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What Sold Animal Crossing For You?


Bunnie's Shmoopy
Sep 25, 2015
Rosewater Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
The Bell Tree Fair 2022 Patch
Spring Shamrock
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Matryoshka Doll
Festive Bell
Green Christmas Stocking
Pear (Fruit)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
What was the thing that made you think "I need this" when it comes to Animal Crossing?
This is an in general question not just for New Horizons.

For me it was sitting watching a channel called Boomerang (Shout out to all my UK brethren) and an advert came on for Wild World. The one thing that sold it for me was walking on the beach and collecting shells to sell as well as fishing. It was the first game I fell in love with fishing but they really sold the fact picking up shells off the beach and selling it was this most amazing, peaceful thing. That's what I did and still do. To this day however I really don't know what I did in the game lol but I cherish it none the less. If anyone can find the advert I'm on about, please link in PM because I miss it and I can't find it, from what I remember anyway.

New Leaf, one of my long time friends told me to get it and told me how amazing it was. We would watch videos on it from Youtube and I got hooked fast. So, I bought it and I fell in love with New leaf (kind of like an obsession not gonna lie) which is how I came here to meet you lovely people but also the fact, I fell inlove with Wild World all over again, it made me understand that game a lot more than I ever had.

Pocket Camp I just wanted to try out and honestly... At first my phone went through a rough patch when it first came out, it would crash and not let me play it and I think its basically gone back to that thanks to the new update. For the time I played it, it was fun. It was nice doing chores for my friends that didn't really mess or spoil anything to do with them i.e clothes (unless wanted to) or houses. It was nice seeing the friendship grow and them talk with others and interact with things or people around them. It felt different but I can't say I miss it enough to go back, just wish some of that was integrated into NH.

New Horizons, a bunch of friends told me about it including my, now, ex. At first, I didn't want it. The Switch was too expensive, the game was too expensive but the same friend (he's more like family tbh) who introduced me to New Leaf would talk about his adventures in his island and it seemd like fun. The advert teased me and after my ex became, an ex, I also started to believe life is too short and should be lived so splashed out for Christmas and I was able to get a second hand bundle from Ebay as well as..some accessories I splashed out on and that was it, hook, line, and sinker. I basically soft reset until I got something I liked. When Frita popped up as my my starter Uchi as well as pears (same friend likes pears and he has apples and my NL town had apples and idk just seemed perfect lol) I had to have this island. Frita is one of my faves and was also in my New Leaf town, I fell in love with her there but she left on my birthday one year and it took another whole year to get her back. I remember posting about it on here and honestly, anyone who knows me will know the Frita drama lol. Do you remember the 16 villager cycle guys? Thank gosh we don't have to do that anymore, What a pain let me tell you! Anyway, Just seemed like fate and perfection in my eyes. In many ways I sometimes think to myself that New Horizons is better than New Leaf but sometimes I wish they kept New Leaf in mind whilst making it.
When I was little, The character designs were very appealing to me and the price point was perfect for wild world. I was maybe around 10-11 years old, and I got it at GameStop. I sold some of my old games for credit and bought myself what I could afford. The wild world copy was maybe around $5 or so , which was a nice budget for someone that didn’t have income back then. The characters on the cover were cute, so that sold me. Plus it was listed as a simulation game, which is probably the genre I like the most.

A couple of years later, I didn’t really buy the 3ds until new leaf was out for a while. By this time I was finishing up high school, Just starting a job and I couldn’t imagine myself buying a console for just one game.
My brother had the 3Ds for a while. I played animal crossing once just to test it and fell in love again. I bought the 3Ds and played it up until a year before new horizons.
When they announced new horizons, I knew I wanted it. I saved up for the console, game, and subscription a whole year in advanced. Taking out a couple of few dollars in each paycheck and setting aside. Got in on the release day and it didn’t even feel like I wasted so much money.

I also tried pocket camp....but that didn’t have the same feeling and probably only played it for 3-4 weeks. I felt like it wasn’t much of a story there like the other games. Also tried happy home designer but same thing happened. I didn’t quite like it.
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Honestly, I came across the game when it first came out on the GameCube by random chance, and the whole game just stuck with me as one of my Top 3 game series.

The series has definitely helped me get over some awful moments in my life, so it holds a special place with me.
My dad took me to Toys R Us to pick out a few games for the Gamecube I was getting for Christmas. I knew I wanted Pokemon Coliseum, but no clue what else to get so I started browsing. Saw the cover art of Population Growing, a huge house with cute animals all over the place, I was sold then and there.

Little me was slightly disappointed that the villagers didn't live in the same house as I did. 😂
I didn't get into Animal Crossing until after I had finished college. So, I am one of the people who don't have warm, fuzzy childhood memories about any of the games. Instead, I remember seeing something in a Nintendo Direct before New Leaf came out and thought it looked interesting and then completely forgot about it.

Fast forward a few months later and I saw the adorable artwork on the box at Gamestop. I went "huh, that looks cute, I'll think about it" and I put it back on the shelf ready to buy it on my next paycheck. I got home that day to the news that we had to put our dog down and that he had actually waited until I got home. He perked up for me and everything according to my mom and dad. My fiance at the time basically took me over to his house and got me my favorite meal and Animal Crossing to help distract me. I've loved the game ever since.
First time I saw the game cube version, I thought "wow!! What a stupid game".
Then I got to play it for a few minutes at my son's dentist office. I thought "wow!! It really is a stupid game".

