Anime/cartoon recommendations?

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Senior Member
Nov 9, 2016
Arcade Tokens
Pear (Fruit)
White Rose
Don't have a favourite genre in particular, but want to avoid horror animes and cartoons (I'm super screamish lol).

Some of the ones I've watched and loved:

Death Note
Sword Art Online
Mirrai Nikki

Any suggestions? :)
land of the lustrous is amazing ive heard. also its better than steven universe, totally not trying to rile any su fans up
If you're cool with subtitles, Recovery of an MMO junkie is great. It's a lot like Sword Art Online but with less action and no Mary Sues.
My Hero Academia is phenomenal, you'll love that.
One Punch Man is hilarious and action-filled, it's a really fun anime.
If you're okay with adult humor, the cartoon Camp Camp is super funny. You can watch it all for free on youtube, on the Rooster Teeth channel.
If you have a Hulu sub then everything in the "90s cartoons" they're not really all 90s cartoons but it's the amazing Steven sphiburg ( horrible speller right here! ) Cartoons that put the C in cartoon to stand for comedy-- or something. And if you don't have a sub the shows are tiny toons adventure and animaniacs ( plus their spin offs )
I know it's prolly over-recommended, but theres jsut something special about Steven Universe :'D
I'm not really a fan of anime, but one that I have seen is FLCL, and it was pretty crazy :D My friend used to like this (older) anime called .hack or something and I think it had a similar premise to Sword Art Online (ehh I don't know what I'm talking about ;-;)
if you like those (mirai nikki was good AF btw) then maybe you'd like some of these:

dangan ronpa - it's about 15 students who get locked up in a school together and are forced to kill each other, and it's a murder mystery, definitely worth checking out at the very least. it's severely underrated. the first anime is good, but the other 2 following that are much better quality and really good, + there's a few games they've not animated yet if you ever got really into it that you could go and check out.

tokyo ghoul - a seriously messed up story set in a world where there are human eating 'ghouls' who look just like people. i won't say much because again, spoilers, but holy **** this is such a good show like you don't even know, it's very popular and the third season is supposed to come out this year

owari no seraph - a story set in a post-apocalyptic world that was taken over by vampires (bUT make no mistake, this series is SOOOO good). it's not like the classical twilight romance i promise you, it's got a lot of fighting in it and it's just AMAZING.
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