What sounds do you hate?

Dogs barking, dogs barking, dogs barking and did I mention that I HATE THE SOUND OF DOGS BARKING?

Honestly, I'd rather listen to a crying baby or an electric saw for hours than listen to a dog bark for one minute.

Oh, and my dad eating, lol. He chews and breathes REALLY loudly while he eats, I could be sitting ten feet away and still hear him and it's disgusting.
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When theres a weather warning (for like floods or severe wind/lightning storms where i live) the radio will do this awful noise to alert that theres a warning about to happen (or it's a test which is quit annoying), it's very loud and uncomfortable to listen to, and it usually just freaks me out :(

UGH I hate it, especially if it's late at night/early in the morning.

CHILDREN. Whatever they do. Whatever they say.

I can agree with this
Anything to do with chalk - I hate the sound of chalk on a chalkboard, I hate the texture of chalk and the feel of it being on your fingers.... ughhh.
Also when people scratch the plate with their cutlery by accident when they're cutting something. Oh, and styrofoam when it squeaks together (where I work we get trucks of merchandise that we have to process, so much styrofoam)
Thinking of these is making me cringe

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CHILDREN. Whatever they do. Whatever they say.

This, too. 100%
Love babies but when they start screaming and crying arghh Gwad it's like kill me now lol and people chewing gum loudlyyyy my friend does it all the time
yeah crying babies are the worst esp. when they parents are just playing on their phones.

also people with their noses full of snot that dont wipe it clean

people who chew with their mouth open.

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and i agree about chalk and when people cut too deep with their knives so it hits the plate ugh.
This is a bit odd I suppose, but my least favorite sound is the sound of shoes on wooden stairs, especially with heavy steps. My house has wooden stairs and my room is on the second floor. Whenever my dad goes upstairs it's always to yell at me, and he always wears his shoes or at least stomps every step. Don't get me wrong my dad is great, but he doesn't give a crap about what I have going on in my life. My room is my me-zone castle and when he comes up to give me a piece of his mind and refuse to listen to anything I say, I get extremely angry/depressed for the rest of the day and it completely throws me off schedule. So whenever I hear that noise I get antsy for emotional breakdowns. It's to the point where I refuse to walk up the stairs with my shoes on. So yeah. :[
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High pitched/screechy sounds
Like when you accidentally screech
your bow against strings D :
Ok, well I hate quite a lot of sounds, but one of the worst is when people are chewing food with their mouth open or loudly chewing gum, even if their mouth is shut I can still usually hear it and its so annoying, probably more but I'm sorta tired and don't feel like thinking of all of them xP
The sound of nails on a chalkboard and the sounds someone makes when they vomit.
Nails on chalkboard, the sound of someone playing strong base music in their apartment when I'm trying to sleep >.> it drives me nuts. When the previous upstairs neighbor's kid went over this one squeaky part of the floor, and kept jumping up and down on it for like 20-30 minutes non stop. squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak!
Omg that drove me crazy >.< specially when I was trying to sleep and they couldn't put the little girl to bed.
Small children crying, and any unexplained noise made in the middle of the night because I'm hyper paranoid trash.

Telephones ringing without getting answered

AND THIS. so much. >:[

also the sound of people coughing/sniffling, some days it will actually make my stomach turn.
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I hate the sound of someone rubbing on a wet balloon.

I also hate things like claws on chalkboards or even plates.