name is pretty common. There were a lot of people in school who had the same name as me. I kind of hated it at the time, but I don't really care now.
this is a complicated question for me to answer about my current name so im not gonna try, but my deadname is really uncommon. ive never met anyone irl with the same name. ive met people with a very similar name, though. also exactly 1 person online.
I don't have a common name but I wish I had. I would like to feel more anonymous, not having to repeat it or correct it all the time. Once I ordered from a local store and they asked me for a feedback by email and I didn't realise they would post it on their website with my full name. I was mortified. Everybody in town know it's me and what I ordered. I hate it.
Mine is one of the most common names. Probably top 10. I've had tons of classmates and coworkers with the shared name. I like my name though, so I don't mind if it's popular.
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My name is Chloe. It wasn’t common in school, but now I feel like it’s catching on. I used to wish I had a name that ended in “a”, but now I like it. The only Chloe’s famous around my school years were the Bratz doll (Cloe…a lot of people have misspelled it as that, and “Clowy” even worse!) and Khloe Kardashian. (though spelled different)

On my first day of English in junior year, my teacher told she me she once considered naming her daughter Chloe but thought it was “better for the dog.” These girls started laughing and of course…that class was rough for me. I didn’t like my name after that, lol.

My last name is more uncommon, especially where I live. People screw it up all the time. A substitute teacher even mansplained to me that I was mispronouncing my own name. Sometimes people mispronounce my first name as “Cleo”, which makes no sense to me, and I’ve been marked absent sometimes due to how badly some substitutes have butchered my name.
I think it's somewhat common? I don't like it but it being common has nothing to do with that. I just feel like it's not "me" anymore if that makes any sense. I don't really have plans to legally change it yet because I kinda have multiple preferred names and only choosing one is difficult.
Nope, my real name is not common. So it's usually the victim of mispronunciation when I'm around people I don't know. It's a pretty okay name, way better than my middle name.
My name isn't that common and not that rare either I don't think. "Riley" is also a unisex name these days, although it originated as a name for males. I remember going to high school and there was a student there for a bit with my name, but they were a girl. I don't think the spelling was the same though. I've never met anyone in-person who has my name and the exact same spelling as it, although I know there's people like that out there. I've also heard of people who have Riley as their middle or last name before.

Thanks for reading my pointless essay about my name. = )
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It's a way outdated, formerly less common name that nobody names their daughter anymore to this day. It already wasn't so common back when I was born in 2000, and I may be one of the last people with this name, if not the very last, and it is spelled a little differently than the usual spelling of this old name, so it's often the victim of misspelling. They used this name more back in the '80s and earlier.

I once knew someone older than me with this name, but it was spelled the usual way instead of the rare one I have.

I don't like my real name, and I don't like that name with the common spelling, either...
My middle name is better, which is also no longer used, and it's also sometimes the victim of misspelling, but my first name gets misspelled more.
My name is Claudia, and it seems to be a pretty common name for girls even though I hardly come across anyone who shares my name irl. I like my name and I wouldn't change it for the world. The only other Claudia I know is my great aunt whom I was named after. Coincidentally, we're both aunts.

As far as nicknames go, the only nicknames close to my irl name that I go by are Claude and Claudette, and nobody else really calls me by those nicknames other than my parents lol.
My first name is so common I don’t even mind sharing it online. It’s Benjamin. I like the name for the most part and I think it has a good ring to it, but if I had the motivation to I’d change it to my username Neb. My main issue with my name is that it’s so common that I run into other people with the name often. Back in elementary school, there were four other Bens and then school barely had 100 students. That’s just insane to me.
I've never personally met anyone with the same name as me who spells it the same way I do; the closest I've gotten is occasionally seeing Zaras on social media, and there's the clothing store Zara as well. It's a bit of a bummer never being able to find things that have my name the way I spell it on them, but it's not a big deal to me. I love my name! :]
both my former name and chosen name are pretty common. going by the latter, I actually share a first name with a particularly famous pop star hehe 😂

I like my chosen name, it's one that some family members have called me my whole life and it feels like my name 💜