
Hold on... Cabin 4 made 5th place... what am I so happy about.... :|
Don't worry Smarty we still get cool sig stuff to wave in peoples faces, Our cabin did awesome!
SPORGE27 said:
Don't worry Smarty we still get cool sig stuff to wave in peoples faces, Our cabin did awesome!
Smarty? Wow, I'm getting a lot of nicknames.

Anyways, I did better than last year place wise. This year my cabin was 2nd, last year we were dead last.
yay... i get a wallpaper


i wonder how cool it will be


yeah, darn, i didn't get a shirt... but those cabin niners... they really didn't sleep i bet.
PIRANHA2 said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
SPORGE27 said:
Don't worry Smarty we still get cool sig stuff to wave in peoples faces, Our cabin did awesome!
Smarty? Wow, I'm getting a lot of nicknames.
hey-smarty's better than techie, isnt it?
yeah, smarties taste good anyway

i now have the urge to eat something with lots of sugar...