what kind of dog(s) do you like?


buggy on semi-hiatus
Oct 30, 2011
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Snow Bunny
Heart Glow Wand
do you prefer long or short fur/hair, or curly hair perhaps? the barking type or the quiet type? pointed or floppy ears? patterns or solid colored? big chonkers or wee tots (aka big or small)? a softie or a guard dog?

I personally love big dogs with longer fur, that don't bark (or bark minimally), who are really friendly with people and gentle, and not aggressive at all. I don't need them to guard me, rathe to calm my stress/anxiety. my dog is a Golden Retriever and he's basically the best dog my family has ever had imo. he only barks like once every few days, he's been easy to train and listens well, he loves everybody, and I love his floppy ears and golden locks. my only problem is that he sheds constantly but I kinda expected that with a longer haired dog lol. If I get another dog I would love a Newfoundland or a Bernese Mountain Dog!
I love all dogs! However, Shar-peis hold a special place in my heart. I grew up with two of them, and althou they have aggressive tendencies due to their past as being a guard and fighting dog, the one I had as a young child was prob the best behaved dog ever. Never barked, never snapped at me as a baby when I would pull her ears or do other things to annoy her, could be trusted to not be stupid, best dog ever.

If I had to get a dog for myself, I would want one like a PitBull, Rottweiler, Doberman or German Shepard, somethin that can act as a guard dog for my house and myself, an intimidating dog that someone would look at and think twice before messing with. I would prob go with the first three, since working at a dog groomers, I see first hand just how much a Shepard can shed. Also in terms of other care, they don't need special stuff, like how a Shar-pei would need surgery if its eyelids were to saggy and wrinkly. Yes the ones I mentioned are bigger dogs with their own health issues, like hip dysplasia and that thing where their stomach can get turned upside and block their intestine, but that can be avoided, atleast for a certain amount of time.

I would also love to have another dog, anythin with minimal care in regards to fur, or somethin I can do at home myself. The breed of the other dog doesn't matter, just as long as they are nice to my dog and myself.
I like the kind of dogs that don't bark so damn much (and preferably with black & white fur that doesn't shed a whole lot).

- No Poodles though
I'm more of a cat person but I like most dogs, I think. Golden Retrievers and Huskies are iconic. Dalmatians almost seem like the dog version of a unicorn to me for some reason. Pit bulls are aesthetically cute but I wouldn't really ever want to own one or be around one. Pugs and bull terriers are ADORABLE but their health problems are so, so sad. My brother and his fiancee recently got a Maltipoo and it is also adorable!
I guess if I had to pick just one dog that I were to adopt, I think I'd go with golden retriever as they seem like the most gentle dog there is.

also, i agree with above user, no poodles
I love dogs! My favorite breed is the golden retriever. I own a chocolate lab named Keagan. He thinks he’s a human, though! It’s actually adorable. I used to have a beagle named Cupcake when I was younger. She died at age seven due to an untreated tumor on her tail. My mom couldn’t / didn’t want to get her to the vet. She was my first dog. I don’t have any pictures of her unfortunately. I was very young and still in elementary school. I’m not much of a cat person at all, but that’s probably obvious.
I love all dogs but there are certain features that I'm drawn to more than others. I love smushy faces, wrinkles, and curly tails the most. Ears up or ears down doesn't matter, but one ear up and one ear down will always be the cutest in my opinion. My favorite fur patterns are brindle or merle. My favorite solid fur color is black.

I prefer lower energy dogs that don't mind lounging around the house all day because I'm not a very energetic person myself. I don't mind taking a few walks and playing with them a bit every day, but I could never keep up with something like a border collie.

I can tolerate barking to an extent, but I prefer quieter dogs. What I really love is when dogs can vocalize and 'talk' to me without the loud barking. My pug used to do this often.

I prefer owning smaller dogs for their portability. I like feeling confident that if I need to, I can carry my dog, especially after having a dog who had a stroke but still lived for 3 years after. He was healthy enough but couldn't walk very well so I had to carry him up and down stairs.

I don't like to do a lot of grooming beyond the basics and prefer not to have to pay for regular haircuts, so I like owning a dog that has short to medium length hair that doesn't require clipping. I don't care if they shed. Most of my dogs have shed a lot!

Out of all the dogs I've owned, my pug was definitely the most suited for me and my lifestyle. I miss him so much, but I didn't want to get another pug right after he passed because I was afraid of holding the new dog to unreasonable expectations. French bulldogs are another breed that's high on my list, but I've never owned one yet. Hopefully someday.
I like most dogs, but when it comes to personal preference/dogs I would personally own, I like small-medium, low-energy dogs with gentle temperaments (and preferably few health problems). Basically, friendly softie breeds that get along well with other animals. c: As far as specific breeds go, I'd say the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sounds like a real winner.
My old dog was a funny-looking little mutt—she was a mix of a Labrador retriever and a rough collie/Dachshund. She was very protective of me and children, and absolutely adored cats (even if her feelings weren't always requited; though she did make a couple feline friends outside the home). Loved her to bits, but I don't think I'd need a future dog to be quite as much of a guard dog as she was.
i like little dogys the most. any kind. the family pet for the last ~13 yrs has been a weird ugly little shih tzu and i love her very much, she is going deaf and is very nosy and yappy. i like dogs with a bit of fur but that also works against me because i hate dog hair getting on everything all the time
I can't help but smile at golden retrievers and labs. When trained, they are the nicest furry friends who will treat you right. My neighbor had a golden retriever named Muffin and when I would play in the yard, Muffin would come over and give me a good lick and let me pet her. A friend's lab was a chill fetch partner and let me play with her even though I was a stranger. I still think about those two dogs.

