Wild world vs. New leaf

wild world is so cute and better, but new leaf is so much better graphics and still good! D;
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Having set places for villagers to put down houses was a huge relief, and like everyone else has said the villagers personalities were a lot more interesting. New Leaf is definitely a better game for a lot of reasons, but Wild World had it's own charm.
I don't like how WW looks when you're like, running around and stuff? It's hard to explain but yeah. :x

I know exactly what you're talking about and I totally agree! It's why I like NL more than WW - there's just something about how it feels. Not that I played WW all that much...
Mmm, I do admit I have more fun with New Leaf, but there's one thing I miss about WW: Villager moving. No pings, no paranoia, no tearing your hair out knowing that once in boxes they were as good as gone. Just walk into everyone's house, talk to 'em and convince them to stay. Done deal. <3

Yes I loved the villager moving way on WW
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Wild World - I loved the fact the villagers personalities were strong (I know it's been said so many times, but still) because it used to make me smile when I overheard villagers talking about Moppina, or being really grouchy or whatever. I also quite miss having set places for villagers to move into - the reset trick is so time consuming sometimes just to stop someone from moving into a terrible place - and I miss being able to go into people's houses and ask them to stay when they were in boxes.
When I play WW now, as well, I find that the gameplay is quite jerky compared to New Leaf, so I can't play for as long because it frustrates me sometimes, haha xD
New Leaf - I love the fact you can wear pants and tanks, etc in this one, and that you can change shoes too! (although I kind of miss the pointy hats in a way, haha) and the fact you can customise the exterior as well as the interior of your house. I also love being able to build PWP and the island :D
I kind of miss being able to change villagers wallpaper and floors, too (all the times I've tried in New Leaf, it hasn't worked, so if you can do it, any advice or whatever would be appreciated) and I agree that it's also frustrating receiving multiple villager pictures.
I had never played Animal Crossing before when the hype about New Leaf started to kick up, so I went out and got a used copy of Wild World to try out to decide if I'd like to get New Leaf.

As many have said before me, I agree heartily that the villager's personalities were a little more interesting in WW, and I quite liked that so many of them could be absolute ****s to the player. It really made me laugh that they could be complete little jerks, and I sort of miss that in NL.
So many people mention that they liked the set villager house spaces. However, I think having those really kills the organic nature of the game. What I'd like to see is a compromise: the ability to place house markers (signs) as a PWP-type object. That would allow the much desired (and often, needed) control, but would still allow the greatest amount of player creativity.

I boot up WW the other day just to see the difference. Wow, I couldn't even run around without my eyes straining!

Like most everyone else, I do miss the stronger personalities along with their backstories! The constellations are also a nice touch.

Nonetheless, New Leaf wins, hands down!

(I am quite curious if future games will continue to have the player to be the mayor. I'm not sure how reverting back to a villager would work, now with the addition on PWP.)
I had never played Animal Crossing before when the hype about New Leaf started to kick up, so I went out and got a used copy of Wild World to try out to decide if I'd like to get New Leaf.

As many have said before me, I agree heartily that the villager's personalities were a little more interesting in WW, and I quite liked that so many of them could be absolute ****s to the player. It really made me laugh that they could be complete little jerks, and I sort of miss that in NL.

Oh, you should see them during their glory days in the Gamecube version. They were even more mean than they were in Wild World. I wish Nintendo didn't nerf the villager's personalities...
I typed so much things but my mom wanted to use the computer and exited out this window, I'm irritated since I don't want to retype everything. I'll just say this:

New Leaf: I like the better graphics and a lot of things I can't do in acww. Also the mayor thing is refreshing.
Wild World: Nostalgia and better villager convos.
WW was my first intro into Animal Crossing and I loved it. I also love NL. WW had the charm the NL is missing but over all NL is a tad better I think. You get to make decisions such as having Resetti or not, I choose not as I found him to be very annoying.
I got out my WW game a couple of weeks ago and had to laugh at the characters compared to the NL characters. It looks like their bodies on their feet LOL, so that is one huge improvement in NL They look more human. I miss the shooting down the balloons with objects in WW as compared to the now balloon furniture in the balloons in NL. Not a fan of that at all.
I love the vivid colors of NL and how you can customize the town mostly to what you want unless a villager moves in and upsets your plans. I never played Gamecube or City Folk but I would have likee to. I enjoy both AC games I have played and look forward to the next installment when it comes out.
I absolutely luv acnl best, but I have played them all and other than cf, I loved each one. Summer aerobics in gc, cliffed towns in gc, and getting to have 15 villagers. Ww I luved since it became portable, though fishing was a lot harder. I didn't get as into cf, but I may pick it back up one day. I luv them all though. My fav obsession to my own little world of escape :)
Aside from the watered down personalities, I really miss the constellations and two certain events that I remember clearly:
1. Where you can go to villagers' houses and buy their furniture from them and vice versa
2. That contest on who had the best garden in town (but me being a little cheater, I just stole all my villagers' flowers and planted it around my house)
and I really loved the soundtrack for ww especially when they flash the title before you load up your file.

