Your first console?

Mine was SNES but it was more like the families console. I remember my gameboy colour being super important to child me.
If we’re talking about the first one in our household, it was the classic NES. But if we’re considering something that was mine alone, it was the SEGA Genesis or Game Gear. I got them both from a pawn shop as gifts and burned through several AA (6x per round) batteries on the Game Gear.
My first console was the N64
I remember my friend and I tried so hard just to be bad at GoldenEye 007 😭😭
Hmm the first console I owned was my nintendo DSi, which I saved up my birthday money etc. for to split it with my birthday one year. The first console I played was probably my dad's original Xbox, but I know that my parents also had a SEGA mega drive which I also played a little when I was pretty young.
My first console was my mom's NES she gave to me. I was obsessed with Excitebike! I also played a lot of the not-age-appropriate-now-that-I-look-back Narc. And sometimes I would attempt to play Friday the 13th but it terrified me 🙈

My first new console was either my purple transparent GameBoy Color or my N64- I can't remember which was first, but I was obsessed with both!
The first console I ever owned was a Nintendo 64, which I got from my grandma for my birthday in 2000 along with a copy of Super Smash Bros. I have a lot of fond memories of that game, even if I never was any good at it!
pretty sure my first one was the n64, loved that console when I was young - played so many great games with my siblings
If we’re talking about the first one in our household, it was the classic NES. But if we’re considering something that was mine alone, it was the SEGA Genesis or Game Gear. I got them both from a pawn shop as gifts and burned through several AA (6x per round) batteries on the Game Gear.
God, the Game Gear and the Sega Nomad were such battery annihilators. I tended to just stick with the Genesis itself as a result, but the portability was cool. I feel like I recall just sometimes opting to simply plug the Nomad into the wall sockets sometimes rather than waste the batteries, which kind of defeats the purpose a bit. It still gave the freedom of not needing access to a tv to plug your Genesis into though, if you were at someone else's house or something. A shame they didn't have access to the same type of rechargeable internal batteries that handhelds since then have utilized.
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It was a Nintendo 64! Definitely have a lot of fond memories with that console.
My parents and siblings owned consoles, but the first console of mine was an XBOX.
A PlayStation from a garage sale, along with Doom. My dad played it mostly, but I also did sometimes.
Mine was the original PlayStation, my dad bought it for me so I could play Tomb Raider on it after my friends had the PC version.
Gamecube and Gameboy Advance SP (though they were more like family consoles if anything). I think the latter's battery needs to be replaced. Take care of your old consoles, folks.
The Playstation 1, the BEEEEG fat grey one! My first game on it was a Nascar racing game? The first console that was SOLEY mine was the SNES, and I loved that thing. I left it running all day to hear loading screen music and watch those openings so long that I had one burned into my TV