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What's Bothering You?

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Lol I forgot we had this and made a venting thread.
S/O to Oblivia, thanks fam

I haven't heard from my spouse in 8 days and I'm really worried about him I've been panicking at least once a day since I last saw him.. I yelled at him last time I saw him because he was really frustrating me and I'm scared he got arrested or evicted or something.. I wish I knew. I wish I could help him. I wish I had a way of finding out if he was okay..
I'm done with being friendly
Nothing good has come out of it so far
I wonder what happened to my old group of friends on here...we had some pretty fun times playing acnl together
^^ My mom lies quite a bit. Irritates the **** out of me!:mad:
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My hype for Pokemon Sun and Moon = Suddenly Gone.
I have a gut feeling that I won't really like it and finish it like my last Pokemon game, which is Pokemon White 2.

on another note, I can always hear my dad talk smack about me to my mom so she won't buy me things :^) he always exaggerates - thanks for ignoring all my other A+ and making me feel like a stupid incompetent piece of trash :))))) I just LOVE how you guys think I can't understand it when you guys speak canto but I can. I can also hear you from all the way upstairs because you talk so damn loud and it pisses me off.
i really really don't like you. You honestly ruin my day and bring a lot of anger and hate into my life. Right when you get home I get lectured and am reminded of how much I suck at this one class. Right before I go to sleep you lecture me. Can you just stop for a day? Maybe just go away for awhile and never come back? I know I shouldn't be saying these things but seriously just go away and give me a break.

I realized that you're the reason I find it hard to trust people and you're also the reason why I was depressed. How much longer are you going to ruin my life.
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Why are Nintendo's expectations too high?

In case if you're wondering, I'm talking about Desert Island Escape. I don't have a problem with the randomized results of food gathering or the obstacles, but if there's one problem, it has to be the target score. To me, it feels like it's overpriced, especially if you're after the Wii U Station and Wii U Shelf furniture pieces. Why Nintendo? Why is the target score out of reach on the fourth level?

on another note, I can always hear my dad talk smack about me to my mom so she won't buy me things :^) he always exaggerates - thanks for ignoring all my other A+ and making me feel like a stupid incompetent piece of trash :))))) I just LOVE how you guys think I can't understand it when you guys speak canto but I can. I can also hear you from all the way upstairs because you talk so damn loud and it pisses me off.
i really really don't like you. You honestly ruin my day and bring a lot of anger and hate into my life. Right when you get home I get lectured and am reminded of how much I suck at this one class. Right before I go to sleep you lecture me. Can you just stop for a day? Maybe just go away for awhile and never come back? I know I shouldn't be saying these things but seriously just go away and give me a break.

I realized that you're the reason I find it hard to trust people and you're also the reason why I was depressed. How much longer are you going to ruin my life.

I feel ya, my grandad thinks that I'm proper stupid and is always talking about me. In front of me -_-. And he's always going on about how I don't speak mandarin and hakka, just because I don't speak it doesn't mean I don't understand! Everyone thinks I'm stupid, and it hurts
There's this broken alarm thing at my work that keeps beeping and usually it's just a few beeps then it goes off, but now it wont stop and I want to kms
dislocated my left shoulder, now that whole entire side aches
school is tomorrow and it still feels like it's still pop out
my brother keeps inviting over this snobby ***** over from school and i am so sick of her. she's been over every **** weekend and every day he has off from school. please go away (((((((((((((:)
I asked someone for a certain villager yesterday, they said they would get her for me today, and they haven't gotten her for me. They've taken like 5 other requests, which were made TODAY.
i want it to be tomorrow already. :(((

i really want to see him.
omg my teacher and this essay...he said not to make it a compare and contrast but it kind of has to be???
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