About a year later, my son started playing it, and pretty much made me start a character. It didn't take long for me to love it. I will continue to buy, play and love every animal crossing that's ever created. I play a lot of different games, but ac will always be my favorite.
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Oh my goodness. I read everyone's posts. Such wonderful stories. 😃
It seemed like a refreshing departure from action packed games with boss fights, and platformers and racing games. I have always enjoyed more relaxing type games that are self directed. I liked the idea of being able to trade/play online if I choose to, but having it not be integral to the enjoyment of the game.
My last answer to this was when Blockbuster still existed and kid-me was like "This game looks cute and fun". Then I realized the true fear of shaking trees and got attacked by wasps.

But then, I liked the concept of talking to little animal villagers and designing clothes for them to wear. It was easy and relaxing. It took me till ACNL to start meeting others online through this community and streetpass.
5 years ago my best friend showed me her playing Animal Crossing New Leaf when she first got the game. She was telling me all these great things you could do in the game. At first I did not think much of the game and it did not really appeal to me. Almost a year later during summer break I had this big urge to decorate. This urge came up all of a sudden and I remember my friend playing acnl--I thought I would give this series a try. 4 years later after 6 new leaf files (lol) and 2 acnh islands I am here.:) Honestly one of the best games to come into my life thanks to my best friend introducing it to me.
I first bought NL because I saw gifs and videos of it on Tumblr. It looked really fun and I wanted to decorate my town and my house, and customize my character!
Gosh, was that nearly 20 years ago now? I watched my cousin play it. I had to wait several years after that to get a gamecube and be able to play it myself.

I remember that the idea of planting fruit trees and getting to watch them grow was really appealing to me. I don't really understand why anymore, haha, but I guess my perspective was different as a kid. I can count on one hand how many games I played before Animal Crossing.

I obsessed over Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing for years before I got to play them. I remember daydreaming about them in elementary school.
Back in 2005 I was an active member on two separate forums, one for The Sims 2 and the other for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, and the upcoming release of Animal Crossing: Wild World had both communities excited. I imported the game from the US in December 2005 because I couldn't wait for it to come out in Europe. 😂
i never actually bought the games myself
my sister got wild world, city folk and new leaf when they were all released and i just kinda played them too
i really enjoyed them so after i got my own 2ds, i bought my own copy of new leaf

tbh i didn't really care about new horizons when i first heard about it (it was the same direct botw2 was announced, so i was distracted lol)
i decided to get acnh back in february when i saw that 30 minute video showing the game features, that was literally the point i started to think it looked interesting
ACNH is my first animal crossing game. The first time I saw ACNH is from my fav youtuber DanTDM. Ever since the first ACNH video he posted, I NEED IT. The cute characters, the activities, all that stuff. And my family already have a Switch so i have to convince my dad to buy me as a present. Is kinda hard to convince him since it's 60 dollars. It's expensive! It's more than 1 million of rupiah. So i started to saving money but since it's in the middle of lockdown, it's hard to make money. I kinda have up until a few weeks. Well, my dad surprised me with the game! I went to have my money that i saved but he declined it (i think, i kinda forgot.)
I think the first version of AC I ever played was let's go to the city? I used to go to my uncle's house every christmas and while the adults were talking I'd go play on her wii and play it. and then eventually I got it myself, probably because I totally looked up to her and wanted to I guess share this game with her if that makes sense? so yeah. and then over time I went back and played wild world, then when NL came out I bought that and now here we are with NH!
I thought that my parents bought it second hand randomly and that I hadn't heard of it before... But now I think about it I might have seen it advertised in a magazine and then bought it from Gamestation... I can't actually remember :s

I used to love Boomerang, it was the only cartoon channel we had when I was growing up!
Animals! ❤

What other game has hundreds of animals that can become your neighbours and friends?

I wanted to meet all of them, so I picked up the game. My first was Wild World. I played New Leaf as well. And now New Horizons. And still, the talking animals are my favourite thing. I play the game to interact with them. It makes me happy. Everything else--the decorating, collecting, customizing--is secondary. If you replaced all the animals with people and it became Friend Crossing or something, I'll stop playing. Well, I already have Tomodachi Life. 😆
Back in 2005 I was an active member on two separate forums, one for The Sims 2 and the other for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, and the upcoming release of Animal Crossing: Wild World had both communities excited. I imported the game from the US in December 2005 because I couldn't wait for it to come out in Europe. 😂
Just saying, little me was obsessed with Wild World and Sims 2. That was my world for many years and I guess it still is 💜
The only AC game i ever played was ACNL and I got it while I was in college just as many pp have said I played it once the game was already out for a while and I even think i did not have or only enjoyed a very few updates where they give you free items through the mail if i remember correctly. I used to study and work so once i had saved a bunch of cash i saw a 3DS discounted and got one for me, once i started playing it was like o_O and i was very happy for many years. But then i also reached a point where i quit ACNL because there was nothing more for me to do sadly, correction, i used to go to the game every now and then to work for Brewster and get a coffee to walk around my town talking to my villagers hahah 😅 .

I saw ACNH by accident and was super excited for it, however, at that time I was already doing my masters and extremely busy so quickly made myself forget about it but then COVID happened and I found my self with sooooo soooo sooooo soooooooo much free time on my hands that in the first month of quarantine i got a switch light and the game and i was so amazed at everything like the aesthetics, new mechanics and it was just a beautiful experience hahah brought back many memories