Do you believe in Aliens?

Do you believe in Aliens?

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May 28, 2021
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The universe is seemingly infinite.

What do you think about the idea of other life existing out there? Or do you think humans are alone?

Screenshot 2024-09-27 2.20.53 PM.png

this alien photo is from mass effect for those curious

Harry Vanderspeigle- Resident Alien

I think outer space is too vast of a place to say that extraterrestrials don't exist.The odds are that there are other forms of life out there.I have personally witnessed two objects flying in the sky that I can't explain and didn't resemble any type of man made aircraft I've seen before or since.And there are many earthbound mysteries possibly relating to extraterrestrial activity that can't be explained.I vote "yes".
^ that reminds me of how so many fictional aliens and races are just a different head tacked onto a human body.

like the khajiit race in the skyrim.

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...Star Wars does pretty good with it's aliens though. Mostly.


Yes. The universe is too big just for us. I believe that other lifeforms existed or exist or will exist somewhere far far away. And Garrus is my favourite alien.
Obviously I can't say beyond the shadow of a doubt, but I think it's very unlikely that we have the only planet capable of sustaining life in the whole universe.
not... really? i mean, if there was to be more life out in the universe then i wouldn't be surprised, but i don't think so as of right now.
^ that reminds me of how so many fictional aliens and races are just a different head tacked onto a human body.
Yeah,it's probably pretty expensive to do alien makeup,especially for a TV show.Harry Vanderspeigle's form changes from 100% human to human with an alien head to 100% alien.His natural form is pictured below:

latest (6).jpg

I don't know what a real alien species would look like but I hope they don't look like this.
I believe 100% that there is intelligent extraterrestrial life out there, but I don't believe that aliens have visited Earth/abducted people/built the Pyramids or anything like that. The universe is so unimaginably vast, there's just no way we are the only ones living in it
I am sure there is life out there somewhere in some form. It's kind of weird that Earth would be the only place with life. The life in question could be something as simple as bacteria or whatever. For us to be the only life in the entire universe would be strange that there wasn't another planet with all the right ingredients for life since the universe is so large.
It doesn't sound impossible but I need to actually see them first before I can say yes.
I want to believe in aliens. Not sure if I do.

Yeah it interested me to see that almost everybody here leans yes on the poll.

If I made one with 'do you believe in ghosts' it would probably be much more split.

But with aliens you can kinda fall back on the theory of 'well, if the universe expands forever, other life has to also exist somewhere else'. And for some people it's easier to feel 'yes' is the logical answer even if we don't have any undisputed proof yet. I think it just falls on how each person thinks.

Because unlike other mysteries, it's something that can't yet be fully disproved. We are absolutely primitive when it comes to knowing the greater universe.
I do believe, that there must be some sort of life outside of planet earth, yes. Intelligent species that humanity will make contact with at some point? Probably not.
I think so, yes. If we can happen, then surely it has happened again somewhere else. But I don't know if we'll ever have the technology to meet, and that's probably a good thing. If either we were the more advanced civilization or they were a benevolent species, the leaders of our world would try to take advantage of them.
Sure! I don’t think Earth will ever see them though, for better or for worse. It seems like the universe is just too big and I think the odds of some super-hardy creature drifting in are very low. If we ever do see them, I would think they would be found on meteorites or other bodies in the solar system. Mars an the moon have seemed pretty lonely for now though.
Nope! I think the concept is pretty silly to be honest, but I don't believe they exist.

I do love astronomy, however!
I didn’t vote mainly because there’s no ‘maybe’ option. I generally don’t rule anything out of the realm of possibility without proof.