Buying yall, i need flowers-


wild sprout
Dec 18, 2021
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
100% (12) +
so im trying to complete a rainbow garden and honestly i need a lot and would be willing to pay whatever for these. ill take all the help i can get and will put a strikethrough what i get so you can offer whatever you can <3 i appreciate anything!

- 2 pink tulips
- 2 pink cosmos
- 1 pink lily
- 2 purple mums
- 2 purple tulips
- 1 purple windflower
- 1 purple pansy
- 2 blue windflowers
- 2 blue roses
- 1 blue pansy
- 3 green mums

- 1 yellow hyacinth
- 1 yellow tulip
- 2 orange pansies
- 2 orange hyacinths
- 2 orange cosmos
- 1 orange tulip
- 1 orange rose
- 1 orange lily
- 1 red tulip
- 2 black lilies
- 1 black tulip
- 1 black cosmo

and could anyone remind me how to get a gold rose? ty!!
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hey sorry to bother you again, but do you have a purple hyacinth or no? i left our dm conversation so i dont remember if you said you were able to give it to me, but if not thats totally fine!
I do, yes! Oh and I have a yellow tulip and yellow hyacinth if you still need them! I don't have our previous DM either but you can send me a new one with the dodo code whenever you're ready!