Yes! Finally! Thank you, Chaddar!!!


On Indefinite Hiatus
Apr 20, 2017
I've been waiting almost 2 months for this PwP suggestion!


Well I guess patience really does pay off.
congratulations! :D

in my main town i had to wait over a year for someone to suggest the police station, but in my second town it was the first PWP suggestion i got! i really can't with this game sometimes.
A YEAR?? Oh heck no! That would have driven me halfway crazy!! And thank you.

Usually they suggest things like yield signs and stone tablets.

And it fits exactly where I wanted it!
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A YEAR? I restarted my town last week. Within 4 days of starting my new town, Astrid suggested the police station! Was I just lucky? :p
that's great!

i'm a patient person :3

(and i love the stone tablet)

I am not a patient person, unfortunately. I like all of the PwP in this game to be honest, but when they suggest projects that I know I have no desire to build in my town, instead of suggesting projects I know I will build, it could be kind of annoying.

A YEAR? I restarted my town last week. Within 4 days of starting my new town, Astrid suggested the police station! Was I just lucky? :p

You were lucky. My villagers usually take weeks or months to suggest it.

Congratulations :3

also random looks Ankha is unhappy with Chadders suggestion :p

Thank you. LOL yeah, she was eavesdropping.

Yeah, I decided to wait to build the police station because where I was going to put it didn't feel right. And since the police station is permanent, it's not a good idea to hastily build it. I was going to build it near the train tracks behind my house but after the donation gyroid was set up, I wasn't feeling it at all.
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I got it after like 2 months on my first town, but it was the second PWP ever suggested on my second one, the random factor is some times good, but it may make you suffer :)
It's a good idea to think about it long and hard, yes! Also make sure your choice between Copper and Booker is final~
I had to wait almost a year for Hazel to suggest a windmill in my town... So I know how you feel, lol!
Good for you! Lionel suggested every possible other PWP before suggesting the cube sculpture, so I feel your pain.
Wow! Congratulations.
I've only gotten it suggested once or twice in my millions of towns.