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What Is Your Pet Peeve?


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)
My biggest pet peeve is when people tell me how to do things and when to do it like I'm a freaking 10 year old. I also can't stand it when people try to triumph their opinions over mine, get cocky about it, and disrespect me.
People who don't know how to freaking flush the toilet. Like do we REALLY need to put a sign that shows you how to flush???
People who think they're right when they actually aren't. Then they act all annoyed when they realise they're wrong. People who leave stuff around and don't bother to pick it up. People who do something and claim they didn't. Clingy people. A,ot of other things, that's just off the top of my head.
- My older neighbor who runs his loud lawn equipment all day.
- People having no respect for another's opinion.
- People who text while they drive.
- Loud babies, kids, and adults in theaters.
- Guys who manspread their legs.
- People who call themselves the best at something with bragging.
people who burp and fart in public, like HELLO? if you want to pollute the air at least do it silently! it ain't yours >:C

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- Guys who manspread their legs.

this made me laugh
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Loud noises, like the sound of a saw hitting metal or even a vacuum will annoy me. It's, kind of bad. :p
people who burp and fart in public, like HELLO? if you want to pollute the air at least do it silently! it ain't yours >:C

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this made me laugh

I think burping is funny. Where I come from when a man belches it's considered attractive by the females. I kid you not.
I think burping is funny. Where I come from when a man belches it's considered attractive by the females. I kid you not.

thank goodness I don't live there otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to either be strait or gay :p
People touching me when I have not given them permission, people talking over me, people not listening to what I say, people stereotyping others, people looking down on you if you appear or act younger, people not cleaning up after themselves, people staring at you with no expression while you talk, people who don't care if they smell like they haven't bathed in weeks and insist on trying on clothes in the fitting room- stinking both the clothes they try on and the fitting room up with their stench, people lying and being caught in a lie but aren't willing to admit to it, people in G-E-N-E-R-A-L. 8)

Otherwise, I also hate turtlenecks, scratchy materials, the feeling of lotion on my hands, yelling, when cheese doesn't melt properly, when food touches one another on the plate, and the fact that Hidden Valley Ranch dressing is considered ranch dressing, no, it is not, it's the satan of dressings, you have all been fooled.
People who meander in the streets either driving or walking, who take up all the lanes or sidewalk because they can't decide where they're going. Indecisive people in general. People who wander around drunk, because not only does it cause them to wander aimlessly taking all the lanes, but they're usually being a jerk about it, too.
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When people try to quote funny lines from movies or shows or whatever and get even one word of it wrong

When people smack their lips when chewing
1) People who chew with their mouth open, when they are perfectly capable of chewing with their mouth closed.
2) Bikers (bicycle) who insist on playing the role of a vehicle when it's convenient for them, then playing pedestrian when it's convenient. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing the road with a biker - as long as they are a vehicle, and stop at the stop signs and signal!!
1. Ppl who mess up your and you're
2. When someone touches an object and makes it sweaty
3. People who talk nonstop
4. When someone doesn't let you buy some clothing because they "don't like it." you're not gonna wear it... i am

Will add more late
When people can't read the sign on a door that says "Please use the other door" and STILL tries to open that door wondering why it won't open....
There's been like, 3 to 4 threads about Pet Peeves in the Brewster's Cafe within the past 6 months. Can a mod PLEASE sticky this one??? I'm getting tired of seeing them die after a couple months and then new ones taking their place. It's starting to become repetitive. :/ For the love of god, please NO MORE Pet Peeve threads people. The only reason I didn't bump any of the others is because they're over a month old and it would be necro posting. Geez, Pet Peeve threads are starting to become one of my Pet Peeves. How ironic is that?

My pet peeve is bugs btw. They're gross.
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