What's Bothering You?

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Hmm, tracking down Julia was harder than I thought, might just order her amiibo card or just ask someone who is way off my timezone :(
when someone says "i like it. maybe" to a character trade offer but then doesn't get back to you so you're kind of left hanging??
Man, time sure flies.

I was just looking at old photos of me when I was a kid. Years pass, and here I am; a high school student who, in just two more years, will graduate and be sent away to college. I can't believe it.
My throat hurts pretty badly and there’s no visible redness or anything. There is a dot on my throat and I’m hoping that’s it because I don’t know what it is and I want it to stop. ;-;

Edit: Found out it's a canker sore. *sigh*
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Cold here also trimming my ends later today hope my hair will grow. I know it doesn't too much during winter time here but tbh it almost never grows so I'm like why do I even waste money on my hair anymore.
My anxiety like I have so many deadlines and I’m good at multitasking usually but these prompts and project descriptions aren’t making any sense and I also haven’t heard back about graduate stuff. I can’t see it and I don’t know when/where it is but I know there is a window of opportunity slowly drifting past me and I’m blindly trying to grab ahold of it.

Also heart palpitations are still happening with frequency?? So I should probably see a doctor but I don’t have the time or money for it.
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i can't focus on anything today and as a result i didnt study at all!! i have an exam coming up and i need to push myself more :(
how is it my fault i didnt go to college when u kept me up half the night !! and sry that my finger is literally suiciding right now?
Man I'm so tired but I have so much to do...

Pleeeeeeeeease give me sleep, why must college be so relentless .-.
I have my SAT retake on Saturday at 7:00 a.m. I can't enjoy anything because I'm so nervous. My mom has been stressing me out by saying things like she'll be so disappointed if I don't do any better on math and I'll get no money for college. Becoming an adult sucks, why do people act like it's so great? :(
I have my SAT retake on Saturday at 7:00 a.m. I can't enjoy anything because I'm so nervous. My mom has been stressing me out by saying things like she'll be so disappointed if I don't do any better on math and I'll get no money for college. Becoming an adult sucks, why do people act like it's so great? :(

Don't worry, once it's all over you can just chill and say "ya know what I did my best", that's what I did when I thought I bombed my second physics exam.

And tbh that sounds like stupid stuff my dad would say, I can still hear him getting mad at me when I procrastinate on an assignment or stay up late doing schoolwork. But I thought I would be buried in loans, and I actually ended up getting a really good scholarship to go to my first choice college; ya just gotta work hard.

Idk who acts like being an adult is great, but all the adults I know want to be teens again. Hell I just told my dad last night I don't want to be 20. But idk I guess adult life is whatever you make it.
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you know when you're in the shower and use up all the soap/shampoo in your hand so you squeeze the bottle for a little more but too much comes out and you... don't know what to do with it
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