What's Bothering You?

my phone’s battery is absolute ass. it was still at 27%, and yet it just died. 🙄

i need a new phone. this one is old and clearly not working as well as it used to. *sigh*
I knew when I first heard about this trip that I’d be invisible to my whole family, but damn. This hurts more than I thought it would.
I am not ready for work this week, lol. It’s supposed to be really busy. They even have my favorite person on for prep work tomorrow. At least if it gets out of hand, I’ll have some help. 🙃
I am not ready for work this week, lol. It’s supposed to be really busy. They even have my favorite person on for prep work tomorrow. At least if it gets out of hand, I’ll have some help. 🙃
I am also not ready for this week of work. We are also going to be crazy busy and I’d rather just skip this week.
Pressured to do things I simply feel no calling to do, or any desire to do. It is a reoccurring problem in my life (via different people) and I hate it.
It's like you have to do x otherwise you are a terrible person or lazy or lost or stuck up. Or that it is a shame or an unfortunate thing that will ring for eternity.
I usually don't give in and it just continues to be an annoyance or problem, but the times I have, I always end up regretting it, or just not happy with it as in not feeling a positivity out of it, or often it just makes this reoccurring problem worse.

It is one of the things that makes me not want to be around people. People want you to do things or be a certain way, but never think about asking what are you good at or what kinds of things you have interest in or like.

And it isn't like there is a need that needs filled, otherwise sure, I would hop in and help with x even though I wouldn't enjoy it. But if its already taken care of, why throw me into it or badger me about it if I don't like it or have any interest in it? Also, as an afterthought why am I the target and not "Sally" over there? For some reason I attract this behavior. Maybe I just have bad body language people pick up on and attack it idk..

On a side note, but I guess it is kinda related, I also hate being pressured into doing something simply because of gender. And honestly, if I were by myself I think I would seriously consider altering my appearance some simply because I am tired of other people badgering me all the time over stupid stuff. And honestly I think that is pretty sad, but that's how I feel. Luckily, feelings are usually a temporary thing,.... but still, it is there today.

On a brighter note, I did run into an interesting anxiety quote that has been a pretty big comfort to me today (basically keeping me from having a melt down I guess), so I'll share it here in a spoiler.
Anxiety is produced when someone tries to push themselves to do something that does not come naturally to them, is not in their nature, and/or is not meant for them. Most anxiety is created by trying to be something that God did not create you to be or do something that God does not want you to do.

Anxiety should be a warning sign that something is wrong; when peace leaves, a person should step back and reevaluate the decision they have made.

I should probably see a therapist again, but honestly I don't want to deal with that due to expense. And therapists are generally seen negatively by people near me anyway so...

I'm fine if I can just have my space.
my hair is being a nightmare today. i probably wash my hair too much (i do it everyday) but i can’t stop because my scalp gets oily. i have wavy hair and it’s probably behaving bad because i treat it like straight hair by brushing it a lot. i can’t stop, my hair is too thick and tangled 😭
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So I was feeling sick yesterday and I thought I had recovered from it, which is definitely not the case 'cause I'm feeling sick again this morning. I didn't sleep well at all 'cause I woke up from a splitting headache at 2 in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep until 4 AM.
Looking at my symptoms (constant headaches, sore throat, sweating, chills, muscle soreness, dehydration, etc.) I probably caught a fever or the flu, but I'm not sure. Either way this is almost as bad as the time I caught covid. ; ;
i forgot my lunch at home so i had to order lunch :( i get paid tomorrow so it isnt as bad but like... not great
I slipped on the ice and left my watch at home 😪 now my coworker is talking loudly on speaker phone during lunch
I am ready to go hooome
I picked up my rabbits urn today and they ingraved his name Theodore into the side. His urn is black/dark grey stone and his wife Anastasia who passed in January has the matching urn in white stone. My partner and I spent a wild amount of money on vet bills this year so we decided to have a minimal Christmas this year, so I'm just feeling melancholy. We were suppose to get the new pokemon games but it's $90 bucks canadian each so were gonna put off buying them probs till the new year. It's a small complaint but I'm disappointed none the less. It's just been a grey week.
i feel like I should prob eat something but I have no appetite at all and I still haven't gone grocery shopping so we don't have much to eat here anyways :,,,,,)
Went out for lunch with a few workmates and it was really really nice. I genuinely love some people at my work so much, but there’s just a few bad apples that bring me down so much 😥
The fact that I tried nicotine for the first time today. It will be the last, but the fact that I even tried it. I was tobacco free up to this point. I’m not happy I tried it either.