What pranks did you pull this April Fool's Day?


ᑕᗩT ᒪOᐯEᖇ
May 25, 2016
Tasty Cake
Yellow Candy
I put green food coloring on my dad's sandwich to make it look like it was moldy, put mento ice cubes in my friend's soda, made hard boiled eggs and put them in the egg carton, aaannndddd
got kicked out of Wal-mart. (I was only trying to have some fun while getting my stuff...)
I'm an idiot I know.
What did you do?
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I turned everyone's collectibles to fleas and demoted the site owner.
i made 20 cupcakes and put tin foil over them and put them in the freezer and left them in there for anyone. my brother took one, but knowing him he'd be back for another one, so i took a different plate and put tin foil over it and set it in the fridge and hid the plate with the cupcakes. when my brother came back up he slammed my door open and asked where the cupcakes were it was so funny :D that was about it though besides telling a bunch of misinformation :D im not the most clever but it was funny
nothing because i rly dislike april fools. no one tried to prank me personally either so it was a Good day
sadly my whole day was very busy and super serious :/
None. But I had a fun day and ate Chinese food so I mean that's better than pranks.
And I got a poisonous rock so I mean, pranks and or murders to come. ;]
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i just witnessed a lot of my friends pretending to have arguments on a site so people would go "ooh drama" but its like "haha we werent really fighting"
can't wait for the "who needs april fools my life is already a joke" comment
I'm kinda jealous of all the April Fool's videos on the internet since it isn't really a thing in my country, and I'd just love to play a couple of pranks on my friends...