what do your villagers rumor about you?

They sometimes say a rumor about me being a "bell-pincher" but recently it's been "flower fan" :)
They always call me a shopaholic or flower fan :'D
I think it's quite funny and adorable how villagers can rumor about you, Diana told me when Phineas was in town that if he had a "shopaholic" badge that he should give it to me. >v> it's su funny.
I usually get bell pincher and social butterfly in my main town. In my other town solely used for time traveling and doing trades, I most often see the rumors to be time traveller, shopaholic and pro traveler. :D
With all the trading I've been doing lately, my villagers have been calling me a world traveler, which isn't one that I had before.
Recently they've been calling me a bell pincher because I've been busy time traveling to get all my villagers and refusing to buy any of their stuff (I was only talking to them to see if anyone was moving). Now that I've finished getting all my cats, I've been buying their items again - I just want the nice rumors like flower fan back. :(