Are paths worth it?

Are paths worth setting up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 91.8%
  • No

    Votes: 7 8.2%

  • Total voters


erik is air, erik is life
Sep 22, 2013
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
My town map is bad. It has 3 ponds and all the villagers are clustered on one side of the map, and one is moving right into the group. There aren't any flowers and all the grass is dead. I'm a teeeeerrible designer, so I haven't made any good path designs.

Should I try setting up paths? The thing that's making me hang back is the fact that since you can't drop things on them, I'd no longer be able to get money from the money rock; plus, trees and bamboo would get in the way. I can't decide on a good color, either. :/

So tell me, are paths even worth it?
Yes they are! It's like a little project, you won't get it done in one day. You could come to my town one day and I'll help you pick paths designs etc. My town I preferred that I covered my whole town which I regret.

Fake grass
Fake sand

My WHOLE town is covered which I regret as I literally have no where to drop stuff for trade etc.

ugh but I don't wanna remove it.
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I love the paths in my town, wouldn't want to miss them again. You can take a look at my dreamtown if you want to know what they look like. Btw, I haven't paved my entire town, just some paths to and from houses / buildings.
I had fun laying down paths. You don't have to do much, you can make them connect from house to house or put them around buildings. You can find plenty of QR path codes online that you may like and find away to put them into your town. In the past I've covered up my dirt circles by putting a water pattern over it and looked pretty nice. There's some nice bridge pathways, underwater, dirt, brick, stone, anything really. You can get creative c:

Good luck. I think you should give it a try. Start simple since it can be a bit time consuming and frustrating.
I'm trying to create some natural paths in my town using the grass deterioration and lots of flowers for borders. I will not get mine done in one day, but I think that it will look good when they are established.
Paths are really great for making sure that your whole town doesn't turn into a mud bath. I haven't covered everything in patterns, there are still large areas without them, including the areas around rocks. I wouldn't want to sacrifice functionality, even if I had patterns that would be suitable for covering my town in.
When I was first laying down paths, I chopped down almost all my trees and moved my flowers all over the place; my town looked awful for a while. But I got my paths down and replanted trees (and left plenty of room for villagers to come and go) and I really like it! I just have my path going in a circle around my town, leading to my mayor's house, Re-Tail, the Plaza, and the beaches, and I didn't try to sculpt it to the placement of my villagers. I've had some neighbors move in right on top of my paths, and it's frustrating, but it's easy to rework your path as long as you leave room to be flexible.
I've also put down benches and lamps along the path to discourage villagers from plopping their houses down on top of it, and that has worked pretty well.
I`d advise you to just dream of a few towns to get some ideas of what it means and how many ways you can use paths. I also have paths, but still a lot of grass as well and I`ll keep it that way. I like paths, because they give me more a town feel, making all the people in it connected. It sort of strings everything together. I started for a while without paths and my grass looks horrible now, but I`ll hope by using the paths it will slowly get better again.
I definitely think they are. In my opinion, it makes the town look much nicer and professional than a town with just worn-down dirt paths. I was overjoyed when I got my path, and it makes my town look better! I'm currently creating hybrids to border it too! :)
I added a path a few days ago. It didn't look so good, but now I'm adding more trees and flowers. They look better in a crowded town.
Paths are not necessary but they do add something to a town to have them. Narrow, winding paths feel more natural but if you're going for a big town feel, then wide paths do better. I have stone paths in my town. They are functional because they lead from the villagers' houses to all the important spots like the PWPs and the town plaza, but I keep them narrow and winding for a more rustic feel. I make sure to have open spaces for my flowers because I love flowers. :)

They are worth it if you want them and like the way they look (after you've laid them, which takes a lot of work). They are not worth it if you find them a terrible chore to lay down and then worry about not being able to get the most out of your money rocks, fruit trees, etc.
I remember when I was playing in my City Folk/Let's Go to the City town. I had decided to start placing paths everywhere. A lot of people that came to the town said that it was their favourite town to visit! Unforunately, I eventually decided to get rid of them all. I got tired of the realism. I wanted my natural town back. I don't really know if I regret that decision or not. I was left with no trees, no grass, and I'm actually still trying to regrow the grass, as well as get the time to plant new trees. I'd say it all depends on the kind of town that you'd want to look at. Think about the appearance more than the functionality. You'll get sick of the appearance sooner than you'll get sicker of the functionality.
I loved dropping paths because it helped me map out where I wanted things to be. The villagers' houses helped me set them up logically, and I just went from there. :)
I'm trying to create some natural paths in my town using the grass deterioration and lots of flowers for borders. I will not get mine done in one day, but I think that it will look good when they are established.

I'm doing exactly this. I like the layout of my 'paths' so far, but there are going to be areas where there's no grass when certain villagers move. I suppose that happens with paths regardless though.

I like this method more than putting down patterns because it's so much easier to do. I put down patterns in Chimyeon so I could see if I'd want to do it in Treefall and it just takes so long to put them all down. Removing them is even worse. Also, flowers are easier just to pick up and put back if they're in the way of a money rock.

The only possible drawback is that you need quite a lot of flowers. I just went to the island and took flowers from tours, but it did take a while to get enough, and I'd still like more so I can have a 'second layer' of flowers around the whole town.
I love my paths, I've got them leading to all the important places, with a mixture of 2 or 3 tile wide brick/tile paths and single tile winding floral/dirt design paths, plus some courtyardy areas I've covered in floral/brick patterns

I love the look of paths connecting everything together, and of having a few different designs. It does take a couple of mules to hold the patterns but I don't mind

My dream address is in my signature, you should definitely visit a few dream towns to get some inspiration, seeing what other people had done really helped me when I first started laying down paths (and I went through a few different designs before I settled on the ones I'm using now)
Yes, definitely!! My town's a wreck right now since I had to delete my 2nd character who was holding my path pattern pieces, but I'll definitely put them back. Otherwise, I'd have nothing but dirt. >.<
I just finished redesigning my paths again and I love them! I laid down a really simple hand-made one when I first got the game because I wanted to establish dirt paths efficiently, but I think I love my patterns a lot more now. Though, I think dirt paths have a certain charm to them. Lining areas with flowers works too, but you need a lot and if you like to run on your paths like me, you risk accidentally trampling some.

I think the best part about paths is the impression they leave! I won't cover my full town, but I feel like my town's theme and atmosphere will really come to fruition with the addition of paths as opposed to PWPs alone. The only trick is that you either need a pattern mule, or you have to sacrifice space in your pattern slots. I kind of miss the more "foresty" feel from when I played the GC game... but it's SO much easier to get around with what are essentially roadways instead of weaving around trees all the time. I just gotta plant more foliage, I think.

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Oh, and the best part: options are limitless! You can do whatever your heart desires. Want to have a path that's just bananas strewn about the ground? Go for it! Water, sand, stars, tires, rainbows, pawprints, it's almost too many options haha.
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