What instantly ruins your mood?

hearing my alarm clock ringtone being played somewhere in public as someone elseś ringtone
itś like vietnamś flashbacks
hearing my alarm clock ringtone being played somewhere in public as someone elseś ringtone
itś like vietnamś flashbacks
People who don't have the courtesy to keep every little thought in their head.

Lack of forgiveness or rudeness to people who suffer from autism who may not be aware of all their actions.

Blue cheese dressing.
Politics, political threads, political posts on tumblr, most people in politics, the news, news about politics, people talking about politics, arguments about politics, politics, politics, POLITICS.
Politics, political threads, political posts on tumblr, most people in politics, the news, news about politics, people talking about politics, arguments about politics, politics, politics, POLITICS.

It's not really politics that bothers me. It's the bias, ignorance, and prejudice that usually goes along with it.
Spiders. I haven't slept in my own bed for two years because there was a huge black spider living in my duvet.
thinking about anything related to my job makes me feel depressed