Another breed I like is the korean jindo, mostly because my grandparents have a jindo and their dogs have always been nice to me. It was really satisfying getting friendly with my grandparents' current doggo. She begs for rubs and scritches now when we visit, and I'm always happy to oblige. She'll put her paw on my leg if I stop the scritch session... what a cutie!!
I'm more of a cat person, I have only had one dog in my life but I love Chihuahuas and Beagles, I think they're so sweet and cute. I really want to get a chihuahua someday, my sister had one for a very long time and she was awesome, I was really sad when she passed away. I used to have a Dalmatian and he was very sweet as well. We found him on the streets, he was a stray that was running around a highway. Weiner dogs are adorable as well

I recently saw pictures of my friends Australian Shepherd dog and he is gorgeous.

My sister currently has a yellow lab named Zeus, he's the biggest sweetest goofball ever. Labs in general are great friendly dogs. She had a chocolate lab a long time ago too and he was also very sweet and goofy.
i’ve had cats as pets my whole life, so i’m not sure which dog traits i prefer and which ones i don’t, but i honestly love all dogs. my favourite dog breeds are black labs, pugs, border collies and samoyeds, so i’d say that i prefer bigger dogs that are softies, at least, but i don’t dislike smaller or guard dogs at all. :’)
Wrinkly and/or giant.
Sharpei, English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Mastiff, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Giant Schnauzer, Cane Corso....

I prefer short hair but some exceptions for longer hair as listed above. I tend to like low maintenance when it comes to coats but I'll make a grooming exception for the Wolfhound and Schnauzer lol. I like more quiet dogs and if they do bark for it to be a deeper bark...not something annoyingly high pitch. I don't really want a guard dog but the breeds I like the most do tend to naturally lean towards that and require a lot of training/socializing. I like lower energy dogs, so while I find huskies/shepards beautiful, I know my limitations.

My current dog is a shar-pei. I had a mastiff before her. I'd love to have another mastiff and a shar-pei at all times...one giant wrinkle and one smallish wrinkle lol. But I'm not ready for another dog atm and the time training takes since I'll have a newborn here soon. :)
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Even though I’ll forever be a cat lover I do love dogs as well especially classic breeds such as Labradors, Retrievers, Alsatian’s and Huskies. I’m not a fan of trendy dog breeds such as the French Bulldog, Pug, Cockapoo or Labradoodle as they seem to be everywhere these days. Plus I just hate the fact that some breeds are so overbred that it always seems to lead to health issues that are then be passed down through the generations within the breed. However If I could have a dog of any choice and I had the time, money and space to give it the best life possible I’d love to have a husky.
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Oh goodness, what dogs do I not like? I sometimes visit dog parks to watch all the dogs interact and hope that one will come over for a quick pet/sniff or look to play fetch.

I like all sizes and types of dogs (though I prefer medium to large-size) and not something of the toy or miniature variety. Harder to come by, but a breed that doesn't shed is a plus. I used to have a Shih-Tzu and she was the sweetest thing. She had a lot of pep to go on decent walks and had a gentle nature which I loved. 🥰

While they shed and include more maintenance, some of my other favorite breeds are corgis, Australian shepherds, Bernese mountain dogs, Newfoundlanders, and Samoyeds. I love fluffy dogs that have a lot of love and comfort to give.
i like dogs that dont jump on me or scratch me or bark/whine frequently or stare at me. i also appreciate dogs that are frequently bathed. dogs that are well cared for and trained and not bred to have difficulties in life (like walking or breathing) are my favorite.

even when dogs do stink and jump on me its hard for me to not pet them because i cant help it, animals are cute
I love Dogs more than cats I find them loyal affectionate and great companions , my favourite breeds are Border Collies , Miniature Dachshunds and Maltese x Toy Poodles :love:
I tend to like smaller dogs. Probably because they are just easier for me to handle and I don't have to worry about them knocking me over.
Plus, many small dogs are actually more like cat dogs lol.
I have 3 chihuahua mixes and they are quiet except for one. One is a Pomchi so she is going to be vocal, but I have to admit, she is quieter than the poms one of my friends had. The other two are a Chiweenie and a Chirussel, which I guess they are called Jackchis. They are all around 9 and 10 years old. They are getting up there. I think their life span is about 15. But they are all 3 are really lively.
I don't care for long hair. I mean dogs with long hair are beautiful. I have one after all, but man, that hair goes everywhere and there is just so much of it year round.
Our future plan if we want another dog after these go, because sadly pets pass on at some point in your life, we are going to go for a Jack Russel or another Jackchi.
I tend to like smaller dogs. Probably because they are just easier for me to handle and I don't have to worry about them knocking me over.
Plus, many small dogs are actually more like cat dogs lol.
I have 3 chihuahua mixes and they are quiet except for one. One is a Pomchi so she is going to be vocal, but I have to admit, she is quieter than the poms one of my friends had. The other two are a Chiweenie and a Chirussel, which I guess they are called Jackchis. They are all around 9 and 10 years old. They are getting up there. I think their life span is about 15. But they are all 3 are really lively.
I don't care for long hair. I mean dogs with long hair are beautiful. I have one after all, but man, that hair goes everywhere and there is just so much of it year round.
Our future plan if we want another dog after these go, because sadly pets pass on at some point in your life, we are going to go for a Jack Russel or another Jackchi.
Awwww they sound adorable, I found I’ve had a closer bond with dogs than cats I do love cats I find they have a lovely calming temperament, I used to have a Welsh Border Collie but sadly passed away 4yrs ago , I’m an owner of a Black and Tan Dachshund named “ Ellie “ and a Maltese x Toy Poodle named “ Marlow “ , aww I love Jack Russells their great companions and they love the outdoors :)
Huskies because they have pretty tails and pretty colors. I hate the dogs we own now xD Plz a husky next time.