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What's bothering you?

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i'm fangirling over a movie that doesn't even exist

It's all okay now. Everything's gonna be okay.

I got a 100 on my other class's test. I'm content for the time being.

I would have been so upset if I failed the first test in my dumb Intro to Computers class. ;-;
Still can't find my keys. I've surmised I'm also missing a bag with shampoo I just bought in it, and I probably threw my keys in there. Can't find the bag. I've ransacked both houses, then sat down and literally wrote down every single place I've gone to since Saturday (when I bought the shampoo, hence my starting point). Everyone whose car I have been in I have asked, and it's not in any of them. I left my aunt a message and she hasn't gotten back to me yet, it better be in her car. Because if it's not, I have to come to the conclusion that it has actually disappeared into thin air or spontaneously combusted or something.

It's not even a big deal, I can just go and buy more shampoo and get new keys made (except for my car key, that was my only one, but the cars only good for parts anyways and if anyone buys it they'll have to tow it anyways, so oh well). But now it's just bothering my sanity. How did it just disappear? I NEED TO KNOW

I'd still rather find it though, my keyring I got in Edinburgh was on there too. ;c
It really bugs me how judgmental some people are. I was walking to the pool earlier at school for my life guarding job and this girl turns around, sees me, and starts sprinting down the hallway. I was confused, but shrugged it off. When I got to the locker room I accidentally bumped into the girl when I opened the door. She starts screaming at me to "get away from her" and "stop stalking me you freak". And after a good couple minutes of her yelling I just calmly say to her "Im sorry if I freaked you out, but Im only there to get ready for life guard duty." She then slowly makes her way out around me, and says "If I ever catch you following me again Ill call the cops!" and she bolted out of the locker room.

I admit I dont really dress to what society deems "normal", but it really bugs me when people do this. Its not like Im that scary looking! I was seriously wearing a band shirt, jeans, vans, and a parka. Whats wrong with people? :/
It really bugs me how judgmental some people are. I was walking to the pool earlier at school for my life guarding job and this girl turns around, sees me, and starts sprinting down the hallway. I was confused, but shrugged it off. When I got to the locker room I accidentally bumped into the girl when I opened the door. She starts screaming at me to "get away from her" and "stop stalking me you freak". And after a good couple minutes of her yelling I just calmly say to her "Im sorry if I freaked you out, but Im only there to get ready for life guard duty." She then slowly makes her way out around me, and says "If I ever catch you following me again Ill call the cops!" and she bolted out of the locker room.

I admit I dont really dress to what society deems "normal", but it really bugs me when people do this. Its not like Im that scary looking! I was seriously wearing a band shirt, jeans, vans, and a parka. Whats wrong with people? :/

Sounds like she has some strange issues that she projected on you. Sorry you had that experience; it doesn't sound fun in the least. Hopefully you'll never see her again, but if you do, I'd stay away from her so that she doesn't cause another scene.
Sounds like she has some strange issues that she projected on you. Sorry you had that experience; it doesn't sound fun in the least. Hopefully you'll never see her again, but if you do, I'd stay away from her so that she doesn't cause another scene.

The girls at my school are HUGE drama queens, and still act like theyre still high school. And I actually feel really bad about it because Ive been in a position like that before, and it can be really scary! :(

Well isn't she bloody dramatic. Like at first it seemed like the girl had some anxiety problem and thought you were idk looking at her?? but the way she freaked out.. damn that's just immature.

Like I said to Lady Timpani a lot of the girls at my university are drama queens, and still act like theyre in high school. She was walking in front of me, and I was just looking ahead but not staring at her. Again I do feel bad for freaking her out, but at the same time she was really rude and took things way out of hand. People are weird I guess :confused:
I work in a cinema and yesterday a woman came out, after her film, to complain that the screen was too cold and her son was shivering whilst watching the film.
To be honest, I didn't care at all. It was a cold day so she should have made sure her child brought a coat or she could have came out during the film to ask us to turn off the air conditioning. Also, we get quite a lot of complaints that aren't real, they are just people complaining to complain.
Anyway, I apologised to her and told her that I noticed it was a little chilly earlier when I was cleaning the screen. She just stared at me and then asked "Is that it?" To which I was like "..Yes?"
I don't know if this was rude but what did she expect me to do? We are supposed to have a policy where our supervisors/managers cannot give a refund if they have watched the film any longer than 45 minutes and she watched the entire film.
So she asked for a manager and I went off to phone for one. Whilst walking away I said "Unfortunately, I can't turn back time and turn the air conditioning off, because I would have."
So after she talked to my manager, he said she complained about me because I was cheeky by telling her I couldn't turn back time. I mean, was this actually cheeky of me?
I didn't mean any offence but obviously she took offence. She could have just come out earlier and simply asked us to turn it off and it wouldn't have been a problem.
In future, I'm not going to talk to customers like they're people, they will just be something I have to be utterly polite to.
My Mother's funeral is next Friday, just trying to think of something really sweet to say about her.
My cat stopped flinging my socks. Get back to it you dweeb it's kawaii as ****.

Is this a common thing? c:

'Cause one of my cats likes to slam doors shut or push them wide open when she's being ignored. She even sits down all statuesque and looks super proud of what she did. It's too cute.

Cats are too cute. c:
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