What Hilarious Things Have Happened To You?


Nov 14, 2016
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Black Famous Mushroom
Winter Mittens
Eairlier today, Angus The Cow sends me a barbecue !

Has a thing like this happened to you? Maybe it was a thing a villager said, a funny letter, or maybe a series of events!
I had a villager give me a gift that "reminded them of me".

It was a toilet.
I had Pekoe once tell me that I could use a potty. You know the whole, "this may sound presumptuous, but I think you could use a potty." Thanks, Pekoe.

Also, getting "men's bottoms" as my lucky item for the day. Great!
Rasher in my husbands town gave me a shirt, he told me if i didnt like it i could just wear it as pajamas lol i dont know why that made me laugh so much when it happened but i thought it was just adorable

Well just now so,etching pretty funny happened! I got my NFC reader in the mail today and scanned in my Digby amiibo, while I was talking to him he said something about Isabelle having a terrible sense of direction, but what I found hilarious is that he said she gets lost walking around town hall sometimes XD like just imagine that, it's such a small space XDD
I find it funny when, after completing a public works project, there's a new post on the Town Board that says:
"Thanks to everyone's generosity, the town has finally completed the new _____________!"

It's kinda stupid, considering that YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE that actually pays for anything. And yet "everyone" is credited. Sigh.
beardo sent me a wrestling mask once and told me it would be good sneaking around town in lol
and daisy made me take a quiz on what would make me happy and i ended up getting a pocketknife???? lol now im scared of daisy
the in game mom or whatever sent me a letter with a present and she said it reminded her of me

the present was a trash can
Genji showed up at my place, so I kept talking to him to get that present they'll give when they just show up..
He said he used this item to get his rad abs or something.. It was candy.
Candy gives abs ;)
Any villager that comes within ten feet of Mira ends up dancing ! It's getting out of hand now, she is by far the happiest villager I've ever seen��