ACNL has definitely made a lot of improvements that's already been stated such as the graphics, pwps, etc. but they should really bring back the ability to still talk your villager out even if they're in boxes.

Okay, this guy wasn't in ACWW but they should really bring wisp back in the next AC game instead of us just seeing an alien on tv.
The WW soundtrack is so much better than NL's (which is boring and forgettable imo), and I loved the constellations and message in a bottle features from WW. Agree with previous posts about repetive NL villager dialogues also.
But NL is very special, so that apart from the few things I miss from WW, I can't fault much! ^_^

To be honest, I prefer the GC one. I like ACNL because it's handheld, and I like it more then WW because I play NL more. But over all, ACG will always be my favorite AC game.
I played Wild World daily for nearly 3 straight years from 2005 to 2008, and I've been playing New Leaf from launch until today (doesn't matter when you read this, I'm still playing that daily, so it's always today). I can tell some of the things I liked about each. Wild World, first was portable. I had Animal Crossing on the Game Cube, and Wild World allowed me to take my town with me, so I never missed an event like I would in AC (I'm also a devout legit gamer- no time travel, if I miss it, just like in real life, I missed it). Second, it used the touch screen to run, talk to animals, etc. It had improvements over the original, like touching the animal who would either wave if you were friends, or scowl/snark if you weren't. Some other reasons I like it? The acorn festival was fun (got many a mushroom furniture that way). Since you shared a house, it was VERY easy to pay off the loan if you had 4 players living in it as I did. The attic wasn't just for saving, people forget that you could change your bed too- I put a nice large modern bed for me, the king! The phone also allowed you to change the clock, should you want to time travel back and forth I guess. The dialog in Wild World made me feel more connected to these animals. Marina talking about Mopina, the villagers talking about the Happy Room Academy points their house received (especially if you give them something that completes a set), and the villager pictures in your house give you a bazillion points, because it didn't matter if they lived there or not!

Now, New Leaf came after Wild World, and is a mix of the original, Wild World and City Folk. On the original, they added the island back (and some mini-games, making it more fun than the original I think). Wild World's layout is the background they used for New Leaf- ie no cliffs in the middle of town like the original and City Folk where you had to find that stupid ramp to reach the other half of town. They cleaned up the graphics in New Leaf too, making the trees and villagers look better (not to mention also in 3D). They kept the downtown city aspect from City Folk with Main Street. However, unlike City Folk, the Main Street population is populated only from your villagers, past and/or present. Obviously, since New Leaf is the most recent, it has the most items available, as now you can do pants, shirts, shoes, even socks, hats.

They took a lot of the good points from the previous 3, and meshed them all together, added a few new features, some little things too like footprints in the sand/dirt that changes depending on what you're wearing or not wearing, to create what is probably the best Animal Crossing yet. It'd be 100% perfect I think if they would have kept the speaking option City Folk had. Wii Speak was great, and the 3DS has a built-in microphone. To sum this all up, don't really compare New Leaf to Wild World, it's like comparing Super Mario Brothers to Super Mario 64, obviously the following games are going to be more technologically advanced, and have more features that weren't available years earlier. However, Wild World did lay the groundwork for New Leaf, so it can't be ignored either. At least in Wild World, thanks to having 3 other characters as well, all 8 of my villagers are "locked" as long as none of them ever talks to any of the villagers (or the villagers for which they didn't fulfill the task). I can put Wild World away for 10 years, pick it up, and none of the villagers will be gone, or in boxes! Not the case in New Leaf sadly.

yeah I agree about the HRA points and villager pictures, I don't like how in new leaf the villager must live in your town.
The thing I miss most from Wild World is the larger variety in villager convos and the fact that if they were standing near each other, they'd talk to each other. I know they do it in New Leaf but it seems to happen VERY rarely. In WW they would always do it. Also, I liked the soundtrack more. It may just be the nostalgia factor but I liked it a lot more than New Leaf's.

Overall I think each AC game has its own strengths and weaknesses so I couldn't choose.
I like New Leaf over Wild World in any way. At least I can play both in a car or in a hotel room. I remembered the last road trip I was on. I played New Leaf a lot.
Pro WW:
I miss having more openness at the beach, like where the grass would go up to it. The way the grass connects with the beach at the island is so pretty.
I miss the fossil and bug descriptions. I was so excited to bring Blathers a tarantula, and was hugely dissappointed, lol
Pro NL:
I like not having signposts. I'm sure they would get in my way like in CF. A happy medium would be plot sign post PWP's.
I like the dream suite.