What greetings or catch phrases have you taught your villagers?

Mine are are vaguely old-fashioned/British. Cheerio, how quaint, gadzooks, odds bodikins, stuff like that. What's wierd is how villagers will pick up catchphrases from each other. I changed Pate's phrase to, "How quaint," and then next time I talked to Cobb he says, "Quackle," her old phrase. It's funny, but I'd rather him say anything else!
My stuff is pretty bland compared to everyone else's, probably because I get annoyed after a day of seeing such a weird catchphrase. XD I just do "Hi," "Hey," "Hi there," "What's up," and the occasional "Yo." :) I just don't like doing anything too wacky, though, because I get really annoyed by it...That's just me. XD
Biskit's greeting is Buenos Diaz! and his catchphrase is papas (spanish for french fries)
Kid Cat's greeting is yolo bro and his catch phrase is meow bro
Wolfgang's catchphrase is swag lol
Everyone else has cutesy catchphrases..

Pudge: Mry me Paige (Which is my sisters character's name xD)
Del: Before he left it was I love alexa! which is my name
Bunnie: Hola poop?
Opal: Mehandischez
Gala: Before she left it was Hey BFF al!


Mint: Oh Static
Static: Oh Mint
Pudge: Pudgy
Gala: Totes
Bunnie: Eh?
Kidd: Lol
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The only one I can remember atm is Rocco's catchphrase, which is sista'

Makes him sound all sassy. ;o
I have a friend who gives his dirty phrases, but I don't like it. There's enough of that in the world, and I like to keep AC wholesome and innocent. I also do the British phrases like "pip pip, old chap" and the like. I did give my jock eagle the greeting, "Jump back, fool." I forgot about it and busted a gut when he used it. I also have Jitters saying, "Bros know, bro," which comes from a commercial.

I always miss the villager conversations that end in both going off singing with joy, but I think they must be about catchphrases, because every time it happens, the one has picked up the other's catchphrase. Several of my guys say "airmail," but Skye has moved on to "wolfie."
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I usually can't come up with any good ones but if I'd mention one of my villagers it's Canberra who's been taught to say "G'day mate!" and "Crikey!"
I made Monique say meow-meow for her catchphrase.
It's not very original but I couldn't think of anything else.
Colton's catchphrase is 'Old Boy' as if he was posh. I love the smug characters because it makes sense XD It was previously 'I say' but he asked to change it.
For catchphrase, the only original change I made is Tank's into "ladybro". I usually change their usual catchphrase back(curse Marshal and his sulky) and into other people's catchphrase(Flo's to Diana's no doy), though I'm considering changing Jacques's into "merci".
Never changed my greetings ever.
My villagers hurl random insults and are recreational substance abusers... I'm horrible when it comes to greetings and catchphrases. :(
Egbert was saying "bu-kawk?" for a good while. Then he passed it onto Wolfgang and things got a bit surreal.
Marcel says "oignon".
Rudy's gone through various permutations of "Yolo" "Squatz" "Oatz" "DYEL?" etc.
Occasionally I let my friend pick catchphrases. Talked to Merry today and she says "What's up, tunaburger?"