What was your favorite videogame when you were younger?

Pokemon Red was the first game I really played for more than a month when I was young, then I bought blue, and so on and so fourth.

I almost beat it but my game glitched.

I still have my PS1 so im going to find another copy and buy it to finish it.
Freddie Fish, Pokemon Blue, and Super Mario Bros.

I remember I got so mad that I couldn't find something while playing I Spy on the computer that I took out the CD disk and broke it in half haha
StarFox 64. **** year.
try it on Project64 with a 360 controller if possible.

the graphics update is brick-****tingly crazy, and i prefer the smooth analog stick to the 8-direction "assistance" nintendo controllers have. sure you know what i mean.
One game I really remember playing a lot was Chip and Dale for the NES. I guess I don't have many specific memories from playing it, besides playing it with my brother and getting excited when we beat the first boss ('cuz it hardly happened)