do you believe in any superstitions?


axolotl girl
Squirtle Squad
Apr 24, 2015
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Night Sky Scenery
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Yellow Star Fragment
Toy Duck Plush
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bee Plush
Blue Star Fragment
i don’t really, but i always keep the superstitions that breaking a mirror or walking underneath a ladder are bad luck every time i see a mirror or ladder. i also don’t whistle or listen to/watch anything that has whistling in it at night because of the superstition that whistling at night invites ghosts 😭 i don’t believe in it per say, but it still irrationally unnerves me a little LOL
I guess I kind of do to some extent! I always do the "knock on wood" to "avoid tempting fate" when I say something. Or I'll try to stop myself before I say it out loud so I don't "jinx" myself!
I know deep down they are not real, but I definitely find myself partaking in superstitious things sometimes, like crossing my fingers when i really want something to happen!

Edit: Oh, I also find myself somewhat-but-not-really-but-maybe believing in signs. Like, a week ago I got all dressed up for an interview, was walking to the car in my heels, and then one of my heels broke!! And it was in that moment that I thought, "well.. i don't think i'm getting this job now.." I did fine in the interview, but I didn't get the job.
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I have given myself so much anxiety over the thought of jinxing things that I've had to actively work to try and break out of those thought patterns. ;; I was looking for wood to knock on basically every time I mentioned something in the future tense, which was not exactly healthy ahaha. I still kinda have to fight the urge a little, and talking about the future tends to make me feel uncomfortable still.

On a lighter note, say what you will but I do not do things to try to test or mess with the Fair Folk. Ideally I would like to maintain a relationship where I'm on their good side, but not too much on their good side either. I'm just saying... weird things happen in the woods sometimes.
I always always salute single magpies I just can’t not do it 😬 even on my driving lessons my instructors like 😠 stop 😠

Kinda? Ive been on about the whole jinxing. I honestly believe in it xD just because Ive done that so many times in real life, like Ive jinxed myself fairly often.

I dont know if Karma is a superstition, but Ive defently had my share of bad Carma, that's for sure. But overall im off and on, honestly havent given it tons of thought before.. hm
I don't feel strongly that any of them are real but I have a habit of practicing some of them just in case. Every day throughout high school I would keep an eye on the clock for 11:11 so I could make a wish, I still always make a wish before blowing out my candles for birthdays, and if I see a penny on heads I'll pick it up.
I don't feel strongly that any of them are real but I have a habit of practicing some of them just in case. Every day throughout high school I would keep an eye on the clock for 11:11 so I could make a wish, I still always make a wish before blowing out my candles for birthdays, and if I see a penny on heads I'll pick it up.
Ohh I forgot about 11:11 and birthday wishes! I love making wishes when the opportunity arises hehe ;v;
The shooting star react made me remember I also wish on shooting stars! I think I've only ever seen them in one place, this farm nearby I like to go to around Halloween, but every single time I've been there at nighttime I've seen a shooting star so it feels lucky.
I'm usually not superstitious but I'm one of those people trying not to be too happy in case it attract the bad eye.
Each time I'm excited for something, bad luck happen. I was excited for the camp: computer stopped working a few times, Sai didn't want to save my drawings (it worked well for years, why?) Printer refuses to print Far frequencies. I even got a skin rash for no reason. :(
This is a bit tmi. Whenever I drop food like chips and it's within the five sec. rule, I'll do the sign of the cross and eat the food afterwards. It's become a habit now. Although I should clarify that I only do it at home.

There's also the knock on wood to ward off the bad thought/energy.
I don’t strongly believe but it just feels nice tossing coins in wells/fountains to make a wish. I have one park I go to regularly and I toss coins in and wish for me + my bf + nature about half the time I go there. It’s fun at least even if I can’t say I’m a believer.
Nope, I'm not the type of person to believe in such things.
I think some of the good luck things are cute (like 4-leaf clovers) but I don't actually believe they do anything.
Oh, making wishes is cute to me too. Maybe that's because I like stars and the Pokemon Jirachi, though...
But yeah, I don't actually believe in wishes coming true by magic or anything.
Not really...I have a few memories where I freaked people out with open umbrellas indoors. I don't really get it.
Not so much, but it is imbedded in our lives so I can't say I don't participate in it. The jinxing topic is a good example of that. Or speaking ill of the dead unnecessarily instead of just moving on if you had beef or didn't like something. While I don't believe they will curse you like most may believe about this topic, I think it can attract some not good things because you are dwelling on negativity that is over. Others are more extreme about this topic and believe no matter what, don't talk about what may have happened that was awful. I think it is good to be truthful about things but in a responsible way. Such as admitting but not taking 10 mins to name call and rage, or go to therapy if you were a victim instead of dealing with it by yourself verbally or lashing out at others. Same with mocking other's gods. Actually my religion says not to anyway. But the concept is the same but with the added factor of we should not purposefully provoke other people.

On another note,
Some people may consider religious aspects to be a part of superstition but the religious person themselves may not see it as superstition and see it as a separate category.
So, I'm not really a fan of using the term superstition. There is probably a reason why someone thinks or believes the way they do, or do what they do, such as knocking on wood to appeal to tree-dwelling spirits to ward off bad luck or an expression of gratitude for good fortune. Or just a simple statement to ward off bad luck. Luck is then an entity or being in that case. That's their thing, though it may be not be mine.
I’m the exact some, I’m not really superstitious but I still irrationally avoid doing things similar to your examples lol. Like ‘knock on wood’ for example , I don’t REALLY think it works but a part of me is compelled to do it anyway
Not really...I have a few memories where I freaked people out with open umbrellas indoors. I don't really get it.
Oh gosh, I used to work at a place that sold umbrellas and sometimes customers would make me open the umbrellas up for them like because they were superstitious but still wanted to see the umbrella? 😅 I always found it so strange because if they are believing this is bad luck then why are they forcing the bad luck on me?

Anyway I am not that superstitious.
i don’t really, but i always keep the superstitions that breaking a mirror or walking underneath a ladder are bad luck every time i see a mirror or ladder. i also don’t whistle or listen to/watch anything that has whistling in it at night because of the superstition that whistling at night invites ghosts 😭 i don’t believe in it per say, but it still irrationally unnerves me a little LOL

Yeah, same! I don't believe in them, but I'm also not going to go out of my way to prove them wrong, because what if.