What food are you craving?

shrimp chips, theres an asian market near me that sells them and i can tell theyre made of pure chemicals but its so good
I want gyudon. GOOD gyudon, with the meat so tender it melts in your mouth and the onions all sweet and slick and soft. And I want GOOD shio ramen, full of shrimp and with just a LITTLE bit of cheese.
honey walnut shrimp, p much 24/7

I learned how to make a pretty good recipe for it, and now me and my boyfriend can't stop making it, we have it like at least once a month!

I am really really craving sushi right meow, I hope I can convince my boyfriend to take me there soon. =[
right now I'm craving cake so much. something with chocolate and vanilla!
Ice cream. I am always wanting ice cream. I don't even care what flavor tbh

Even.... pistachio

I also, really like sorbet mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyone else go crazy for these cold treats?